Why are Marxists obsessed with classifying people into classes?
Capitalism is bad and it should end. But does it matter if I belong to a particular label Marxists make up?
Hot takes general?
these are categories based on your material conditions not shit that was just "made up"
Classification is always a prerequisite for obtaining further facts.
He’s a petty-bourgeois who has an obvious interest in maintaining the status quo and practices bourgeois-written law, of course he’ll deny that class exists
this is an interesting post to make for somebody who apparently doesnt know what "petty-bourgeois" means..
yet you still don't bother to explain it
fine, keep your secrets
Let me just identify as a billionaire since obviously I do not fall into any economic category or shared "traits" with others which are never normally referred too as working class or Proletarian.
Honestly to identify as a human is a false contrast since we're mammals and primates. Charles Darwin was a ape supremacist who couldn't see the wood for the trees.
Lawyers in the west are overwhelmingly petit bourg (especially America.)
petit bourgeois is someone who lives off the labor of others.
Maybe an owner of a law firm would be petit bourgeois…
Or bourgeois.
What class do you fall into?
Here's the idea. Let's say you're born into a family of wealthy investors, maybe your dad owns a factory. Either way, he's intent on passing down his wealth and it's in the cards that you'll have it. If wages go up, that's less wealth for you and your family. So what day of the week is this a good thing for you?
If the factories are made public, and all the wealth goes to the workers, how does that benefit you as a factory owner or an investor? Most factory owners and investors would say that neither of these things benefit them - and how dare their underlings try to take their wealth whether through pay raises or taxes or socialism!
So they keep their cash, and with it they craft policy to defend their interests. Wages stay down, they get tax breaks and incentives and loopholes, workers get stiffed.
Yeah, that's usually how law practices work.
No, it's someone who profits off the labor of others while still needing to sell their own labor to supplement ownership of capital. Even if a lawyer doesn't own a law firm, it's highly likely that they invest their income into capital ownership or are working towards owning a law firm of their own someday.
Really, about half of America is petty booj. This is why it doesn't have revolutionary potential.
Petit bourge are small scale shopkeepers tailors and restaurant owners retards. Btw these definitions are fucking stupid and more than a century out of date but plz do go on larping as if engineers systems analysts pharmacists and managers are of the same class and have the same interests as the Burger flippers in McDonalds. You dont look retarded at all.
That quote is from Trotsky not Stalin fyi
Ok, will do.