Liberals immediately go apeshit. Thoughts? Do you support him?
Liberals immediately go apeshit. Thoughts? Do you support him?
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Also confidence vote/fuck May general
The EU was literally created to oppose communism. I support him more than ever.
Not really he should just lay low and allow May to cause the fuckup that hard Brexit is going to be in terms of economy. Labor would be guaranteed to gain majority in next general elections. But on personal level I can more than respect his devotion to anti-EU stance.
I'm kinda worried that he'll get outed. I'm not much for electoral politics, but he is the most based demsucc since Allende.
He needs to remake Labour in his image
I mean, every European centre-right party that hasn't shifted left is collapsing
It's kind of funny. Conservatives in the UK are doing to Nationalists what Liberals in America are doing to Leftists. Because of this Corbyn is basically the left-wing version of Trump in that they both use populism to their advantage.
In a sense, yes, Trump shoved his own agenda down the GOP's throat and dragged the GOP establishment kicking and screaming past the finish line
I suppose it's just that in a two party prison the only way to obtain change is to hijack one of the main parties
It's only bad if they succeed. And they would be stupid not to try.
That is true enough. With the fact that Labour is comprised of zoomers who loathe brexit, I can see how being pro-brexit would be shooting yourself in the foot. On the other hand, I don't know if brexit is 1# priority for everyone on Labour.
Being from a country that the EU destroyed with austerity, I support him. Even his most mild succdem policies would probably result in a deficit over EU budget regulation.
But maybe the best strategy would just be drop Brexit, win the election and ignore the EU like the far right does in Italy, Hungary, Poland, etc. and deal with the sanctions
It's not really the zoomers that loathe brexit itself insofar as that they loathe the groups that are associated with brexit, and this itself is partly because Labour, and the actual Left more generally didn't make much of a case for Brexit and allowed the discourse to be controlled by the Centre-Right but also increasingly the Far-Right when in reality Brexit in a vacuum would always be more beneficial politically to the Left. The only groups who really /loathe/ Brexit that aren't literally porkies or porky mouthpieces who would be directly affected are Cosmopolitan Liberals and those who work/live in the EU, which really isn't a particularly large portion of the UK, most people don't really feel that strongly about it either way, outside of their opposition to who they perceive supporting the other side.
Stakes are too high for canceling Brexit at this point, markets are going to crash. If Labor does not support peoples vote, then most certainly the hardliners from conservative brexiteers most certainly will not support second referendum. Its only matter of time and there is less than 14 weeks remaining until the crash happens. As for the EU budget that is more or less safe since UK has committed to paying its membership fees even if hard brexit happens at least until 2024.
The British bourg hate Brexit. Canceling it is the safest thing to do, especially with the unpopularity of the conservatives pushing it.
I know Corbyn is all about principle and he personally supports Brexit but I think this is going too far, it's a slamdunk to be Remain when the majority of the public is after seeing what a travesty Brexit has been (especially the left), wanting to escape European neoliberalism and so on is foolish when it means not getting elected at all, I mean does he want the Libdems to come back into power? If he can't stand up in support of a referendum then his base will abandon him.
Its going to be too late pretty soon since national referendums require by law at least 10 weeks of preparation and like I mentioned there is only about 14 left. Only other place that could hold the authority to unilaterally pull out the article 50 is house of commons but that seems highly unlikely as it would not be politically beneficial to help May`s government for the opposition nor hardline tories. Hard brexit will happen unless May manages to scare national bourgeois to frenzy making them turn the hardliners heads along libdems and others but that seems less probable every day that passes.
[image of incredibly bored anime girl goes here]
No, we're not saving the fucking Tories. They always pull this shit.
No, mate. You are wrong. They have just cucked out massively. People is already jumping at their throat everywhere on the internet where those morons have a profile. 2019's budget deficit will be the smallest since ages. And they have committed to raise the VAT from 22% to 25.2% if they can't find 23 extra billions for 2020 or to 26.5% if they can't find 29 extra billions for 2021.
Salveenee has come out of the closet and a couple of weeks ago he explicitly said that he has no plans and no intention to leave the EU and he actually wants to [[[change it from the inside]]]… He clearly has delusions of grandeur and he sees himself as the next Juncker, just more [[[populist]]]…
Can't believe I agree with Fin Socdem once. If he allowes the tories to fuck up first then Labour will practically achieve a one party state democratically. It's gonna be the landslide of landslides.
It’s a sticky situation. While the EU is shit there’s no way that Brexit won’t be a disaster for the British economy. That kind of major shift is never good for stability and growth. That means that whichever party is in power when it goes down is going to be seriously damaged. The best case scenario would be for it to go through while the Tories are in power, then Labour would sweep the next election and handle the recovery.
Because the media says so it must be true
How exactly is that saving the Tories? If Corbyn doesn't do anything to avert Brexit the public will hold him responsible too. It doesn't matter if it's more their fault if the country is fucked due to him being stubborn. Hold a new emergency referendum and get into power based on the wave of support for that.
What are you smoking? It is true, the left were pro-remain then and they're even more so now, Brexit would never pass again today. The Lib Dems have been smart enough this time to run purely on Remain, if Labour lets them do that then they're going to get killed by splitters and the Tories will win again. I mean how suicidal can you be? Corbyn has made it this far against all odds by being what the majority of the Labour membership want but now he's going directly against them.
The only reason he is being held responsible is because of liberals like yourself concern trolling about him being responsible constantly.
You can't just wash your hands of the opposition's fuck up and say 'yeah if were in power we would still do that but better lmao'.
I mean what is his end game here? To try win over the Tory Eurosceptics that think he's a reincarnation of Stalin instead of his own party membership? The Blairites have spent years trying to kill him and only fail because he has the support of the membership but what happens when that isn't the case anymore? He's not just falling on his sword, he's actively committing suicide.
I mean do you think that the people who have had news about Brexit as the top story for 2 years now won't still be bitter about it by the time the next election comes round? For fuck's sake, there probably won't be a snap election anyway so it would at least be a good tactical decision to say he would support a revote.
This is your brain on electoralism, the EU has got to be destroyed bucko.
Depends if he just lets the right-wing's bullshit criticism of EU fester, instead of going HAM on the horseshit austerity EU pushes.
Without the EU, the countries of Europe are doomed to be nothing more than slaves to the US or Russia or China, why do you think far right trolls and paid shills who've never set foot here hate it so much? It will be easier to reform the EU than to ever try and replace it.
But even setting that aside, 'electoralism'? How much more do you think the British people can take? The suicide rate among young people is sky high, and the country seems absolutely hopeless in every way. Bowing down and dying isn't going to help leftism, people need spirit to fight and Corbyn can give people that - if he doesn't throw it away like this.
The UKs austerity has had nothing to do with the EU and it isn't even close to being over, frankly I trust politicians in Brussels marginally more than the ones in Westminster, at least they're offering 'some' protection.
Let's say we have a Brexit, hard or soft, do you think the government is going to replace all the regulations about safety, the environment, workers rights et cetera? Not to mention human rights. I know Corbyn wants some mythical Lexit but he's just as bound to reality as May, he won't be able to get a better deal than the one on the table now where the UK has to pay EU dues and abide by their customs laws but doesn't get a vote or any representation. And if we actually leave the EU - well either it will go alright in which case the Tories will take the credit, or it'll go terribly in which case the right will rally because the tabloids will just tell them to blame immigrants while the rich will want to push the government to cut even more regulation, and the left will be wounded and angry at Labour for not doing more to prevent it; Corbyn can't compete with Tory money at an election so he needs people power to get out the vote, but half of those people won't show up if he doesn't at least try to stop Brexit.
TLDR: Corbyn is fucking Labour over on this by not trying to stop Brexit, the right will always go vote anyway but the left needs to be energised to succeed.
Who cares about Zoomers. Zoomers don’t vote. Do you know who does vote. Retired coal mines. Their the reason why Brexit succeeded, and if Labour is pro-EU, they’ll vote Ukip. If labour is pro-Breixt, they’ll vote for Labour.
I don't believe you've not had this conversation a dozen times already since we're years into this now, so I'll make this easy for you:
Pick one and only one.
This is your brain on parliamentary politics.
60% of Labour voters were Remain dipshit.
How exactly is the EU stopping Corbyn from instituting full Demsocism? Yeah there are some bullshit free trade laws and so on but we'll have to follow those anyway with a Brexit deal, it's easier to deal with the EU when we can at least vote on it. You guys seem to think that Labour will somehow get into power if Brexit happens but some other Tory shill will just replace May.
Yeah let's energise the left by not winning any power and giving all control to the neoliberal right, that worked so well in the US right? I'm sure the socialist worker meetings in the pub on Wednesdays will build the dual power we need to over throw the police and the army.
And 60% of Labour constituencies voted Leave, see the issue in a constituency based FPTP system?
State aid and nationalisation is banned.
All the deals were always going to be "bad" deals by virtue of our current deal being so good.
Reforming the EU is impossible, at this point it will always get cucked by right wing parties, butthurt slavs and the eternal Kraut.
Who? The Tories are practically finished. They have no upcoming talent, their voters are dying off, and when the army are inevitably called in to deal with Brexit and the motorways are fucked from all the lorries backed up nobody will remember Corbyn's stance on the EU.
Comrade Corbyn reveals his power lvl!
For fuck sake, if Corbyn holds a second referendum, it will defeat the whole concept of it in the first place. The only viable option for Remainers is to push for as much benefits and access to EU so it seems like it hasn't left. Or just straight up dare EU to kick UK out.
You seem to forget that Corbyn was always a Eurosceptic who is only interested in implementing socialism. Tell me how remaining in the EU makes it possible.
oh man oh man, do I remmeber exactly posting that this will happen in every italian election general. These "eurosceptic" shits have no intention of leaving the EU, and Brexit is only happening because David Cameron was a fucking bafoon who thought his referendum wouldn't succseed.
Bye bye bafoons.
You sound like a fucking conniving Blairite, if Labour came out as Remain it would be like throwing a liferaft to the Tory party, they need to fucking die.
Jesus Christ you're actually a fucking Liberal aren't you? No wonder a IB faggot is a remainer.
They have already tried: several times.
Fucking this. Like there is a big myth in remain circles that every single person that voted remain is some direhard europhile: it's just not true. Most people just want the whole bloody thing over and done with honestly.
It can be argued that strategizing to take a neoliberal policy that's popular with the MSM is precisely what is reviving over right wing authoritarianism around the world. It's probably a better strategy for the left to pick up the populist proles they lost, and to quit accomodating ideas popular with 21st century liberal News Anchors.
Also from a purely electoralist standpoint, reviving the lib dems would be a useful menuvre for Labour. In a lot of the south (especially the West Country) most of those seats were Lib dem-tory marginals before 2015, now they are tory safe seats. The vote splitting of social liberals/econ liberals (who are almost all remainers) back into the lib dems would open up a lot of those seats.
Besides, Labour needs to find a new path to victory, at the 2017 conference they have specifically decided to regain the towns of the Midlands and South that have undergone degeneration. These are not nor ever were areas where the Lib Dems did well.
Oh yes you can. It is in fact the best course of action - let them eat the shit.
Well this is the thing: the EU is really popular. Even in like Hungary and Poland, if it were put to a vote the vast majority of people would remain, heck 55% of people say they want to join the euro.
The UK was always unique in the regard that euroscepticism was actually a position that had been shown to have major public support. It's why brexit happening is such a big thing is that it is occuring in one of the few places it could.
Hungary and Poland are bad examples, people there want to abuse the EU and create the reality that made ~30% of Brexit voters vote to leave.
Ask denmark instead. France. Greece. Mostly a majority to stay, but a slim one. None of them like the EU, though, so the only thing preventing them from wanting to leave is cowardice and that's going to deminish when things continue to get worse. And they will.
What are you alluding to?
It's entertaining but sad to see so many deluding themselves into thinking that if Labour were to clearly position itself in favour brexit it would lose them votes. Its nothing but extreme wishful thinking on part of libdems, greens and the snp that somehow there is a significant number of people who vote labour but will stop if labour doesn't sufficiently commit itself to stopping brexit. There is no libdem surge waiting in the wings that will bring them back into any relevance, its not happening and its only they who are trying to convince gullible types in the labour party that there is to the effect of turning labour into a party which says 'how high?' whenever the libdems shout jump.
Labour has nothing to fear from them and pandering to their political program as if it were appealing to voters or it were feasible for the libdems to ever win isn't going to help Labour.
Liberal types are not our allies and shouldn't be listened to, their helpful advice about how Labour should do everything they want it to do should be about as convincing as a Zig Forumsyp coming it here and telling us 'the left just has to let go of internationalism and then it'll totally win ;^)'.
The only way labour might lose out from fully embracing brexit is if the tories completely reversed their position and tried to reverse the referendum.
I'm curious how Brexiters want to get the economy back on track, are they hoping that EU countries will still want to trade with them and pretend like it never happened? Seems like the dog that finally caught the car and doesn't know what to do with it.
Also are anons on this board opposed to any European alliance all together? If, say, Russia attack Finland or Turkey attacks Greece, would they support France flexing their nukes, or should they mind their own business? One of the big reasons socialism never took off in South America was because the US made sure it couldn't, how is a fragmented Europe going to protect itself against capitalist countries?
How the fuck is it good for Labour to be pro Brexit when a majority of Labour voters were pro Remain? The hardline Brexit people will never vote Labour anyway, they'll continue to vote Con til they die (or nuUKIP, whatever).
This is a delusional mindset, since when are right wingers ever punished when they fuck up? Their voter base will just be told it's the fault of brown people or those damned TINOs or whatever, the Tories have fucked the country for near enough a decade now and done nothing right that whole time and has it really led to them getting punished at election time? No.
You cannot be serious.
The old industrial north voted overwhelmingly for Brexit in 2016 then turned out in force for Corbyn in 2017. Leave it to the liberal to completely misjudge the national mood.
British elections are not won on popular votes but by constituencies and the majority of Labour and Conservatives constituencies are pro-Brexit.
Do you know what's better than polling? The referendum we had.
Oh yeah, and obviously everything is the same since then. You have to have a serious case of magical thinking to be pro-Brexit at this point, I mean how would Corbyn ever solve the Irish border issue?
Now check which of those are Labour-held constituencies, duh.
And what do you think will happen if Corbyn gets on the Remain Train? He's going to be lauded as the adult in the room by the same Nu-Lab Remainers that think he's an anti-semitic anachronistic reminder of the "dark old days" when Labour was associated with, ugh, filthy miners?
And in what universe are the 'real left' wing of the party pro-Brexit?
Yeah since when do we have multiple elections? If the Brexit camp had delivered on what they promised instead of running away and letting May take the fall we wouldn't be in this situation now, not to mention the numerous financial irregularities during the first referendum.
Well, it's a majority, and Labour want to win a majority, so…
That's easy: you can't do a project of nationalizations within the framework of the EU, who have driven privatizations. So if you're serious about democratic socialism you'll run into the EU sooner or later. Might as well let the Tories eat the shit that will come with the economic contractions it will cause.
libdem wishful thinking
This party may be more to your liking.
How so?
You know I never thought I'd see a Liberal Democrat posting on an imageboard.
Also tbh for a lot of people loyalty to Corbyn goes WAY further than loyalty to the EU: rabid europhilla is pretty common with tory voters in the south too. It honestly might be better for them to move to the lib dems purely because it makes Labour's electoral calculus easier.
Also reminder a load of Labour's gains in 2017 were made off of UKIP vote returning to the party and non-voters.
Actually over 80% of the population voted for Brexit backing parties last election so it is incredibly popular.
State aid rules allow business people to sue a government that engages in either close shop sourcing or creates a state funded company that competes with private enterprise.
youre fucking ignorant my dude, how can you be interested in your country politics andnot realize that
Obviously a Border Poll
By signing a deal that allows for movement of goods between the RoI and Norn? It really isn't a complex issue to resolve it is just that some autist tories can't accept any reasonable solution that doesn't involve space age tech.
That's what he is doing. He can't stay completely silent on the biggest political issue of the day, he has to take a stance - and I think this stance of 'we'll go ahead with Brexit but we'll get a better deal' is the only one that pours cold water on the People's Vote brigade while dodging any share of the blame for the consequences of whatever the Tories end up doing. According to the polling it would be a disastrous policy to take into a pre-Brexit general election but we're very unlikely to have an election in the timeframe and if necessary he can reconsider.
Any referendum would entail extending the Article 50 period in order to make time. Theoretically it wouldn't take very long at all to get that extension.
That's not how it works. The party that's in power gets all the blame even if it's not their fault. Look at how Labour got blamed for the 2008 crash even though the Tories had been pushing for policies that would have made it even worse.
Labour saying they want a new referendum would make it far more likely there would be one. It would end up being an extremely stupid 'tactical decision'.
See page 3. I don't believe it would be that bad but the message is clear.
Why did mod's delete 'Corbyn is fascist (…)' I will kill you comment? It was funny!
it's the same falseflagger that's been spamming the board.
P sure it is meant to be a satire of radical remainers.
Global communism for all workers is more important than a socdem party and its leader in a tiny country.
Getting 27 of the member states to form a consensus(for the extension) in timeframe of 3 weeks is effectively impossible since by law referendum needs 10 weeks to prepare. Hard brexit or may`s deal are the only options at this point.
UKucks, give it to me straight, what are the chances of Corbyn winning and how much will your conservatives just shit on him and make him a lame duck for his entire turn to spur a return back to conservative rule?
1) don't be rude
2) Chances of Corbyn winning are unknown, come back in a month
3) If he wins a majority the tories can't shit on him or make him a lame duck, there is a risk of Blairite wreckers tho
4) Regardless of what happens in a Corbyn premiership, the tories are fucked big-style, I wouldn't be surprised if their next election result is their worst sine 1824.
Why does JK Rowling hate Corbyn so much?
Every week she attacks him on Twitter, almost as much as American media obsesses about Trump.
Because she's the epitome of the champagne liberal, everyone should just be nice to each other and we should have welfare but attacking the rich or trying to control income inequality is going too far. Basically the consummate triggered Blairite. Of course, New Labour completely failed to tackle poverty and privatised state services but never mind, she's doing just fine.
She also thinks that her opinion is extremely valuable because she got lucky enough to ride the cultural zeitgeist with her 'The Worst Witch' ripoff children's book.
She sees herself as some heroine that can lead the young people towards her liberal glorious place and is kinda triggered the youngings she thought she had under-wrap support Corbyn. Also she is weirdly pro-Israel.
Forget the time it takes to hold the referendum. Any extension would take into account the time needed (probably at least 6 months realistically). And an extension could be arranged easily as all 27 EU states have indicated they would support it. It wouldn't even take 3 weeks, and there will still be 9 weeks left when May's deal is voted on.