Insects are based

Hive insects have lived under full communism for hundreds of millions of years while humans are constantly getting cucked by capitalism.

Bees can recognize individual humans and communicate through flight patterns. Ants can solve mazes and can communicate the position of food to other ants.

Wrong, the queen does not enforce her rule by any means. The other insects defend her because she is the only way for the hive to continue

Attached: Ant.jpg (474x299, 10.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

they invented farming before us too, they also feed some cow-ass insects with sugar, then they directly feed out of their assholes because that shit is sweet.

Also termite nests are more advanced than any building humans have made

Even more based

Here is some small article on how insect brains work, they are not the smartest organisms but they are also definitely not just biorobots



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ants are strict monarchists you stupid chucklefucks

glory to the queen, bye bye baboon peoples

The queen is not a leader, she sits around laying eggs. They help her because they need her eggs to sustain the hive.

why are leftists so uneducated? learns YOURSELF some books nigger

she is just used for reproduction, ants do use pheromones but it doesn't go farther than leaving trails, she has little say if any

I actually can't tell if this is a joke or not.

You want to be permanently immobilized and have your body used to store resources for the greater benefit of the community? Like, actually? For real? Because that sounds like one of those weird fetishes that you'd find on deviantart or some shit.

Yeah bro i definitely want to store my body with honey until i'm so delicate that a boop from a human finger could make me explode instantly.

Being serious, no, being an ant would be hell because:
A)Ants being communist doesn't take out the fact you will never be able to interact in a meaningful way with them, as previously said they communicate by touching and smelling each other all day and they don't say much.
B)Giant insects.

I rest my case.

Stop projecting human social relationships unto animals, that's as retarded as " bears have territories therefore capitalism is natural" tier

That's more a result of their reflexs towards concentrations of pheromons rather than conscious reflexion, there is even an algorithm inspired by ant's behavior that is used in GPS's to calculate the shortest trip between several places places.
You can argue than the whole anthill display some kind of intelligence from the result of the networking of the simple processing units that are individula ants, kinda like our own intelligence results from the synchonized work of our billions neurons, but that's quite a stretch.

Yeah hive insects are pretty far from being like an actual complex vertebrate/cephalopod, but they still display an interesting type of intelligence.

wtf are you ok?

add that to the list.

op's post was bait my dude



They can tho?, cephalopods use their color/texture changing skin, dolphins may transmit "images" using echolocation and weakly electric fishes use electrocommunication.



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They can. What sets humans apart is language.

Communists are as low as insects. Now I know why. Disgusting

So are you saying we should dance to communicate? And only go where you smell dirty commie fart trails? And we all should be disposable workers for the queen?

Ants are really fascinating. There are so many different types of ant societies, some are farmers, some are scavengers, some are slavers, some are nomads etc., and the physical difference between the species varies as much as the difference between, say, dogs and elephants.
Some ants are literally suicide bombers, blowing themselves up to spray acid all over the enemy.

And insects are higher than human. Checkmate bucko.

if commies are insects then right wing idiots are inert rocks

Ants are comrades.

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is he carrying a stick or what?

Ants are based and redpilled.

ants are fascist.

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There's a very mediocre French writer who actually made neat fiction about ants :

Sea mammals like dolphins and whales use structured verbal language.

holy fuck read chompsky

That's like saying Jordan Peterson is a reliable source of information about sociology.

Chomsky is a leader in linguistic science you insolent brant

What does he say about language/communication?

he says there's no study in the entire academic world which is able to prove that animals can form any form of syntactic, grammatical, or logical structure like humans can, not even basic ones.
there's even a group of scientists who tried to disprove him and tried to train a Chimpanzee (named "Nim Chimpsky") to do it and they failed. animals just can't do it.
you can train them to do basic hand motions when they see a certain object but that's about it. they can't say anything besides nouns.

I guess i can agree with that, what's the difference between an animal reacting to visual signals given by another member of his species and our communication?, is it the lack of abstract ideas?

1984 called

Is this low-key a reference to this movie?

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because they can't actually share commands with each other. if I told you to three lefts and a right to find the bathroom when you need to piss you could do it, an animal can't. being able to recognize objects is not all there is to language.

forming is not the same understanding.

Remember that time Woody Allen held his commanding officer's severed head in his hands as he watched him die?
I can't believe it was a kids movie.


What honestly is the point of this thread?

Insects are based

i came here last night and in my opinion this is a thread made to have a good time.


Meh, so can water. Think about it.

Half a century ago or so, Chomsky came to a firm opinion on how complex animal communication can be and he doesn't care enough to actually investigate.

Animals can learn more complex stuff than sign = object. Alex the parrot could distinguish between colors and shapes and count to five or six, and even had a concept of zero. You could present him a collection of objects and ask in mongrel English questions like: How many round? And he could answer that correctly. (It's not plausible that he did that by rote memorization of this word = in one of these situations, there are too many configurations, and he answered correctly for configurations he had not encountered before.)

And capitalists are dung beetles.
Bees and bee monarchy are the most civilized in the insect realm. Make the world a better place.

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Even Maistre agrees that bee monarchy represents the best sovereignty:
“If sovereignty is not anterior to the people, at least these two ideas are collateral, since a sovereign is necessary to make a people. It is as impossible to imagine a human society, a people, without a sovereign as a hive and bees without a queen: for, by virtue of the eternal laws of nature, a swarm of bees exists in this way or it does not exist at all. Society and sovereignty are thus born together; it is impossible to separate these two ideas. Imagine an isolated man: there is no question of laws or government, since he is not a whole man and society does not yet exist. Put this man in contact with his fellowmen: from this moment you suppose a sovereign. The first man was king over his children; each isolated family was governed in the same way. But once these families joined, a sovereign was needed, and this sovereign made a people of them by giving them laws, since society exists only through the sovereign.
Everyone knows the famous line,
“The first king was a fortunate soldier.

This is perhaps one of the falsest claims that has ever been made. Quite the opposite could be said, that

The first soldier was paid by a king.

There was a people, some sort of civilization, and a sovereign as soon as men came into contact. The word people is a relative term that has no meaning divorced from the idea of sovereignty: for the idea of a people involves that of an aggregation around a common center, and without sovereignty there can be no political unity or cohesion….”

Attached: 1872145.jpg (500x450, 139.53K)

And capitalists are dung beetles.
Bees and bee monarchy are the most civilized in the insect realm. Make the world a better place

Attached: scarab-2490586_960_720.jpg (800x600, 65.39K)

Even Maistre agrees that bee monarchy represents the best sovereignty:
“If sovereignty is not anterior to the people, at least these two ideas are collateral, since a sovereign is necessary to make a people. It is as impossible to imagine a human society, a people, without a sovereign as a hive and bees without a queen: for, by virtue of the eternal laws of nature, a swarm of bees exists in this way or it does not exist at all. Society and sovereignty are thus born together; it is impossible to separate these two ideas. Imagine an isolated man: there is no question of laws or government, since he is not a whole man and society does not yet exist. Put this man in contact with his fellowmen: from this moment you suppose a sovereign. The first man was king over his children; each isolated family was governed in the same way. But once these families joined, a sovereign was needed, and this sovereign made a people of them by giving them laws, since society exists only through the sovereign.

Everyone knows the famous line,

“The first king was a fortunate soldier.

This is perhaps one of the falsest claims that has ever been made. Quite the opposite could be said, that

The first soldier was paid by a king.

There was a people, some sort of civilization, and a sovereign as soon as men came into contact. The word people is a relative term that has no meaning divorced from the idea of sovereignty: for the idea of a people involves that of an aggregation around a common center, and without sovereignty there can be no political unity or cohesion….”

Attached: 1872145.jpg (500x450, 139.53K)

go to

Basically the same thread, user.