
Thread for discussions of Kyle Kulinski/Secular Talk. He's made recent calls for direct to ballot initiatives and has had an overall endorsement of a constitutional direct democracy. He also really likes Noam Chomsky. He's like Jimmy Dore in that even if you aren't a SocDem watching him is a good use of your time because independent progressives are the only real abundant alternative to
porky media.


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Jimmy>>>Kyle>>>>>>>>Pakman tbh

I think the name secular talk always made me feel like he was going to be a cringelord that came out of the 2000s internet athiest movement, so I've never really watched him. His videos also get recommended along with TYT stuff, which didn't make me feel much better about him.

Kyle isn't far enough left for me, but he's an alright sort for a succdem.

Jimmy is a useful idiot. Thanks.

i feel like we had a thread for that sort of stuff
can't stand that guy, he looks like my uncle and is way too pretentious to be tolerable
Jimmy is all we need on this board

same network, they share money or something
sage for doublepost, sorry

I know exactly how to turn him commie but never felt it was worth it since he's very useful as a stepping stone to leftism. I should know, he was a major stepping stone to leftism for myself.

Attached: jimmy dore revolution.mp4 (1280x720, 2.89M)

he did but his focus kind of shifted

Jimmy Dore is at least a useful idiot, Kulinski strikes me as just an idiot.
Barely even left wing by non American standards.

Actual Comrade Tier
Commisar Dore
Papa Wolff

Not Comrade But Useful Tier
Kyle "Lesbian Softball Coach" Cucklinski
Rational "Failed Modeling Career" National

"Unbearable Faggots" Tier
David Pakman
Everyone at TYT but Jimmy

Dem Shill Courting Lefties Tier
Sham Seder

National initiative is one of the biggest demands the American left should be making at this point. I don't really understand why this isn't a bigger movement.

HE looks like your uncle? Are you twelve?

To whom?

Not him, but I have two uncles that are younger than me.

Michael Brooks needs to be on that list as well. He claims to be a socialist but is in fact a turbo-liberal who shits on third world socialists and supports US colonialism in Syria.

(and 3 younger aunts)

He's said multiple times that he's just a social democrat. Not a socialist, not a marxist and that he doesn't believe in abolishing private property, but still:
I think he's pretty fucking based tbh. I unironically think people like him are way more useful than the vast majority of self-proclaimed communists (doesn't matter if they're naive idealist anarchist types, "not real socialism" trots or violence fetishizing "stalin did nothing wrong" types).

>Michael Brooks needs to be on that list as well. He claims to be a socialist but is in fact a turbo-liberal who shits on third world socialists
Who? IIRC he defended the bolivarian revolution.

What did he say?

Can this meme stop? Yes America is extremely right wing but Kulinski, based on the views he expresses on his show, would most likely support the Left Party or the left wing of the social democratic party in Sweden for example, and that's literally as far left as the overton window goes here. Stop pretending like as soon as you go outside of America everyone is either a commie or a left-liberal. There are crazy fucking right wingers in Europe and everywhere else too.

This guy becomes popular in last 3-4 month, Doesn't he?

I like Secular Talk just fine despite agreeing with him on a ton of shit and he's funny as hell sometimes but I'm so sick of the people on this board acting like any criticism of their preferred Left-Wing equivalent of Tucker Carlson is automatically invalidated because of "le overton window" meme. This board has little to no influence on American politics, reasonable criticism of anyone who "speaks for the Left" in some sense in the USA, even actual socialists, is 100 percent okay here and isn't going to cause whatever social democratic "revolution" you think is going to save America just because your fee fees got hurt over it

I didn't say or imply anything like that. Go ahead and criticize him, I don't mind. I disagree with him plenty too.

meant for>>2714603

meant for

Jimmy Dore is fucking retard dude, get some Seder in you.

Fucking disgusting

I never understood this autistic war between Seder and Dore as somebody who just drops in and watches a video by either of them on a rare occasion, what gives?

MB seemed legit, from what little I've heard from him. Where did he shit on 3rd world socialists?


Seder can be on the nose and does decent reporting, but will swallow loads for the dems, push comes to shove. He also regularly goes after Dore for not uncritically supporting sucdems like Ocasio Cortez.

Reminder that Seder and Brooks do it to themselves because Seder lost a debate to Dore during the 2016 election and has never got over it so he tries to do "gotchas" on Dore constnatly by misrepresenting his points (meanwhile Dore literally never mentions Seder and just minds his own business)

no, but my uncle looked just like that when i was 12 at some point in my life
weird how time works, huh? people used to be young once when they're not anymore

It's pretty next level cringe sometimes. On halloween Seder and Brooks did a gag where they spent an hour pretending to be Dore and his people. It started as a kind of vague dislike for Dore's emphasis on a third party, but it has escalated to them actively fighting him.

What did I say that made you think I disagree with this? I live in what was one of the last hold outs of the BNP for God's sake, I have zero idea where you got that from.
Also it really isn't a meme. Most leftists in American seem to be nothing more than socdems, those that have a large following at least. Bernie or AOC aren't even as left wing as Corybn or Melenchon, and they aren't even all that far left.

I cant remember exactly what he said, but he definitely said something along the lines of "the US should keep troops in one big US military base in Syria to "protect" it".
He was also really weird after the Syrian chemical attack, he swallowed the mainstream line whole sale, and did the "Assad did it because he's just crazy" meme. Honestly if he started saying "Assad must go" I wouldn't be surprised.
I hope the quotations stop Assad from cursing me

i meant ro.ja.va, autistic filter still around for some reason


Don't even ironically shill that retard

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Sam Seder is an establishment shill desperately trying to funnel progressives/radicals into the democratic party. He constantly takes potshots at Jimmy Dore in an attempt to start a beef and get attention (beefs used to be extremely common on youtube as a way to farm views, to a lesser extent now). Jimmy is smart enough to not bother responding. Look at any comment section on any Seder video shitting on Dore and you'll see how people actually feel. He keeps doing it though because clickbait works.

Like, to illustrate what an insider Seder is, he continues to be an MSNBC contributor.

Every single American you tube leftist is either an unsalvagable retard or a literal CIA plant or both

"you tube"


While Micheal Brooks is definitely bad in a lot of ways saying the US government ought support r*java is pretty defensible IMO. But shame on him for believing the whole "Assad as WMDs" thing.

the amount dore cocksuckers is annoying.
True, he is sympathetic to some form of socialism, but it is highly doubtful if he is a communist or marxist of any consistent form

seder is such an incel failure he had to mute sargon during a "debate"" to win

nibba pls

All these popular youtube "leftists" are shit, they all say the same garbage and beg you to vote democrat. So tepid and safe, never wanting to rock the boat. Pathetic really.

General Secretary tier

Comrade tier

Gular tier

Never existed tier