Ben Shaprio

How does he do it, Zig Forums?

How is he able to SLAUGHTER triggered snowflakes EPIC style every time?

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By talking fast and being charismatic against dumb triggered college libs

This. He just states his opinions in a really smug and authoritative way as if they were self evident and you’d have to be retarded not to agree with him. Then he keeps doing it over and over again until the lib gets triggered and makes an ass of themselves.

Turning Point USA and Young America’s Foundation who help to promote him are funded by the Koch Brothers and the DeVos Family

You think a smuck like him would normally get this much free advertising?
Follow the money….

Because liberals are, on some level, aware that their way of life and political system is oiled by the blood of the third world and disenfranchised in their own nations so someone telling them they're dumb and a hypocrite shatters their tenuous fantasy where they're not a bad person for voting to continue oil wars

So how do you defeat someone like that? Someone who PewdiePie supports and gives even more street cred to? Is it even possible that reactionary media can be countered at all?
I feel like tackling them straight on is pointless, since they have a bigger platform and it's difficult for them to manipulate anything.

this, conservatives are guys that if you sat down and read Settlers with them, would side with the whites

through scientific, peer-reviewed, research (and case studies). ever notice how conservatives are anti-academia? that is why.
it always makes me laugh when khaki-wearing white kids think they know fuckall about the streets


how is this guy not in jail yet for all the libs he slaugthers and decapitates daily?

In the time you have done this, they have reached the Vrill state.

not my problem. unfortunately it takes 10 minutes to disprove a lie someone came up with in 1

this post doesn't reek of butthurt at all

t. ben shaprio

Ah, yes, Pewdiepie. An unstoppable force in the world of reactionary thought. This is a normal thing to think about and should definitely be considered a real obstacle to the establishment of socialism.

Bruh if we don't have the youth on our side we're fucked

every pewdietard recruited to the ranks of the shapiro is a defeat for us


Just call him a Zionist and watch him try to squirm out of it.

The only way to deal with opponents who are perfectly convinced they have it figured out is to present your ideas with the same dismissive confidence. Just tell them to fuck off. Turning down "civil debate" is like orgasm denial for these dipshits, it just leaves them standing there glassy-eyed with their dicks hanging out

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lol did you see his talk with Tucker Carlson?