If you're a leftist you should be getting in shape. The revolution needs big, strong people. It also gives you more respect.
Train your body and your mind, keep balance guys. Don't let the nazis steal the "I'm so big and frighting" look, let's get serious comrades.
If you're a leftist you should be getting in shape. The revolution needs big, strong people...
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I don't think, several years in, there is any evidence of this being a thing that is going to happen.
What if I want to die and capitalism provides a slow, effective means to do so?
I mean, the majority are clearly fat kids and skinny white nerds who overdose on redpills, but the general consensus on nazis are that they're dangerous. The recent white supremacist attacks also contribute to this.
if you're going to die then die fighting for the revolution comrade
dangerous only insofar as they are sporadically and inconsistently violent. on a micro scale this may be threatening but not to society as a whole.
sure I'll bench, why the fuck not. not doing it for communism, though.
hit the gym lads, and stay away from the soy please.(USER WAS BANNED FOR PROJECTING)
ah yes, Zig Forums, the board that talks mainly about kids cereal and nintendo games all day.
Show me a single famous communist revolutionary/theoretician that worked out to get respect. Oh wait, all communist revolutionaries got their respect from great rhetoric and commitment to the revolution.
all those besides mao look /fit/ to me.
and look at what a mistake maoism derivatives turned out to be.
You're American, aren't you?
I can get pussy without going to the gym. I work at a desk. There's no reason for me to work out.
yeah, but I bet that their soldiers were at least thin and at best fit.
what, are you going to be the next lenin or are you going to be one of the workers fighting?
yes, but I'm willing to bet more people on this board look like Mao than the other three
yeah keep believing that, buddy
you should lift for yourself and for communism, no girls envolved.
this. hoes ain't shit. looking your best is good for all aspects of life.
The actual question is If one needs to convert their fat to muscle or burn it off.
My abdominal region is a bit chubby and I can't decide what to do with it.
Yes they were thin. The vast majority of the red army consisted of peasants who may or may not have ever tasted meat.
You think the Bolsheviks weren't fighting? Fucking lol, Fidel, Che, Trotsky, Stalin and Mao were all soldiers. If you can carry your rifle, your gear and your ass, you are fit to be a soldier.
if you're a beginner you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time
check your diet, focus on protein (may wanna buy protein powder) and lifting HEAVY, fill yourself with vegetables and nuts
do pic related for a few months (at least 6) and come back
search for body recomp and similar stuff, try to do some cardio if you can
That tattoo will be a blurry mess eventually. Money would also be better spent elsewhere.
You need a good arm to throw a molotov, a good back to carry extra ammo, and strong legs to climb the mountain of dead fascists.
It’s also an identifier in case you are captured. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t gotten a leftist tattoo.
I get your point but WHY wouldn't you lift to have better overall health and strength in the case you need it? you always need strength in fucking war, you always need to run without going out of breath, you always need to help carry an injured comrade
hell there are a thousand fucking reasons to get fit, I can't possibly imagine why you WOULDN'T
yeah sure, The Red Army was ENTIRELy made up of people that never tasted meat, even in 1945. Fucking get a grip
They did not fight on the front lines, neither did Lenin. Don't twist the point.
A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, NONE of the afore mentioned people sat on their asses all day eating doritos, not to mention that being in shape is literally basic fucking logic. No one is asking for you to be a fucking /fit/fag body builder. Stop making excuses for not working out, there are none unless you are literally physically handicapped from doing so.
the tattoo will be the least of your concerns
the Soviets were notorious for their involvement with weight training, they basically were the first doing it
You're not gonna be the next Castro dude.
I didn't say anything about 1945. I was assuming we were talking around the time of revolution.
I hate this bullshit wisdom. Can you point me towards a fit intellectual?
No, they sat all day writing letters.
I'm not even saying you shouldn't be in proper shape. Read OP again and realize he's talking about getting fit to impress people, not to be healthy or anything like that.
No shit. So what?
Even so, that is irrelevant, just because THEY didn't have the time or ability to work out or eat healthy means we shouldn't? What loss would it be to work out and be healthy and strong?
See pic related
No, they didn't they didn't just sit all day they went places did WORK.
No, he's saying that is just a side benefit not the reason why we should do it.
Health and exercise are good things and should be encouraged (my socialist group as an informal fitness club called the "swoletariat") but body fascism based around looks is stupid and a bad standard for socialist groups
Like that poster of the swole dudes on parade were literally bodybuilders – not average workers. Still, good to exercise though.
I might go to the gym tonight in fact.
Looks are a good side effect of being healthy and strong, and one that shouldn't be so easily ignored.
Want it or not, being good looking is key component of the propaganda game, a game we as leftists are constantly playing.
I hope you don't confuse me with the incel retarded garbage, I'm just saying that your looks are part of the respect people have for you. Of course that doesn't mean that it's in any way more important that theory and actual work. I hope you get what I mean.
They obviously did have the time and ability. Only Stalin could really be said to be working too hard to also work out, and that was when he was already over 40.
Yes, the greek philosophers worked out. Two thousand years ago. And they seemingly did it to get little boys into their beds, not to boost their autism.
Work with what, exactly? Yes, writing letters.
Ah yes, Alan Turing. What a swole piece of ass.
I have no problem at all with cardio. That is what revolutionaries should train. Not fucking bodybuilding.
When Ernest Hemingway wasn’t busy writing novels or being embedded as a journalist with Spanish Republican fighters he was bare knuckle boxing in Cuban bars. There’s literally no reason not to cultivate both your mind and body, encouraging complacency in either area is counter-revolutionary. The goal of socialism is the flourishing of humanity in all aspects.
He was a sickly and not exactly all there.
nice fallacy
cardio is nothing when you get in a fight, hard, lean muscle does that. Literally look at Bruce Lee you mong. The man was literally BORN disadvantaged (Chinese - thus of very light and small build, flat-footed and near-sighted)
Yet he was the top fighter of his day and arguably in history. Why? Because he trained constantly, yet he was no moron, he was a university graduate, knew science, history, philosophy etc.
Don't talk about what you know nothing about.
Why say that about him? He was one of the most influential persons in modern history.
Why not both? Why not be strong? Do you not believe strength is necessary in war?
We need soldiers not nerds
Bob Wall : "You see Bruce was a world class martial artist and there are a lot of Black Belts walking around thinking there’s no difference between a world class and a black belt. But there is a big difference. Bruce was the real deal."
Joe Lewis: (Trained with Bruce Lee at Bob Wall's suggestion) "it actually in a great way improved my fighting style… He hit extremely hard… He hit as hard as a heavyweight…. I always thought he was the fastest guy who ever stood in front of me."
"If Bruce Lee wasn't the greatest martial artist of all time, then certainly he is the number one candidate."
James Demile: "I wouldn't have put a dime on anyone to beat Bruce Lee in a real confrontation. Bruce Lee was the best street fighter I ever saw, even to this very day, and not just pound for pound — but against anyone in a real fight."
John Benn: "When I was having dinner with Chuck Norris I did ask him: "If you and Bruce would be in a real fight to death, who would win?", and he said without thinking: "Bruce of course. Nobody can beat him.""
Sugar Ray Leonard: "In a dictionary, you say "greatest", you say "Bruce Lee", that´s the way it is. He is second to no one."
Gene Lebell: "People may wonder just how good a martial artist he was. Well, as I said earlier, he was the best of his time. Also, many of his former students are doing very well today. That’s a sign that he was a good martial artist and that he was able to make his students into good martial artists."
Do you actually fucking expect to get into a fist fight during a revolution? Do you plan on throwing your rifle away? Do you plan on throwing your knife away? You fucking retard, if you got into a fist fight you already fucked up.
I don't give a FLYING FUCK about martial artists.
That is EXACTLY my point. Strenght hasn't been very useful in combat for half a millenium. Big muscles=more food consumption and a bigger target. That's more or less it.
Yes, we need soldiers who can shoot and run. Not nerds who spend all day working out.
But I am in shape, and you don't need to be able to do 1000 pushups and defeat a Kodiak in hand to claw combat to be a valuable contributions.
I mean, if you're not actively, offensively odious and contemptible you've already obtained a significant advantage over 99% of the Kekistani tribe and even the average american neoliberal
Yeah, and it's also true that pretty much anyone can look good if they exercise. Jesus don't make people ugly. KFC every day certainly does though
Yeah and the Army really emphasizes core strength. They want you to be able to huff it across miles while carrying a big pack on your back
FYI If you are aiming a gun within a 1 meter radius of a person they have a chance of disarming you. A knife is easy to get rid of, not to mention that a knife requires competent use and training and STRENGTH. Do you know how hard it is to bayonet someone? and then pull that bayonet out? Because it's not cake walk, any soldier whose done that will tell you that. And god forbid you hit bone or light body armor.
Are you fucking joking?in the 1500s sword and spear were still commonly used weapons, Guns were expensive rarities and Even up to the 1700s Gun-bearing soldiers were taught to use swords and fight hand to hand.
Trench warfare had A LOT of hand to hand combat, even WW-2 had tons of it, that's why The soviet military created several kinds of martial arts and fitness trainings to boost strength and speed of a soldier. I don't care how fast you are if you get your neck broken from a rifle butt to the head.
Then you are an idiot
No-one said that did they?
Yeah, my boss said we could unionize after we could all run 5 minute miles and pull a truck.
1) Are you able to carry a fire-arm or knife on you at all times?
2) are you able to quickly grab said weapon should you need it 100% of the time without fail?
3) are you able to hold onto that weapon should an enemy ambush you?
The answer to #1 is no, the answer to #2 is no and #3 is no if you have no strength.
Not so hard, I pulled 6 minutes as a kid (and I was short as a kid).
On neutral or park? If on neutral that would be fucking tough but not impossible given good training. On park that shit is as good as impossible.
Also what size truck? A small pick-up isn't too hard but the others…
The fuck does this even mean
You're never going to be an acurate shot in full gear, but proper MARKSMANSHIP training might help.
I feel like I'm the only one in this thread who actually served in the army.
Nope, not really. If you have a proper grip you can easily carry and run with a comrade (if HE didn't spend too much time bulking up).
The fuck
Nope, you need good posture.
Exactly. The bench pressers and body builders in my platoon were fucked on patrols, while the sporty runners had the core strenght and cardio to keep going.
the one you thing you TRULY own in this damn world is your own body, and even that may have some exceptions in certain countries
treat your body with respect comrades, train hard and heavy, do it for Lenin
It practically doesn't.
We can run through a thousand scenarios where you will need strenght to come out on top, but it is still very unlikely to actually happen, and training your cardio and marksmanship will probably keep you from getting into that situation in the first place.
And strenght was NOT what a commander would emphasize in his army. Discipline and formations was key.
During times of revolution, I will not leave my gun while I take a shit.
No, but close enough.
My sergeants have yelled at me enough that I will not leave my weapon out of reach.
Why does everything have to revolve around these 20th century communists to you? Being fit is better than not being fit. If it's within your ability to be, then it is good, regardless of whatever communists did 50-100 years ago.
Looking like the guy in the image wouldn't make someone stronger than someone else necessarily. Barring theory if someones wants to be useful they should learn grappling, and other forms of physical combat. Bodybuilding would just make you a bigger and slower target.
The minimum weight of an average soldier's equipment is 35kg or so a little less for guerillas. Try carrying that for days non-stop without training and/or strength.
I repeat Urban combat. Not to mention that most gun-gun engagements in the modern world are between 300 and 100 meters, and even closer in cities. Hand to hand combat has a high chance of occurring and as history shows, DID.
Because it was assumed that they would be trained and fit for duty
Yes and training is one of those disciplines, study fucking military history.
Doesn't matter if someone kicks the door in and smashes you with a club, now does it.
No, no you can't You're not fucking Han Solo or any other gun slinger, this isn't a fucking Cowboy movie, this is life.
really? and with what? the cardio-only training?
Sure, rely on the weapon, then you can be like the average american cop.
Yeah because without any muscles you can lift a 170 pound man easily.
Right, why not just rip our muscle of and be skeletons, they should stand up fine in the correct posture. Correct Posture does not make up for lack of strength.
Who the fuck says that you do ONLY body building you twat? who here said Cardio isn't important. The point is that cardio alone won't get you far.
Lastly not every confrontation in the Revolution will be a battle.
True but if you google pictures of them as youth, they’re all chads Ok, maybe except Lenin
Besides, just get into shape user, it’s good for you.
I do agree, however some strength is absolutely welcomed and beneficial for combat as long as you're not overdoing it. Also remember than training for strength is different than training for muscle size, the former (1-5 reps) makes your current muscles thicker and more efficient without increasing your size as much as the latter (8-12 reps).
See Bruce Lee, the guy did body building exersizes that most body builders today can't do. He was jacked, especially for his height, yet his speed and strength is unmatched. Why? Because he combined that with 10km+ of running and sparring and martial arts. This guy was a living weapon. Sure you can play the smart one and say "I'll take my weapon everywhere" That's just not realistic. You won't always have your weapon with you, hell even if you do, you can run out of ammo. And a knife can be disarmed, especially if you lack strength and hand to hand training.
I like to try to look more feminine though and I don’t like looking strong or too manly
reminder that bodybuilders and shit going for hypertrophy (mass) don't have functional muscles
you would be shocked how much strength you can pack into a given amount of muscle
hollywood lies because it's visual and has to represent strength visually
There are corresponding exersizes for females (just look at Kurkulina)
This. Mao spent a good chunk of his life as a guerrilla. If you think that humping a rifle, ammo, and gear through the mountains doesn’t require you to be /fit/ in all respects you’d be wrong.
seriously, why did he look so much better old and bald? was it the yelling?
I’m a male though
He was hit hard by Hegel
there really is something to be said about how Maoist guerillas were so family-like. you can still see elements of it in North Korean culture.
You can look feminine and still be ripped, just be balanced
you'll get bigger with strength too, but it'll happen when your muscles actually need to grow bigger
Hold on what the fuck do you mean? Do you think If you can deadlift 400 lbs you're going to have tiny forearms?
How do people reach adulthood without realizing the bullshit people tried to push about gender roles is bullshit.
No. See
Train for strength and your muscles will get as big as they need but not bigger. Train for mass and you're not getting that much stronger, just working the muscles in a way that they grow bigger. The amount of weight and amount of reps you do with a movement affects how much of your gainz are in raw strength, hypertophy (growth), or strength-endurance. It's possible to get fuckhuge muscles that aren't all that strong. Bodybuilders are stronger than couch potatoes but they are a joke to powerlifters, strongmen, etc. Some growth happens regardless. You have to make sure you're training strength though.
My biggest probably is keeping up a routine. It’d be cool to be at least a bit fit (I’m just skinny now) but I have shitty stamina too, probably because of my pectus excavatum.
so what does "training mass" look like vs "training strength"?
Leave An-fem, stop trying to derail the thread.
1) Gender Roles were not created out of thin air
2) Males and Females are biologically different and develop differently. That is a biological fact and there is nothing wrong with that.
Women are more adept than males in some areas and vice versa.
Men are biologically far more agressive and likely to be violent, this is not an accusation but a fact. WOmen are far more able to be Empathetic and emotional because of their 2 X chromosomes. Males develop larger muscle mass than females and tend to be stronger physically than females. These are biological facts and again, there is nothing wrong with accepting that. Of course there are exceptions to these rules, but those are that, exceptions. And no-one is segregating people based on prejudices, but on competence.
My god.
I know, and I have. Guess what, it worked! The first month or so was rough, but after that it wasn't a big deal.
Most arms are shorter than 100 meters. Do you have some data on how many modern soldiers end up in hand-to-hand combat? I'm guessing it's going to be a neglectable number. The only people who truly use hand-to-hand combat today are riot police.
Well it actually does, you fucking retard. I can shoot him then. And I don't think such a scenario is likely enough to happen that we should focus on it.
Yes, this is real life, where people don't jump down from trees in ambush.
Are you saying we should talk sense into our enemies? Use non lethal force to preserve the sanctity of life?
Pretty much, yes. Have you ever carried a man? It's not that hard.
Yes it does. It is far more important.
And who said you ONLY do cardio? I'm just saying that it is FAR FAR more important than building up useless muscle.
Gender roles are socially constructed and are spooks by and large. Of course biological differences exist
Adjust weight so that you are barely able to complete the sets. These numbers are rough.
Repetition ranges and what you're training
1-5: strength
6-8: strenght-hypertrophy
9-12: hypertrophy
Number of sets is arguable, but doing more sets with fewer reps can help you lift more volume which helps you gain faster as long as you don't overtrain. 3x8 is a common setxrep number people give for general training. There's a strength program named 5x5. If you're doing loads of reps the rest time is basically gone anyway so you'd just be doing one set.
Rest time affects results as well. More rest time is better for strength. Less is better for strength endurance. If resting longer actually helps you complete a workout then take as much time as you need (within reason). Don't waste time resting if you could be back lifting though.
Waste of time since you're getting shot.
Everyone has muscles regardless of gender. Working your muscles is good for them and good for you in general. Being healthy/fit is appealing in general and sexually.
so practically speaking I'd want strength or strength endurance?
Strength = lift heavy ass weight
Strength endurance = do that but over and over
For practical purposes like being a fighter you want both. You want explosive power to be able to do the one thing here or there that demands lots of raw explosive power. You also want to be able to sustain exercise for a long period of time for hauling ass with backpacks and shit. The typical training recs are for normies who want to get swole fast. That sticks them around the middle of rep range. You want to stick more to the extremes.
For raw strength do the big lifts. Squats, deadlifts, etc. Try to actually find your 1RM (1 rep max). That means you life that one and you are done. Stick to a few reps but as much weight as you can do without getting hurt. Experiment with different weird lifts like strongmen do. All of these exercises should be compound movement. That just means using lots of different body parts instead of how machines will often isolate one muscle group (which is for making that particular group bigger to help you build your body into a precise shape).
For strength endurance still do compound lifts mostly, but also do stuff that isolates areas where you're weak. If you have trouble stabilizing, even isometric core exercises like planking are good. This includes stuff like pushups but my favorite is variations on the farmer carry. Just pick up some heavy weights and carry them - works your whole body.
Farmers (traditional ones, not the ones who manage automated farms) are indeed fit as fuck as their job requires moving heavy shit constantly.
thanks. I've just being doing strength this whole time. good to know.
How about getting fit by humping a rifle, ammo, and gear through the mountains and not the other way around?
How can we all be truly equal if some people are more muscular than others? Checkmate commies
getting in shape is great and all, but pls stop larp
You will never be on par with these great minds. To be useful get your shit together and do what you can for the revolution.
Of course I won't and okay I will.
Thanks for your contribution to the thread.
How about joining your country’s army to learn how to fight and get fit.
tbh I'd find a new IP before posting that too