Coming to the left wing

So, let me start off by saying that I’ve been severely misled by Zig Forums for years. I’ve noticed that all of their views are based on emotion rather than facts. They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, irrational and pseudo-scientific. They’re so fixated on fighting “degeneracy” like porn,masturbation, homosexuality, transgender people, and race mixing. They’re also ideologically inconsistent. They like Hitler AND Ron Paul even though one is a fascist, while the other is a libertarian. They’re honestly nazi scum. They blame the Jews for everything including “MUH anuddah shoah.” Even though the root to every problem is MONEY. Capitalism and money enslave everyone, doesn’t matter their race. I, now realized that equality is an ideal we should strive for. Now, that I’ve drifted over to the left, I’d like to ask some questions

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Stokely was a VISIONARY. Oh my god, I enjoyed it when he debated George Lincoln Rockwell. White men dont know what they’re talking about

t. Zig Forums damage control

Shut up, fucktard trustfund baby.


Useful idiots for CIA/porky/etc. Must be combatted. Other anons could give more detailed opinions, but IMO the phenomenon is a result of filling the vacuum left by the nonexistence of a materialist Left in the USA.

I don't know enough about it to comment. Seems like pseudoscience, though.

I support the right of gay people to form relationships without interference. I don't really approve the movement being elevated to an identity.

They won't go away completely because of the evolutionary necessity to make generalizations, coupled with human tendency to fallacious reasoning. These things are exacerbated by capitalism, though.

We just want a world where we keep more of the value of our labor. Most of us here have jobs or are studying. This is just projection on your part.

Isn't that racist?
Also, I want to ask, how is this board different than Reddit and Tumblr. Those sites have tons of other like-minded leftists

Garbage stuff that started the the beginning of putting class issues behind autistic identity politics, also Cultural Marxism literally isn't a thing at all and the Frankfurt school is 100% unironically a bigger defender of western culture then any boomer or polyp since those groups produce shitty capitalist consumerist culture like shitty movies (transformers) and call it culture where as actual Proletarian culture is commoditized and destoryed.
It's a psychology technique and Capitalists have been using it since the 50's to get into your mind since the conscious mind has better protection against advertisements, Feuds nephew used it to massively change advertising in America. CIA also played/plays around with it like putting LSD into french peoples bread in the 50's and electroshook testings.
LGBT people are fine and deserve rights, sjw liberal ones are not. Class>Identity
They will but only under Socialism/Communism because Capitalism perpetuates them
Once Capitalism and class differences are destroyed

Don't know, don't care.
Freud is boring as shit and I couldn't read his writings because of this. No opinion, really, but a man that boring couldn't have had much to say.
There is nothing wrong with being gay, but being gay shouldn't be a focal point of your life. It is exactly like those dudes always talking about how they crush pussy.
They quite clearly are going away? We have what is quite obviously the best socieities that have ever existed… They will only go away completely when people are no longer in conflict with each other, I think. The market has done a bit to eliminate this, but I think it just transitioned it instead of actually eliminating it.

Good! I'm amazed that some one from Zig Forums says this.
Some say it's outdated.
everyone should be free to love any one they want, as long as they are not minors, putting that aside, I think that intersectionalists are fucking cancer to leftist politics, because they are reformists and they shift the focus from class struggle to emotional shit.
I don't expect them to ever go away, even if we achieve some form of socialism, those societal ills will still be present in some people.

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Give him some time, let's help him become class conscious.
Then introduce him to dialectical materialism and so on and so on.
He will have a hell of a ride.

I have no problems with gay or transgender people and think they should not be barred from marrying or enjoying the same rights as any other group of people. I don’t think it should be any sort of “identity” though that trumps class. Ideally no one would care.
I think those types of views will always linger on to a small extent, but most people who hold them are often just ignorant. Also see

I don't see what's wrong with them. They fought the war in Vietnam and the Frankfurt School was pretty much just criticizing consumerist culture in the Weimar Republic
I don't have one but considering Jacques Lacan is a Marxist it seems pretty gud
1) marriage is just a component of private property and the state that exists to solve inheritance, it serves no purpose under communism. any gays who argue for gay marriage are counterrevolutionary by default because they just want to expand marriage
2) gender roles are meaningless, you are either male or female, enough of this "RESPECT MY SNOWFLAKE IDENTITY" bullshit
they will never go away, see >>2764533's pic related

All of you guys are so materialistic. You think that people only fight over material/financial purposes and nothing else. The Russian Revolution was more an ethnic conflict, than a class one.
Race is the foundation of everything, which can also influence the economy. In America and Canada, wherever whites become the minority, it's always accompanied by an increase in poverty (see Detroit and Toronto). Every country in history has been built on some type of racial/ethnic nationalism. You leftists will always be against nature
Where have your ideologies worked and how are they consistent with reality and human nature?


The difference between liberals and leftists is that leftists understand that capitalism cannot be reformed. Another difference is our materialism, which also separates us from conservatives–the world is not a competition between in-groups with clearly-defined bad guys and good guys, but rather economic groups acting according to their self-interest. It's the challenge of leftists like us to imbue the same self-interested economic thinking that the upper classes have in the working class.

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All of that is just a societal construct mr Zig Forumstard.

I’m not defending him but he does have a point in saying people are naturally prone to dislike people that don’t look or act like them. that’s something that can never be fixed.
his assertions are right, the conclusions he draws however are retarded.

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Not defending capitalism but this quote is retarded. Racism existed before capitalism and you could easily have a ☭TANKIE☭ Nazbol-type communist state that was still racist.

Hate crimes by racists will probably still be a thing in any future society, i think he took race as an example from the many other types of discrimination. The difference is capitalism gives power to certain people over others, which only allows racism to be even more dangerous.

nowhere in the quote is this denied
go for it. if it works I won’t fight it.

I would reduce that one step further.

Money is only a symptom of the problems , greed and a lust for power over others are the problems

Anyone dumb enough to guy into Zig Forums stuff at any point in their life should just be sent to gulag to be honest.

You're probably just as worthless as they are and would be a massive liability to any group you joined.
Once garbage always garbage.

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You understand quite a sizable portion of this board is ex-pol, right?
Oh, sorry you're a flaseflagger. My mistake. Fuck off then.

I would appreciate a source for this debate very much!

sorry grog but I don't think you can watch it on a stone tablet.