Is this shit for real? Burgers, tell me this shit ain't popular. Tell me this shit isn't just some fringe cult. I refuse to believe something this retarded can exist. Is this the highest form of the spectacle?
it's basically we are legion but for based and redpilled boomers
( i am using that ironically pls do nut ban )
Leo Nguyen
(Comment from the vid) Reminder this is literally illness
Jose Cruz
I actually saw a Q user bumper sticker for the first time IRL
It was in the parking lot of a gun range
Adrian Ortiz
Imagine a dinosaur like this typing out "cuck" and "nigger" on your Japanese claymation discussion site.
I haven't really been keeping track of it all but it seems like t's like the evolution of the whole Assange is exposing the Deep State and Libya and Syria were done cause of Central Banks stuff and FUCK JOHN MCCAIN
(me) So yes, it's real. It exists. I have seen it. Americans are really, really fucking stupid. But don't be deceived, as Americans could be even stupider than they are. For example, Brazilians are dumber if you can believe it. It's true though
Seeing a whole generation of ancient, waiting-to-die pre-boomers getting their brains melted by anime internet boards is one of the most surreal things I've seen in the past three years, almost as much as seeing Trump get elected.
The point of both of these examples is that the real heart of the matter is that both sets of fans were actually just super disappointed. is the whole reason the theories existed in the first place. If Season 4 was satisfying and awesome, no theory would exist. When Breaking Bad ended, there was no conspiracy theory positing that it wasn’t really over. There was no need for one. Breaking Bad ended satisfyingly for most fans. When Radiohead released A Moon Shaped Pool in 2016, again, there was no conspiracy. Radiohead fans loved the album. The only fertile ground for conspiracy theories of this type to grow are on grounds of supreme disappointment.
“Q” user is exactly the same phenomenon. Trump is just a corporate stooge like every other President. He isnt going to drain the swamp. He IS the swamp. Every documented act he has done spells that out clearly. And just like when fans are disappointed, his fans can’t just accept that. So they invented the “Q” user theory, where Trump is actually doing all these great things. It is the only thing left for them to hold onto.
If Trump wasn’t such a disappointment, the theory simply wouldn’t exist. They would latch on to his actual accomplishments, just like Radiohead fans spin A Moon Shaped Pool with no regrets. But they don’t have that. They are deeply disappointed. “Q” user is just their acceptable way of expressing that."
I've never heard that as a way of explaining conspiracy theories before but it makes a lot of sense. Original and insightful and I will be thinking about it a lot from now on
So this only has something kinda-sorta to do with Q. But I was looking at two Facebook political groups for my county before the midterms. One is for the local Republican Party activists, and the other is for local Beto O'Rourke supporters. Both groups have basically the same number of people, around 1,400 each (although active users is smaller). The main difference though is that the Republican one is almost entirely memes, including some Q shit, and the Beto one is almost entirely nuts-and-bolts get-out-the-vote organizing – like they're making a competition of how many people they can drive to the polls, numbers they can call, and doors they can knock on.
The difference is night and day. But then I learned that Q preaches – mirroring Trump – that the "fake news media" is the #1 enemy, but Q goes further and says that the way to fight the media is to use memes. So they're just posting memes all day and not really organizing people other than to attend Trump rallies.
Ryder Collins
If Cruz wins then Meme Warfare will be the number one way of fighting battles. Both sides will be using memes.
The true Q is a highly spiritual gnostic who loves his race and nation first and foremost. It's nice to see /leftykike/ asspounded about a "splinter cell" as it were.
Brody Walker
False "Q" fails at even being a Zig Forumsyp and spews NeoCon tier propaganda
Hudson Watson
your schizo ravings are not an argument mutt
Mason Gutierrez
Didn't realize that Nationalism and Ethnocentric Philosophy was "Neocon." I suppose it might be discerned that way if filtered through a leftist pussyboi's mind.
David Young
Q isn't ethnocentric, you just wished that he (and by extension Trump) was that way and nationalism is a Neocon talking point.
I'm only speaking of American Nationalism. I don't give a fuck about Israel or kikes. I think Q was just usurped about the time he got popular with the boomboomboomers by more kike garbage. The true Rightists want to remove all of the lying cocksuckers that are Judean Animals from our sect and restore America to a working state. Naturally that means balkanization, ethnic cleansing of people who get in the way, and many many dead people who are incapable of accepting Aryan and Celtic rules and behavior.
This is some of the cringiest stuff I've ever read.
There are two screencaps of posts that cover Alex Jones and how these sort of conspiracy theories are used exclusively to prop up the established order. Perhaps someone could post them? Q fits right into that: It promotes passivity in the face of adversity. Never actually encouraging anyone to do anything other than "keep faith". It's like religion.
But none of you are any of that, you are just self hating mongrels, you are closer related to McDonalds grease than with real Europeans.
Nolan Hughes
You keep saying this, but I don't think you understand. Little kid leftists shouldn't play at politics because they usually end up crying. There are plenty of volkish types in America that need a better government, but faggotcunts like yourself wouldn't know the first thing about it.
Sebastian Bell
Is this how you cope being a mongrel, using "german" words will not make you german no matter how much you wish it.
Adam Wood
You are either a teen or a very impresional old person
Peak LARP Also I get Muh Aryans but "Celts"? American Nationalism is borderline built on hating Hibernians
Aaron Adams
Your angle of attack is weaksauce. I don't play on purity spiraling unless it has to do with spirits.
What is the state of projection? I do not save my little pony shit on my SSD, negroid.
Aryan and Celts blended long ago. Judea is the one who hates them both. I speak and preach American Nationalism. America is a Nation made up of a core of Germanics and Celts. Eliminating everyone who isn't European blooded from North and South America is what we seek to achieve.
And yet you never go after the actual billionaires exploiting whites the world over. The Bezos's and Musks. The Kochs, Wilks, Mars' and Waltons. The ultra-rich with their yachts, planes, and multi-million dollar homes. It's always some poor working class (white) people whose faces you want to kick in, and then only when they realize their common class interests across racial, religious and cultural barriers. You're the useful idiots of organized capital. And like with every fascist "revolution", you will be discarded once the moneyed reaction has seized the state (See SA in Germany, Falangists in Spain, Iron Guard in Romania, Syndicalists in Italy, Integralists in Brazil, etc.).
No. I honestly want to kill all of the people who aren't Celt or Germanic because it will mean that the elites that we can't get to have no dumb mulatto slaves to use.
How long until QAnons realize that Trump is Bush 3.0 and gonna turn violet.
Owen Brown
Ah you are the one I want to make into fertilizer for my forest garden. Yes, Whites who're leftists might as well be plant food for true rightists and their farms. I only seek to create destiny and White Ethnostates in The Americas, Asia, and fringe barren areas. Your blood shall sow the seeds of our growth, mein volk.
Nathaniel Fisher
t. 17 year old lanklet who has never stepped outside of a suburb keep LARPing faggot
Nicholas Martin
cringe the right can't meme
Jayden Taylor
You are a crybaby of a poster lad.
Rhetoric is not memeing. Did you even go to school or what?
Tyler Gutierrez
This really is the gist of fascism isn't it? Killing white workers for resisting capitalism because of "muh race" or some other spook? Case in point. You're not just a useful idiot. You're just an idiot.
Talking like you're in a 17th century play is not "rhetoric".
Anthony Jones
If I cannot convert then I must destroy. Only leftists subvert and trust me here…you are all plenty subverted so I need not lift a finger. If my spotter finds foolish whites on the wrong side and I confirm in my iron sights, then it is kino. Another brother to feed my forest garden.
Biggest problem with Q is this: knowing how anyone can really trust him/her. Someone on the "inside" doing all these leaks and is still alive? People really believe that the deep state and those who run the planet don't know who they are? Q reeks of disinfo or misdirection.
Christopher Stewart
Sure, but where will you get the whites from though Will you import them from Europe?
Brazen and loud like an ass. This is typical of your consortium.
Catladies need not apply.
Grayson Gutierrez
Shows same random military figure. LoL
Chase King
Seriously? Military coup would save USA? Not only is the guy boring he is idiot.
Jason Williams
Okay so patriotic military asked trump to run for president? The guy is a fucking moron.
Jayden Robinson
Shows trump as a puppet of cabal. Fuck is the guy mad.
James Powell
Goddammit is this shit stupid.
Parker Ramirez
So this vague cabal infiltrated all the world's institutions but didn't decide to couldn't manage to take over the US presidency until after Reagan for some reason?
Aaron Flores
Isaiah Miller
He is a mad genius actually, he created a cult that seems to be quite popular among Trump supporters by lying and saying the most nonsensical shit ever.
Jason Phillips
QAnon confirmed to be /ourguy/ though working to bring down the american empire by making the entire population dumb as bricks
Luke Rodriguez
talk about a sinecure
Levi Evans
Holy shit just watch the entire video and then give us your thoughts in one post.
Wyatt Moore
It's simple really. Whoever is behind QAnon is gonna cause them to become convinced that Trump needs to go after he's served his purpose.
That shooter thought that Trump was a Globalist. Soon the QAnons will think that and do a Putsch.
Dylan Garcia
Everything is a popculture reference for you people. Jesus fucking christ that shit is way cringier than the Q shit. No wonder you all base your view of the past on some weird amalgamation of fucking leave it to beaver crossed with john waters on crack cocaine.
Easton Harris
Such a cuntish approach. It is up to the rich elites to keep one another in check and cease this Khalergi plan bullshit. However, chaos is perfectly acceptable because I know that nature herself will define what is left.
Evan Young
This video is extra stupid, thought.
Brandon Rodriguez
/ourguy/ indeed.
Charles Diaz
Hunters sometimes kill stray cats that threaten the environment as well.
Leo Johnson
lol, you’ll just drive your country into the trash, you’ll just turn America into Yugoslavia 2.0 If this is what you want fine, just don’t complain that when the bombs burst in air, the flag will not be there.
Jonathan Perez
Not really my son, it would simply be neutron bombs in every major city, a period of rest, then the tedious rebuilding of our country after the Jewish-Think had been sent to hell where it belongs.
Mason Baker
Ηunter here: NO Stray cats are only hurtful for some islands(were hunting is illegal anyway) Wait
Andrew Nguyen
Lol no, how would you get enough nukes. You would’t be able to get any. Besides the radiation alone will kill you. AMerica is super dependent on imports. Most of these imports abe bought with services from the Big Cities. THe AMerican dollar will colapse as a media of exchange so you won’t get the imports you need to keep your Industry going. To become self-suficent trade must be phased out. But your plan of shock therapy will destroy most of American Industry. There’s also a lot of rural blacks and Hispanics in the South and Southwest. And the Southwest is where the rare-earth metal reserves are. So you’ll have to fight a war over that. Admit it your plan require turing America into Yugoslavia 2.0
Blake Evans
So this cabal is hyper-competent and capable of executing this century-long plan in secret (which begs the question of how this dude even found out about it). They also effectively control the world's wealth and have been embedded in the world's most influential institutions for decades, but despite all that they can be easily ferreted out and arrested? They don't have a legion of pawns, proxies, and shell companies to protect them? Also how is Donald Trump, or any president for that matter, such a threat to them? He is ultimately a political appointee who operates within a society that they have complete control of, which also begs the question how he was elected in the first place if he's such a threat/unknown quantity or whatever
So this 'bring down the deep state', 'drain the swamp' etc. is just the inner mask of the desire to get rid of the nigs, at the end of the day.
Blake Morgan
Basically there is a good illuminati and a bad illuminati. Q is part of the elite CIA special ops (srsly) who is fighting with Trump and the good illuminati against the bad illuminati that's how he knows about them. Soon the bad illuminati which are satanic devil worshipping pedophiles that control the deep state and significant percentage of American and world governments will be defeated in a secret high stakes battle versus Trump and the good illuminati whi are based and redpilled patriotic Americans.
Liam Ross
I.e. another incarnation of 4D chess.
Logan Cox
The mod here is such a pussyboi that it bans all discourse. Lovely. You misunderstand what a Hispanic is my dude. Hispanic is CelticIberico, not a fucking 5' brown asian. I want America to wipe the blood off of it's grin and kick out jews and be the rugged individualist Nation-State it was back in Andrew Jackson's time.
Organic Chemistry is a fine art and good enough for my ends and needs. I am against The Fed and I want America to produce and barter, not capitulate with derivatives of derivatives of lies and garbage inflation.
It's an incarnation of cope hard. Right wing boomers and Zig Forums thought that if Trump would be elected then the culture would transform back to things they like and they would once again get respect just for being right wing white retards.Instead nothing changed at all and Trump is at best a corporate puppet who gets no respect from the US media and his larp of being a tough guy abroad that would get America "respecc" is l cringe and transparent so they had to come up with an alternative universe where they are winning but in secret
Dominic Smith
Does anyone remember that thing where Qanon was linked to a book written by Italian Communists for being a similar concept of creating a "cult" around a mysterious persona?
Justin Campbell
So you want America to run red with rivers of blood. I support and endorse your retarded larp which if implmented would lead to the collapse of the US it's economy its role in the world its alliances and it's way of life