Looks like halfchan's having a bit of trouble. What do you believe to be the cause of this? I honestly don't think this is all the fault of Zig Forums in itself, but the lack of good memes from 4chan outside of say /biz/. However I'm kind of a fucking moron, so I want your takes on 4chan's decline. I'm sure Zig Forums will blame SJWs for this somehow.
Looks like halfchan's having a bit of trouble. What do you believe to be the cause of this...
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I'd say it has to do with the differences between millenials and zoomers. Millenials got to see the rise of the internet and saw it as an opportunity for social change, while zoomers grew up in it and only see it as a tool for fitting in. Combine this with the fact that they're dumb kids who literally know fuck all and you have a disaster of stale, repetitive memes that educated people (read: anyone not in elementary school) would never find funny.
It's also the fact that 4chan's value as a website went up drastically the second capitalists realized it could be used (Project Chanology) towards real-world ends, which coincided with the crash in 2008. Many marginalized investors started looking towards the software industry rather than wall street for IP that they could use for their own gain, enter gookmoot.
While moot actually cared about the 4chan community, Hiroshima is literally nothing more than an empty opportunist businessman who saw 4chan as a money-making scheme.
The state of Zig Forums changed severely because of this. While moot saw Zig Forums as a beast that needed to be kept under control (it was), gookmoot saw it as a business opportunity to profit off of the resentment that uneducated white males had been receiving since, well, the collapse of OWS and rise of postmodern SJWism. I doubt gookmoot was entirely aware of these political nuances, but I'm sure the marketing team he hired was.
newfag spotted
why doesn't he hire a translator? this fag literally can't into english
it's honestly such a weird feeling. I never thought I'd see 4chan die in my lifetime.
Say what you will about moot, but he did everything he could to stop this stupid shit from happening
So he’s splitting 4chan into two different sites– one for the NSFW boards and another for the work-safe? Nice job killing 4chan, good thing the only board I use there is /a/. I’m sure cancer will flood here though
doubt it. the newfags on 4chan are such fucking normalfaggots I doubt most of them even know what Gamergate was.
what? gamergate is probably where chan history starts for them
what was gamergate?
2015 is where the true cancer began
which is probably why none of them know about the virgin gamer rage website some autistic cripple advertised to escape 4chan. newfags poured into halfchan while everyone else came over here.
also this.
everyone on 4chan is blaming Zig Forums lmao
How much of a newfag are you, Zig Forums? I started lurking on 4chan when everyone was posting "cancer killing /b/" and there were candy ass and roody poo wordfilters. Don't remember which year this was.
Feels fucking awful
We must do something about this.
i don't know about everyone else but i am absolutely fine with Zig Forums and the like being separated from the hobbyist boards i actually use. the only shitty part about this is getting accustomed to a new domain name
promotion campaign for "infinitychan" perhaps?
sounds like 2012
you're a fucking newfag
4channel is still going to link to SFW boards. the level of crossposters isn't going to change.
nice false flag
there is nothing about this that even hints at Zig Forums being specifically put away or quarantined in any way
That also means that jannies are now literally working for free you can't pretend it's just a hobby if hiro makes a ton of cash with it
Are you baiting? Zig Forums is a red board.
Why? 4chan dying is a good thing.
Why contain it?
oh for sure
what hobby boards do you use? if you're a /g/tard like me there's plenty of good alternatives
That can't be true, there would be no difference in the way the site operates. 4channel would just be another way to reach 4chan, but with mysterious crossposts to another site. They will absolutely block crossposts from 4chan, and crack down on Zig Forums on any board outside their containment to make it Reddit 2.0. And 4channel will become 10 times bigger than 4chan as a result.
wait I got it mixed it up. 4chan.org will remain the same. 4channel.org will only link to SFW sites.
but yeah you're right basically it's retarded and not going to change thing.
yeah if i'm anywhere it's /g/ or /vr/
It's funny how at this point 4chan turning into Reddit would be a improvement.
Hiro is such a fucking drooling retard.
I recommend arisuchan and lainchan.
Why? Besides /mu/ it's a predominantly reactionary site, and scattering their ability to disseminate propaganda is a good thing.
how is /mu/ less reactionary than any other board?
only hippies and black people can actually make good music.
Why would Hiro try to isolate Zig Forums? Isn't that a big money maker for him?
/g/ is among the most bourgeois boards on 4chan. It's literally just mindless consumerism and comparing each other's 6-figure wages.
where the fuck else am I supposed to go to talk about computers and programming then?
people usually call out Zig Forums when they see it.
all the creative 4chan boards are bourgeois
wages are not classes you fake piece of shit
and /biz/ isn't?
Not a lot of 6 figures working class people though
/g/ is filled with actual children. Mobile was a mistake.
This might kill what's left of /a/'s soul
/a/ is still one of the few boards that bans Zig Forums outright. I wonder if that will change?
Last time I went on /a/ it's just a bunch of people spamming pictures of green goblins raping some girl in a cave.
Darling in the FRANXX already killed what was left of /a/
I’m still butthurt how that anime ended. The threads were cancer though
Zig Forums is the highest traffic, but it isn't the dominant. And no one wants to be the one that is advertising for Zig Forums.
they do it on other boards as well, it is just that /mu/ has less poltards being loud
there are still a lot of nice discussions with linux and open-source programs, although they get hidden in the middle of the shit
How can you handle it?
The captcha is fucking awful, so I tend to lurk more than post. /a/ on this site is pretty slow though and has that autistic bot which bans you for certain words instantly
It's gookmoot, who else would it be? He's been trying to make 4chan a moneymaker ever since he got the site.
The fact of the matter is that 4chan hosts a ton of porn and advertisers who make ads that people would want to whitelist don't want to put their ads on a porn site.
But here's the catch: They don't want to put it on a site that lacks moderation like 4chan in the first place. So what's the next step? Automated moderation just like leddit and twitter.
Get ready for a flood of halfie refugees.
Jim would rather cut off his left nut than deal with hiro again.
so Zig Forums what do you think the future of 4chan is?
'4chan' which is the same honeypot its always been. Moderation deteriorates and the people who visit it start receiving an unusually large amount of malware and viruses for some reason.
4channel fucking dies and becomes reddit in all but name.
Getting shitty. Is there any other doubt?
fucking kek. only a retard like gookmoot can motivate lazy hentai-obsessed permavirgins to scrape together a flowchart within hours.
this is weirdly based. i was expecting Zig Forums tears
4chan is still fucked though. it might be fun again for a little while but eventually the advertisers will buy it out and turn it into a consumerist shithole like reddit.
Gotta make some money.
Time for 4ch to split into East and West, looks like based Hiro is building an Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart.
He can perfectly well into English, he pretends he doesn't so he has an excuse to ignore people talking to him. He's like a grandfather farting at the dinner table then turning off the hearing aid to not hear everyone's screaming at him.
LMAO why are they complaining?? I thought they loved capitalism?
From a business prospective it’s brilliant. It’ll be Reddit but without social climbing, up votes and Zig Forums.
Reddit is hotpocket central and if you run a foul the subreddit owner, which is stupid easy to do, you’re permanently banned. This seriously hamstrings Reddit’s growth but their too cheap to just hire the largest subreddit owners and make them follow some kind of policy.
4channel will be largely free of that, and I can totally see it becoming a boon for hobby boards as people have the freedom of a Chan but the shelter of Reddit, to congregate about their hobby.
Screen cap this, 4channel and its paradigm will become more successful than Reddit.
Hiro knows exactly what he's doing. (making DOSH)
4chan is dead to me, and has been for a while
Zig Forums shattering into thousands of little pieces would do a lot more to help us than to hurt us. The right lost the need to be Zig Forumslacks because that shit isn't acceptable even online anymore. So the right will use shit like youtube fuckboys like Pewdiepie to drive in a more "respectable" anti-leftwing front instead of the usual lolcows. That being said, I did notice that far right talking points in 4chan aligned places have become more stigmatized recently. The only place that the right can gain ground with the youth has been in anime circles comprised mostly of teenagers.
Where? Even on /a/ that shit isn’t tolerated
/a/ is about 50/50 between centrists and right-wing. All of which are possessed by misogynistic spooks, too much so for them to be class conscious.
tbh that doesn't even surprise me, watching anime every day for years will give you a psychotically unrealistic concept of what people and society are like
Chanology was pretty fucking bad though
Only if you’re mentally ill. I’ve been watching anime and reading manga for years and I never turned into a spooked retard. Zig Forums cancer on /a/ is awful
chanology didn't ruin 4chan for everyone else though, it was more like an expression of the worst sort of autists that were a product of its own community culture. damn near everyone knew they were faggots and most of the dumb kids never left /b/
which a lot of weebs seem to be
I’ll concede that one
No. I mean /a/ the board, not actual anime. The ones with Zig Forums friendly themes such as Darling in the Franxx, High School of the Dead, Goblin Slayer, and the like all suck balls though. But most people of taste recognize that they suck, and only appreciate the "animation" quality into such schlock while deriding the plot.
This is what Redditors do to chans, they kill them
Can you access /home/?
Here, I need attention.
We need to warn Ismail, imagine the poor guy getting flooded with schizophrenic Zig Forumsyps from 4chan and typing out text-walls against the very people who are too schizo too argue against
Oh FFS stop, Goblin Slayer being appropriated by Zig Forums does not make it Zig Forums friendly. It's the old The curtains are blue shit, where someone is just making this for the hell of it, and then someone decides to over-analyze it and in this case use it for some bullshit political message. This is why meme 'culture' sucks.
Is 4chan finally kill?