Frozen Out of China, American Farmers Refuse to Sell Their Soy
АХАХАХАХАХАХА And thet say comrade Stalin did something wrong!

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Good, international trade is cancerous. There's no need for America to trade beans with China when they both have the arable land to grow it for themselves

What does this have to do with stalin.

Isn't most soy consumed by farm animals anyways?

It's also required for beer so I imagine a not insignificant portion of soy goes there

Are you telling me that being an alpha, beer drinking man is making me into a soyboy?

For some reason OP thinks that American farmers waiting for better prices resembles Kulaks hoarding grain. Not sure beyond that.

sorry man you should've stuck to hard liquor

Good, soy is terrible.

If the past is any indication Congress will start trying to stimulate local demand. America is about to become a soy nation.

isnt this what the magapedes wanted

Hahahah falling for the jewish trick of being a man for drinking soyed up beer.
Not all beer has soy, nor does it need it. Most things don't. Soy is in everything, just like corn syrup. Government subsidies a bitch.

It sort of does.
Farmers do this and the stuff ends up rotting. The kulaks hoarding grain for themselves is actually a bit better. When people just hoard food for the market, they're deliberately creating scarcity - not just waiting for higher prices, actively trying to keep the prices as high as they are in the hopes they'll go higher. The implications of this for the poorest folks are very, very bad. If the prices actually matched the amount produced, people could probably save hundreds.

Soy - it's the new milk.

Soy's in corn syrup?
Holy shit, I thought I was safe! Next you're going to say soy's in trans-fats! Wtf do I eat to own the libs, now?!!!

You stupid gweilo motherfucker

Problem is that they have to do this, or they will go bankrupt.

I doubt it.
How much do they spend for the silos? Aren't they eligible for subsidies under a certain income level?

And my coworker said the tariffs wouldn't hurt American farmers. Fucking idiot

I wonder how the trumpanzees are going to try to justify their based god emperor inevitably starts shilling for soy on national TV

*justify when

It’s common for Burger farmers to have revenues over $500,000, but make below average income.

not to mention all the shit they do to fresh shit to make it last in storage longer.

So why should poor people suffer because of that?

Real patriots consume american soy. Eat soy, drink soy, wear soy. You love AMERICA, right?

Well strap yourself in and get ready to roll because soy is the future of food

If it benefits China i support it. CCP is our last hope.

based Trump, my Soylent latte is finna be dirt cheap now, my wife's boyfriend is gonna love it

No saying they should, just saying that farmers don’t get a good deal from the current system.

It's one of the healthier of the legumes. Legit, soy additives being put in your food typically means the nutritional value shoots up.

It's hilarious that right-wingers still cling to the quackery around it. I think it has mostly to do with the American "culture war" and the fact that vegetarians and vegans very often use soy products as a replacement for meat (and most "meat replacement" shit that mimics a meat product is typically made out of soy). Vegetarians and vegans tend to also be big environmentalists and animal-rights activists who step on corporate toes a lot, and right-wingers literally cannot stop sucking corporate dick, so, even though Hitler was a fucking vegetarian who wanted the Nazis to eat soy, vegetarianism and veganism are universally branded as "leftist".

Sometimes I feel like Right-wingers have no ideology, they are so inconsistent.

Just having a laugh at capitalism's contradictions

The more someone tidies the right, the more you have to conclude that the right is less of an ideology and more social rot. Wherever there is injustice, you’ll have people who defend it, wherever there is exploitation, you’ll have people who worship it and wherever there is some corrupt hierarchy you’ll have people with tongues outstretched to service any footwear or orifices that might present themselves and these people make up the bulk of what we call the “right”.

opposing the libs no matter what

(Stav voice)

Wait so you're telling me the workers are dictating the terms of sale? This has to be stopped, NOW!

small owners, not workers.

the ideology of the right-wing is to justify and naturalize currently existing inequalities.


I was phoneposting

They’re not workers.

Well are they doing the farming or not?

Is there any other reason for this thread than the soy meme?

They are. Most farmers are pheasants. With the exception of those who hire people to work on there farms. Their Bourgieous who need to be killed. But outside of Cali their the minority. Peasants are the majority.

Typically the people who own the farm don’t don’t do the bulk of the farm work, that’s done by farmhands. The exception is in highly automated work where most of it can be done by tractors and combine harvesters. Either way, they’re not proletarians.

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