Does the entire world have to "mature in capitalism" in order to successfully transition via proletarian revolution...

Does the entire world have to "mature in capitalism" in order to successfully transition via proletarian revolution towards socialism?

If the engine of capitalism requires expansion (for capitalists to find cheaper labour and new markets) to survive, wouldn't that mean that for capitalism to become obsolete/non-functional, all the potential labour pool and resources in the third world and second world (China, India, Africa, Latin America, etc.) would have to be developed and used at their utmost potential and roughly equalise to first world standards until international expansion is no longer possible?

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I'd say the entire world, if not maybe some parts of Africa, but other than that the whole planet.

You are absolutely correct, this is the fundamental mistake in Lenin's theory of Monopoly Capital. Don't get me wrong his theory of imperialism is absolutely correct, it's just that it jumped the gun on when 'workers of the world' would become a reality instead of a political slogan.

you can do better things during your school vacations comrade

fuck off retarded pony nigger

no you just need a few capitalist countries, to seize means of production from, with that you do technology/knowledge transfer to other regions, which will then modify this to fit their regional conditions.
Letting run capitalism for too long is not a good idea because it's causing too much destruction to the biosphere and also it's causing to much war. On top of that it's really inefficiently. Also it is quite likely that capitalism will aim to for global thirdworldization, if it reaches limits to expansion.
Also we want to mimizie the overall amount of exploitation the capitalist system can do during it's historic period. Every ounce of wealth the super rich get is basically a loss to our species. Also consider that if we tally up the amount preventable death do to poverty, inequality and structural violence, this becomes about reducing death-toll of the largest genocide of all time.

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big poopoo faggot

Because it's funny

you're clearly some fag from here ebicly trolololing for teh lulz so I wanna tell you right away that you aren't entertaining. try working on your persona, take some hints from baboonposter. just regurgitating trite brainlet-tier Zig Forums takes isn't funny or unique in any way. your posts need more reggaeton

Watching you freak out about it is funny in itself hence the filter.

But if you want a serious answer, the Nazis weren't socialist so fuck off.

Attached: nazi emphasis on workers and nationalist.jpg (1132x1748, 401.67K)

The word "socialism" does not mean anything you want it to.

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a farting sound, to be precise

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Capitalism would have to mature worldwide in order for its contradictions to develop to their fullest extent, for the reasons you describe, but hypothetically it would not be impossible for an advanced socialist society to make the rest of the world skip a few steps. That's not very relevant now, though, since capitalism is already worldwide.

Only if you presuppose that capitalism has to collapse on its own. You rule out the possibility that in one one part of the world socialism is established sooner. This seems fatalistic, and contradicted by historical experience of socialist states being established. Then again, most of those states have since stopped being socialist…



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Actually kill yourself, because that's how you win.
Now back to your mongrel board and stop spamming the place up

how come Venezuela is merged with Colombia on that map?
i can see there's also some other countries removed/modified, but I can usually get at the reason quite easily. (i.e. United Ireland and Korea is obvious.)

actual visual aids, please fucking nsfw shit like this

it's a fucking garbage map, just ignore it.
literally every "alt-history" map are "le big country broken up XDDDDDDDDDD" and "le two/three countries merge for no reason XDDDDDDDDD".

I see someone doesn't like China
Hope you like genocide and civil unrest

Hell no.