The State Department of the US has its eyes set on South and Central America lately

The State Department of the US has its eyes set on South and Central America lately.
How long before direct or proxy wars are launched in the region once again?

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As in Fidel Castro? Does this guy know that Castro is dead? Also
The absolute state of south american nationalists.

Bolsonaro will absolutely do a hair brained invasion of Venezuela through Colombia with full American backing if not boots on the ground assistance

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I mean, Raúl Castro is still alive, but I guess I'm giving him a lot of credit here

I'd like to see them try: the Venezuelan border is all jungle.

Not for long. Bolsonaro will make the border cattle ranches and soy farms.

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Reality is stranger than fiction. Batshit insane right wingers thinking voodoo magic is real.


so is Maduro actually a dictator or is this another shit burger meme? I thought Venezuela still operated on a presidential electoral system very similar to the United States. has there been some kind of ballot-stuffing evidence released that I missed or something?

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It 100% isn't capable of doing jackshit, but part of the military… and worse, the current people in charge think so.

Of course it is still democratic, there are even multiple political parties. Every state the US antagonizes and demonizes is a democratic state from North Korea, Iran, Cuba the USSR, the list goes on. “Muh dictatorships” is ironic because it is America who lords over a bunch of Middle Eastern autocrats and installs right-wing fascist dictatorships across the planet everytime some country decides to be an inch left of free-market liberal capitalism

They know that their shit will vanish as soon as someone who isn't Maduro takes power.

Good, more to cut down.

It's embarassing that people unironically think small isolated countries like Cuba and North Korea are actually a bigger threat than the American empire.

This is your brain on neoconservatism and domino theory

Cuba is governed by a decaying regime, Iran literally has a theocratic dictator with all the power, its President is ceremonial. And the fucking Soviet Union murdered millions and had shame elections.

I'm not surprised the ideologue autists would also think that China is "democratic". Maduro deserves to be killed by the Americans. Same for Castro's brother, Kim and Xi.

t. Amerifat anti-communist "leftist"
Your time is up.


Fucking gringos

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You niggas oughta consider volunteering if any of Venezuela/Cuba get invaded. I suppose if you speak spanish and also are from latin america (like I am) it'd be easier too.

based reddit spacer neocon

You're right that Iran and DPRK aren't democratic, but to say that the USSR and Cuba weren't/aren't is to deny reality.

Thank god you were banned

This, the DPRK and Iran certainly have more democratic elements than the Western propaganda machine lets on, though.

Venezuela is definitely democratic in the same way any other liberal democracy is. Cuba has a socialist democracy.

But this is just downright retarded, just because it is an enemy of the USA does not mean it's democratic that's a fucking autistic argument. Iran is a literal theocracy with sham elections. Russian elections are basically a sham too, as are Syrian elections. DPRK elections are barely even elections at all. We should support them against yank imperialism but to claim they are democratic is bullshit. This is why libs think that communists are crazy.

Libs think we are crazy because we are against capitalism. That's it. Full stop.

Will it be Super-Vietnam?

Cuba is actually pretty democratic and I admire their system, like how private election campaigns are banned to ensure equality despite economic differences between candidates. So every candidate gets to have this standard A4 size paper with their photograph and short story of what they are about, and they all get put up on official walls side by side. Fair is fair.

Attached: 800px-Candidatos_Elecciones_Cuba_SCU_2008.JPG (800x600, 81.23K)

You're statements about Cuba and the USSR are obviously false but moving to Iran
The Iranian Republic does have a civilian parliament that holds regular elections who in turn elects the house of elders (Analogous to senate) who in turn elects the supreme leader

It's even worse than that, the government doesn't even hide the fact that the elected leader is a figurehead for the Ayatollah.

Iran pretty much has the same amount of Democracy as the United States, which is basically none, but still makes the US hypocrites.

Marxist corruption in action… which of the other candidates do you think bribed the local officials into that?

the only two parties you need

Virgin Reddit spacers circled in red (obviously), Chad user spacers circled in green (again, obviously). This is how you tell which candidates are CIA.

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Oh my god, does Raul know about this?



god America needs this so badly