So lets say, hypothetically, that there IS no blue wave on tuesday… what should we do? what will you do...

so lets say, hypothetically, that there IS no blue wave on tuesday… what should we do? what will you do? should we rise up or just huddle down and wait for the next cycle?

I'm scared about all the young new voters having been brainwashed by their republitard parents since 2016… I think there may be a chance that democrats dont win and the idea is outright frightening.

should we leave? fight? what should we do if they win again?

Attached: APP-051418-Red-Wave.jpg (640x360, 241.1K)

What if I'm not american though?

Why would you even care so much which party wins? Democraps only have marginally less retarded viewpoints than republicans on some non-vital topics.

Attached: democrats vs republicans.jpg (960x880, 94.4K)

There won’t be a huge difference either way. The only thing a “blue wave” might accomplish is halting the more odious advances of reaction and demoralizing the far-right, but don’t forget that the Democrats are still very much a party of business and imperialism.

well the democrats winning means we're less likely to have auschewitz 2.0, wheras republican winnning means there's a 99% chance we will.

What I'm asking is what should we do if the republicans DO win?

yep that's bait dot png

t. not a Zig Forumsyp

It could be good if the Democrats failed. Progressives might finally wake up. See that the problem wasn't Russian hackers but the retarded Democratic establishment. Glorious.
If the Republicans win you should organize the masses around it. Don't leave the US.

I didn't list any cultural changes or effects because culture is a meme.

Please fight
Please fight
Please fight
Please fight
We want you to fight.
You will die horribly.

Lurk moar

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You mean like how they did after Trump won? It's futile at this point to try and "shift liberals Left" we have to just allow the country to tear itself apart and in the chaos try to carve out as much territory as possible anything else is completely useless and counter productive

It's time for full vulgar accelerationism, let the Republicans win the next ten elections, fuck it. At this point I honestly believe if the USA imploded in on itself the opposite of pic related would at least somewhat come to fruition over the next 10 years


Attached: blackest reaction.jpg (850x400, 89.28K)

you're really bad at this if you think anyone here cares about amerimutt political theater .

Are you people down syndrome?

No one votes Democrap anymore.
Its a new era.

Trump is saving the country from you hellspawn.

Red all day.

Get that Prep H ready, baby.

fuck off. I'm asking REASONABLE people what I should do.

and for your information, we're gonna take your guns.

Trump is disgusting.
We will save this country from him and his kike hordes.
We will return this nation to being for blacks, whites, and none else.
Education will be free and free of fun.
Women will no longer be judged as a dollar figure.
Jews will find no home here, any more. That goes for the comedy kikes as much as it does the Koch brothers and the ZOG Occupied Governmentmutts of Trumps.
Preparation Z will reduce the inflamation.

I love Jews and so s h o u l d y o u !

To the chest maybe. All 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧capitalist🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 filth and 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧communist🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 alike get lead. Real socialism and the volk will rise.

I love this. Please post more. You're not just a troll, right?

Why not both? Let the country go to shit while shifting as many liberals left as we can. Seeing fascists take over will make them want to fight. Fight for communism.

Legitimate question, have you ever read a history book about Balkanizing states or civil wars?


they will get the gas too

Nice to be reminded Zig Forums still loves bait.
Can we all at least sage when posting itt?

Not a troll.
A lot of you have warped ideas of what Not Socialism is.
We're not these fucking skinheads or any of these untermensch. We love our volk. OUR PEOPLE. We want to see all races succeed in their own country.
Even though we do have a PR problem because of the constant seeming snownigger infestation on Zig Forums it's usually semitic and based in Tel Aviv.
You will learn to love NutSac the first time someone, as in the words of Hitler, asks how much you need instead of how much they HAVE to give you.
Most of your commie faggots I'd give an arm to help, despite your filthy piercings and HPV future, I know you're my folk.

wait… so if you're talking about legitimate german volk, they why are you flooding a thread about american politics?

Attached: follow your leader.jpg (240x210, 7.22K)

Not really. I don't have a weird military fetish.
The comparison is kinda hard to draw. There aren't many nationalist feelings to draw on. You have the Confederates and the Union, and then Texas perhaps, but I don't see any other nationalist fervor as very realistic. Balkanization won't be ethnic, it will be along political identity. That's my guess. If it even happens.

You got me, the nomenclature is a bit trollish.
On reflection I probably use that nomenclature, unlike the pure English that George Lincoln Rockwell used, to troll a bit subconsciously perhaps.
The root of the message remains, though.
I authentically believe most of you guys will roll over, not in surrender, but in realization.


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OP here…

nobody's really answered my question yet. What should we do if actual nazis win on wednesday?

If "Balkanization" doesn't in the first instance refer to what happened in the Balkans, what the fuck does it mean? It's when a political union falls apart according to identitarian lines, no? You implied that balkanization in the US would spawn right-wing identitarianism more than anything. I responded by stating this won't happen because they lack such tensions. Balkanization can happen, but it will be more along the lines of a Chinese transitional period or something.

No, you were just being an overdramatic LARPer, like all rightists. Neck yourself.

based naziposter ITT

You missed the point completely was that since the 20th century, in times of heightened political unrest and civil discontent liberals often side with the Right rather than the Left and there's literally no reason libs wouldn't sell out the Left wing of their base to save their own ass under an overtly fascist government so trying to convert them is futile since they will either be too weak to fend off legitimate fascism and perish or collaborate openly with the fascists to obliterate the Left that up til then has trusted them

republicans arent nazis moron


Republicans are neoliberals just like Democrats faggot Stop letting the media scare you into voting for centrist faggots who will use day one of their newfound power in office to completely wipe out the Left wing of their party

The NeoCohens are getting the rope, too.

No. You're missing my point. If the establishment sells out its left-wing base, this left-wing base will flock to new movements. Our movements. The point is to radicalize the Democrats before their leaders obliterate them.

replace capitalism and neoimperialism with neoliberalism and neoconservative, respectively.
makes it easier for normalfags to swallow

That's why we have guns.
Go get a decent entry level AR-15 and not some POS 150 dollar AK for the [[[soviet]]] fapping.
Field clean it before you shoot the first time and every Sunday whether you shot that week or not.

You would think so many New Yorkers would realize this after Cuomo but they just don't. These people still think Hillary is the only thing that could beat Trump because Bernie's "too radical"

You guys are still stuck in 2015, I see.
We're already on 2020 tactics.
Just give up and join us, you'll like it after you get unbrainwashed.
We have a lot of fun.
You will have to say goodbye to Jews and your college debt, though.

Both parties may be corporate, but there is a difference, maybe not in specific policies, but in the direction of the country. A Democratic victory would signal the prolonging of the neoliberal order. A Republican victory will only affirm and accelerate the United States' deterioration toward fascism. Neoliberalism is exploitative, but it's not anywhere near as dangerous as fascism is.

That's nice user but please point to me a Communist/Socialist org in the USA that is actually anticapitalist which actually has the infrastructure in place to eclipse both the D/SA and the Democrats once they sell out. That's the problem. You faggots work so hard to beg liberals from the petite-bourgeoise to maybe start talking about class in between screeching that they're being oppressed over nothing that you don't go to working class people (and no I don't mean just white people, a lot of working class blacks while not liking being called nigger or whatever don't really give a shit about political correctness and are alienated as fuck from the petit-bourgie wing of shit like BLM and other new "black power" movements for reasons I can go into if you want but it'd be a bit off topic) directly and through direct action and community building (IE the Black Panthers , the Young patriots, etc) building up a solidified and organized communist party of WORKERS who THEN can tell liberals "Join or die".

Stop begging liberals to allow communists into their "democratic socialist" organizations and instead build up a mass base of armed working class people then when the shit hits the fan be the one who gives liberals the ultimatum. If you aren't willing to do that then just shut the fuck up about how scared you are of "le nazis" winning and running anything because fascism is capitalism in decay, end capitalism so you don't have to deal with it don't keep voting it in.

Ocasio-Cortez is the new Cuomo btw

Attached: obama.png (1024x710 69.85 KB, 87.11K)

Imagine actually believing that any system of capitalism has the power to "prevent" fascism when fascism is the logical conclusion of capitalist crises in the abscence of a robust leftist opposition


I nowhere disagree with this course of action. My idea was for OP to do exactly that. You'll have to reach people inside those "democratic socialist" orgs though. Otherwise you won't get very far.

Maybe we like dangerous. It gets things moving.

The handful of working class people and even smalller minority of petite-bourgies who are class conscious enough to know whats up in the DemSoc orgs will come to a more radical conclusion on their own and if we are there with a party to greet them we won't really have to "reach" anyone. Let the libs larping as socialists come knocking on our door begging and only after illustrating that they are serious about serving the vanguard allow them in. If they want to preserve some sort of spooky and autistic ideals of "muh individualism, muh rights as a petty bourgie, omg pls stop opressing me by not reading my mind about whatever my made up pronouns or microagressions are" then they get to try and deal with fascists on their own.

My point here is that it's a massive waste of time to try and convince Succdems and DemSuccs in general. It's better to just ignore them except for when it makes strategic sense and instead go directly to the working class then let them come to us

Whether a country deteriorates into fascism or not, really doesn't just depend on which party wins, but on how desperate capitalists are to secure their profits through radical means. Dems and Reps will both continue the neoliberal status quo although Reps might take it even further.