Kiwifarms thread is a good chuckle, but the overall sentiment is that Nick is a messed up boy, probably all that psychoactive medication in teenage years. That seems to be a general sentiment of people on kiwifarms, not being hostile, but rather calling out the false assumption that trans women can be women.
Having read the Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, it is obvious that women become women through lengthy socialization which starts from the moment they are born. Either as little girls, or in case of total androgen insenstivity syndrome, technically having XY chromosomes but not responding to any androgens like testosterone and such.
When several youtubers like Philosophy Tube and Contrapoints made videos defending transgender thesis that trans women can be women, anyone knowing a least bit about marxism would see the weakness in their arguments. They resort to idealistic philosophy to make a case for this, and it is not that obvious. With contrapoints, there is a lengthy way to describe that internal state of mind, the conviction, the inner truth is the defining point here. Or that merely presenting is sufficient. Women face discrimination due to capitalism policing them into the role of reproduction of labour force and this policing is done in order to maximize profit/minimize expenses. Austerity measures like cutting child benefits, maternity leave being cut and so on are an example.
PhilosophyTube video's central thesis is that acceptance of trans people is a matter of policing the thought (1984, 2+2=5). And the supporting argument is denying their metaphysical existence. Why again use idealist philosophy. Nobody is denying that transpeople are people, it is just being suspicious how something can be formed without going through the process of formation.
Also it should be worth mentioning that twitter does not see discrimination or hate speech on basis of the sex as hate speech or discrimination, but it is happy to include all categories except sex. And who has the resources to go through surgeries and hormonal treatments, only a certain stratum of society who is wealthy enough to afford it. And the funding behind all this, this sounds rather suspicious and when the large capital touches something, it is better to not even touch it with 40-foot pole. Sounds more like a rollback on women's rights, erasure of females and such things that those acquainted on gender critical feminism are more able to elaborate.
And as a personal opinion, he was okay as a guy dressing in women's dresses, the hormones and trying to pass just weirds me out. Such a pity because he is a good looking guy.
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