Plato's Republic

At Yale University they said that Plato's Republic is the most important book that would be read for Political Philosophy.

….and that all of history's rhetorical books on Politics owes an inheritance to "The Republic".

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Plato is a fucking faggot.

.t Anti-catagorical gang

Read Hegel's Philosophy of Right.

You need to be familiar with the western tradition to watch Nietzsche blow it the fuck out.

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Imagine believing anything got BTFO by self-help drivel

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You are a lost cause anyways

Nice reading comprehension

not all ontology is self-help drivel dumbass

If this is your reading level, I totally get why you think Nietzsche made a relevant or coherent critique of prior philosophy

Well it's true at least for the 'Western tradition'.

sorry I think you mean Heidegger

Attached: heidegger-carries-water-from-his-well.jpg (800x1082, 186.49K)

>lol dude what does it even mean to be
*hits bong*
*joins nazi party*

if people actually listened to Heidegger instead of Postmodernism the 21st century wouldn't be nearly as much of a mess.

Heidegger is the founder of our world.


It's not wrong. Although Laws, Sophist, and the Trial and Death of Socrates sequence are superior.

Hegel literally destroys all political philosophy. For fuck's sake read.

I want to read Hegel but have no clue where to start

that's where you are wrong kiddo

Jargon masquerading as authenticity.

like most people, you start by reading other people who can read and understand Hegel. ie Zizek, Marx, Kierkegaard

I've heard reading Spinoza first makes Hegel less confusing

It does and Hegel says it himself quite a few times. Tbh Spinoza is IMO the best use of your time.


Hegel was for constitutional monarchy though.

It is. It really is, especially from an idealist point of view. Read Dante Alighieri.

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it's fucking not. the reason we have democracy is so we don't fall into the retarded Chinese dynastic cycle where you had constant bloodshed after every family dies out. that way political change isn't economically counterproductive.

Plato is fucking over-rated, Aristotle is the Greek philosopher you want to give a fuck about, him and Socrates.

they're all important you literal sophist.

Having read Dante actually I can tell you that you're a moron. Even Machiavelli would have been a better example for that argument than Dante.


Reading Socrates is reading Plato you absolute idiot, literally all of the works of Socrates are Plato recalling them and as such are molded by his opinions on the man.

Sophocles is a playwright, though. Socrates didn't write anything.

this is what happens when wikipedia scholars try to show off

Anyway, Laws is probably the start of practical political philosophy. I don't think The Republic was meant to outline a real political system. The details in Laws suggest the city in it was meant to be some sort of foundation for a real, functional polity.

Maybe one could say that all rhetoric about political philosophy in history do owe something to The Republic, but I think modern political philosophy owes more to Hobbes and Machiavelli than Plato.

where? and the Prussian empire misinterpreting his philosophy (like all countries do with their political philosophers) to justify their expansion doesn't count.

A bunch of CERN scientist gathered together to produce a computer model of what your average Spinozian looks like.

This was the result.

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underrated post

I don't get it

Idealist rating:
Spinoza > Hegel > Plato > Kant

how in the fuck is Plato better than Kant

Spinoza actually aint an idealist, he's actually very close to many materialist philosophers and the secondary literature (viz. philosophers talking about philosophers) generally states his monism is very much like materialism.

Machiavelli was a socialist with chinese characteristic ante litteram

My communist boyfriend made me read this a few years ago and it's pretty good.

The ironic joke is basically that Heidegger examined "being there" (Dasein) in both its 'authentic' and 'inauthentic' modes. The 'everyday' inauthentic mode is the They, or das Man (literally 'one' in the abstract). During everyday life, Dasein "falls" into the They-self when it acts according to what 'one' might think. The joke is that what Heidegger is doing in the time of this picture (1970s) can be said to be somehow 'authentic', as in 'wow look at this old guy doing things the old-fashioned way' but is now 'taking selfies' one of the most everyday 'They' things we can think of.

All theology is idealism breh and he's a pantheist

Was he jewish? black? or both, Zig Forums?

Is there any point in you posting this in Latin other than being a pretentious faggot? The Prince was originally written in medieval Italian.

It's Dante in De Monarchia. I don't know where to find an English version.

Oh, my bad, I thought you were quoting Machiavelli. Polite sage.

Dunning-Kruger in full swing.