There is a Huge MORAL CRISIS in China

Capitalist China is having a moral crisis

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Nice spook and anti-Chinese propaganda. China is rising and capitalism is sinking world-wide

China is capitalist you fucking retard. Christ Americans should just be banned from Zig Forums already, we don't need them.

Hilarious that people think this in the current year.

Is like saying my dad is capitalist because he sells his labour-force on the market to live.


If your dad ran a tech startup that blossomed into a billion dollar business then yes your daddy is a capitalist, even if he purports to be a socialist.
Is google socialist now?
I can't tell if these are retarded Americans or if you're from Zig Forums spouting the usual corporations are socialist meme

In NEP also be huge Moral CRISIS but Stalin solve all moral problems.

I actually watched this video, and just for the people in the back who don’t want to waste their time but want to be mad, this is what it is

Wew fucking lad.

The government doesn't control the means of production retard. Unless you're one of these China apologists who says "well some day China will nationalize every industry, they're playing 4d chess". If so my answer to you is that literally any country can nationalize every industry but they don't, so they're not socialist.
Please fuck off American faggot. Fuck you.

The anti China shilling has gotten real hot and heavy now that the Porky Empire is shitting itself. Right wingers especially libertarians have a racial hatred for the Chinese and western leftists have little sympathy for China as well so the shills are pushing a multi pronged information war against China designed to demonize dehumanize and otherwise them

Why are you posting links to that fetishist freak? The cunt walks through china calling the people "ants" with a hivemind and saying how he loves asian women submitting to his whiteness. He also bought into that black mirror bullshit about the social credit system, WHILE LIVING IN CHINA.

Read Lenin.

First of all that's fucking bullshit, all of it. Only thing that's true is his fiancée is Chinese. And if you have a problem with that I'd suggest you go back to Zig Forums, no one cares about racial purity crap here.

Our biggest problem are pro-US "leftists" like this filth

Western "leftism" is a sham and a humbug. Remember anarchists and other radlibs, china's ascent is INEVITABLE. Soon your petty-booj privileges will be forfeit. Just start accepting the new reality.

See this is what I'm talking about. They already brainfucked you to the degree where you litteraly belive that the PRC which hasn't invaded or colonized anyone that has been developing peacefully all this time and that is trying to build up its economy and a socialist society is the equivalent of the Anglo-Amero Porky Rape and Pilalge corporate conglomerate

It’s anti-propagandizing. Do you think it’s ok that people are just being bombarded with anti-Chinese propaganda to such a degree in the last year alone? Literally, the last year seems like the time that the MSM really went in hard on China, before that they were too busy with Russia 24/7. Before that China was great, a wonderful Steven Pinker success story of how capitalism saved this country. Now it’s a dystopian hell hole the likes of which is almost incomprehensible, I’ve seen moderate liberals saying “China has been just like the DPRK (read: Mordor) the whole time!”.

It’s not about saying China is good, but people should know what propaganda is. I’d suggest this random video is just peripheral, sort of grassroots propaganda, but the MSM stories about China are so eager to make the reader feel frightened and comforted about the conditions of their own society.

I’m not pro US at all, I literally called them imperialists in that very post. The fact is that China is already engaging imperialist activity of the very same kind as the US and other western powers. It just is being done at a smaller scale for now, and all China’s “ascent” means is that that scale will expand to a level that will rival the West. It’s a race to see who can exploit and brutalize the third world the most, and both sides are enemies of the working class.

fuck off China shill. How much did Xi Jinping pay you to post on Zig Forums all day?

Lol why the fuck are you defending him of all people? He's a damn creep man.

You really get shills for just about any retard on this fucking board. Are you subbed to him?

That's him talking about the social credit system, if you look at the other videos on that channel, then you'll see him fetishizing asian women. The dude is a south-african who buys into the whole "blacks are killing all the whites" bullshit there. Are you really going to defend this cunt? If so, I must ask why? Do you like him?

Look up what China is doing to Africa. They're setting up capitalist economies there.

This is true, but your mistake is in assuming it'll be benevolent. MAYBE China will usher in a new age of socialism and wealth for everyone, but until we see that happening in reality, you're just engaging in wishful thinking in the most retarded sectarian way.

Countering obvious war propaganda against China is fine, but it shouldn’t degenerate into delusions about what China actually is. China is a capitalist, imperialist power just like the US, and while we should oppose US efforts to instigate a conflict we should maintain a position of revolutionary defeatism towards both powers.

Whatever they are doing there the West is 100x worse

You mean they’re extracting African resources and exploiting African labour.

If you hate the board so much why don't you leave? I suggest going back to Zig Forums if racialism is so important to you.

fuck. do you watch TYT or something? This is the most retarded post I've read. You're just going to assume by default the West is worse?

No the west is actually worse China doesnt impose neoliberal conditions and restructuring on those countries

Chinese socialism: no wars of aggression, no colonization, 700 million lifted from poverty in 30 years.

Western socialism: ……..

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

I don't hate this board, I hate the fact that we have such immense retards like you.


Third worldism is fucking right about you people

Tell that to miners in Zambia and Ghana. China is engaging in neocolonialism and proxy imperialism just like the West does, as is the inevitable outcome of a capitalist economy.

As a Bolivian at the UN once said: paraphrasing Lenin, "every imperialist nation considers its act morally superior to other imperialist nations, that it is justified in what it is doing and that other are not".

Is this a serious post or are you braindead? The west is bringing the fucking apocalypse. There is NOTHING worse for the world's people than "the west" and all its history.

Right because Chinese billionaires are investing in Africa out of the goodness of their hearts. It’s not like they are extracting profits or subjecting Africans to wage slavery or anything.

Despite maintaining the best government in south Asia, and one of most capable in the world, China's foreign policy since 1960's is awfull.

I don’t know enough about their African loans to understand their angle, but Varoufakis claimed that their terms were much less predatory than the west, and that a part of their game is genuinely building up a new power block to stand against the west. African development may be a long term geopolitical investment for them as much as a form of economic control, the goal being to actually create larger markets there with goodwill towards China that can create an alliance.

Really? So is Duterte better than Obama now? Fuck off. I'm not even defending social democrats but fuck off.

again copy pasta from /his/?

This is pretty fuckin spooked user. "Muh yellow imperialists are better than hWITES" is some post-colonialist shit that needs to be banished. It is literally idpol.

Not a war of aggression, china had WRONGLY backed the khmer rouge, so it was china responding to the invasion of an ally and asset.

Less predatory =/= not predatory. The French didn’t try to work the entire population of their colonies to death like the Belgians did, but that didn’t make French imperialism a preferable alternative to Belgian imperialism.


succdem = capitalist

You tried to use the worst example but yes, you radlib cunt, he unironically is. Do you wish to compare the death counts?

I’m not focusing on any particular imperial power. This thread is about China so that’s what I mentioned, but the French, Americans, British, etc are all just as bad. Genuine anti imperialism in Africa would combat all of them.

interesting crossover from /his/, friend.

Idpol detected


this so much. third worldism is literally idpol.

Wrong. They are worse.

When did duterte institute slavery in libya and install fascists in Ukraine? I forgot, please help me.

Invading a country is not an act of aggression? Let alone A SOCIALIST COUNTRY THAT HAD JUST FINISHED KICKING AMERICA IN THE BALLS? Nah fuck Deng and fuck Dengoids, they are imperialist cunts.
Also the Khmer rouge was a CIA puppet region.

Refer to

It's not a WAR OF AGGRESSION, of course any violent action is an ACT of aggression you daft bastard.

But the french fucking did though. What history have you been reading?

Stupid ass baizou white guilted cuck

Russia counts as western

Senegal wasn’t as bad as the Belgian Congo m8, that didn’t make French imperialism okay.

if the Philippines had the resources of the United States Duterte would do a lot worse than murder his own people.

Oh no, it's retarded.
I remember I used to watch RT too.

Really now motherfucker? There's revisionism and then there's this.

Exploiting African resources and labour is imperialism, yes. Chinese operations in Africa are profit seeking enterprises, and thus are extracting a net gain from the continent, which means a net loss for Africa. This is capitalism 101.

This tbh, Russia hasn't been western since the Mongols invaded (no that isn't a joke).

Exploiting Chinese labor and resources to this day by Western capitalism also imperialism then

Yeah it is, and Chinese porkies are benefiting from Western exploitation of the Chinese workers. It’s almost as if the “rivalry” between them is pure spectacle and the Chinese and western ruling class are joined at the hip. It’s an unholy alliance against the global working class.

delete the thread tbh. OP was a faggot to begin with anyway

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And people were moaning earlier about WHY we ban these idiots? Do you now see the problem

Yes but we don't live in that hypothetical, Obama caused more demonstrable harm than duterte by a manifold measure. You're arguing on spectacle and moralism, you are a liberal.

Now what do we mean "as bad as" if the people were STILL worked to death? Is the threshold the hand chopping?

any part of Russia that could be remotely considered asian is full of literally whos

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Russia is not the west as is commonly understood. Stop being a retard.

You’re missing the entire point and distracting from the issue. Even if Chinese imperialism is less ruthless, it’s still imperialism. Just as there were varying degrees of brutality involved in 19th century imperialism, but it was all still imperialism and all must be opposed.

the Czar kingdom literally based itself on Rome. what eastern country does that?

The Empire of Haiti, the Sultanate of Rum and the Ottoman empire


Don't slime your way out of this, you constantly make direct analogues to china's "Imperialism" with the colonialism of old, then when pressed you deflect and move on. Classic motte and bailey garbage.

Look moron, when talking of the MODERN conception of the west, Russia is not included. The "cold war" made that distinction very clear, the west comprises most NATO members.

Nigga do you realize you're an absolutist retard? Do you know that degrees and nuance exist?

China is not communist and everything in this video is true.
t. Chinese person

I know, I lost my shit.


a former european colony that literally worships G*rmans to this day
anything Abrahamic is clearly also western

so is Turkey western or not?
this isn't gonna be a thing because NATO is specifically designed to stop socialism. obviously non-NATO socialism wins every time.
stop with the mental gymnastics.

You’re the one changing the topic. Let’s say you’re right, and China’s imperialism isn’t as predatory as the US. Does that make it a thing we should tolerate?

Except China isn’t engaging imperialism on a tiny, non-industrial scale. It’s doing it across the entire planet.

Ok so you're retarded then

I’d argue that Legalism is more of a guiding principle in the PRC.

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Does it change the fact that everything in the video is true? No, it's not because of communism, it's because of capitalism. That doesn't make everything not try.

no I'm just not spooked by ethnicity. culture clearly matters a lot more than a nation's ethnicity. just because Russians are half-bred mongols it doesn't make them western fuckwit.


They are eroding colonialist powers, training engineers and technicians, building infrastructure. Bootstrapping the local economies out of the endemic backwardness the western imperialist forced onto them.

Ok China also Western then


If china is improving the life of the residents where it's "conducting imperialism" then yeah, we should tolerate it. For what is socialism other than the betterment of the masses?

I am NOT endorsing imperialism, I am saying that Chinese "imperialism" doesn't exist - its deduction by western leftists can only be arrived at through ultra-left dogmatism.

Nothing wrong with that. Revisionist Vietnam invaded Communist Cambodia and deserved it.

Proofs that it’s doing any of that?
Yes you are. China is imperialist by the classic Leninist definition, and building infrastructure that facilitates their exploitation doesn’t change that.

even by either of our logic this would never be true.
thanks for admitting you're a spooked idpoller who only cares about race and wants to identify with chinks to feel special though

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You are here litteraly trying to shill the idea that Russia is western because they're white

I don’t doubt that China is filled with precarity and corruption, but his analysis is obviously simplistic and wrong.

that's not what I said at all. epic strawman. even if they were as brown as Nigerians they would still be western..

Does it even fucking matter? This must be one of the most autistic arguments on Zig Forums i know it isn't but whatever

Turkey works to benefit NATO countries but exists on the periphery of its sphere, In practicality it could be considered the west because it is a part of NATO - yet the only thing precluding turkey from the west is idealism of religion. Most people conceive the west as having a foundation of Christianity and not-so-subtly white. So the only thing precluding Turkey from being fully "West" is culture.

I really don't understand what you're getting at with this.

Please, fuck off from the internet.

the original idpol poster said eastern socialism is better than western socialism. that's obviously gonna be true if your classification comes from a post-modern trade pact.

ah yes all of those things that also happen in America

What the fuck even is this? There is no culture they all watch Avengers and have internet memes and shit. What makes you Wrstern or not is your actual political power and economic relations with the Western bloc and weather that bloc considers you part of itself for hostile to itself