Since the last thread hit the bump limit pretty fucking quickly, here we go again. For our non-britanons, here's a rundown of the situation:
- May has a brexit deal agreed with the EU that Parliament won't approve and the EU won't alter to make it more attractive.
In short, we're kinda fucked.
Leftybritpol - New NK Ambassador edition
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So the IWGB is gonna start unionising game devs…
Sick of May and her LITTLE CUCK DEAL tbh lads.
I want a no deal Brexit.
americanon here i though brexit was about the UK trying to remove muslims
iMaGiNe mY sHoCk
Tbh there are plenty of retarded Brits that thought that would be the case.
that's probably what decided the vote, but people who are against it are more worried it will result in economic disaster.
I don't know why but this came to my mind again.
Jeremy Hunt is trying to push for another EU referendum: I think May might accept it at this point. This could really fucking Labour lads: Corbyn can't campaign to support May's deal and he would be pressured into Remain. I'm kinda worried lads ngl.
Beats having the speds force Labour into launching the ref. Hopefully someone like McDonnell comes out for leave.
how would this fuck labour, this would be spitting in the face of the Conservative party base. people aren't just going to forget about brexit if you revoke A50. the country would be irreversibly divided between remain and leave - the hardcore remainers already vote for labour and a 2nd ref would make the leavers up for grabs as well for any populist worth his salt.
This is bait but probably true
Because to every leave voter in the country Corbyn would be campaigning for remain. I'm not saying it won't fuck thentotirss (it will). It has the chance of splitting the political system.
I hate this country, anons. at this point i'm hoping the retards push the remain vote and win just so i can leave (without having to worry about visas) and never have to hear from them again.
business idea i don't really want but it's a thought:
labour votes for may's brexit deal in exchange for the pro-deal conservatives voting for 75% of labour's 2017 manifesto policies.
would seem like the only way of resolving the otherwise buggered parliamentary maths on her end, except something like the lib dems and SNP balking at the last minute and voting for a terrible deal just to prevent a no-deal scenario.
Would be an awful idea purely because it would sink both parties.
Good, all we need is for may to keep delaying the negotiations and hard brexit will happen.
Wait - they want to remain in the iron grip of the neoliberal Brussels bureaucracy, with all it's attendant limits to what a national government can do when it comes to nationalization and so on - so they can implement the manifesto? I would think it would be the other way around.
what's the tony benn quote to the extent of "every time i say we need to implement socialism, the response is "we agree, but we can't afford it at the moment due to the present economic crisis" - but i always have to reply, the crisis is precisely the time to be implementing socialism!"
probably very paraphrased.
EU cannot even enforce its budget demands from national governments not to mention separation of powers and freedom of the press when it comes to Hungary and Poland, I doubt they could do anything.
So would anyone that isn't a booj large business owner or literally downs syndromed, you'd think. Fuck, giving so much control to the membership was the worst decision labour ever made. I said this would happen, moronic smarts-deficient middle class students would ruin everything. If these people arn't purged soon i will never vote for labour again and i'm sure i'm far from the only one.
Pic related. these drones deserve to be Nerve Stapled.
This here isn't a bad argument: and in a Corbyn vs EU fight Corbyn could actually pull off a win purely because he'd be able to rally like 70% of the country to his side.
These aren't the students user, these are the redlibs from like the home counties.
labour students are on the whole anti-Eu and many are pro-Brexit. Its middle class 30/40 somethings from London who are fucking stuff up
Nah, went to give some of them some shit when they were marching in my city for a second referendum. Lots of fuckin students.
Far as I can tell the ringleader for this movement is Michael Chessum, who seems to be of the London student milieu.
I was surprised my local Labour student group was well known as being one of the most Blairite in the country now they are run by bennites and most are anti EU with many saying they would vote leave if there was a second ref
Nice. What city if you don't mind me asking? I'd really like to see/go to a left-brexit event. It'd be good to galvanize people not involved in the student milieu.
The EU has double standards for socdem deviations and reactionary deviations of enforced neoliberalism.
Honestly I think there will be a leave contingent from the Labour party in a second ref (that wasn't just the ntuters) that will make its voice heard next time. Should be pretty interesting.
Second ref seems to very much gearing to May's Deal vs Remain. which is some bs.
I mean what else could it realistically be? Only fucking Autist tory backbenchers would put no deal on it.
I mean honestly at this point I'd vote for May's deal: honestly trying to think if I could campaign for it and honestly not sure I could bring myself to it.
Labour has spent months and months shiting on it, that plus the gormless membership means that i have serious doubts about anyone labour touting it come a ref.
I just don't think there will be a second ref. Its just not possible without extending article 50 which the Torys will never do. Labour just needs to keep itself together and watch the Torys tear themselves apart.
EU has no standards nor ability to control its member states in any way or form. For example Finnish government has been for decades been challenged on basis of human rights court of EU over "political" imprisonment of those refusing to serve their mandatory military service.
Okay this is epic. I wouldn't mind remaining if we can just be cunts and ignore all the rules.
It keeps happening!
People are fucking thick and easily lied too. I don't think it's unreasonable for an anarchist to be anti-democracy. Time will show us this in regards to the labour party, i think.
Absolutely no way, May's deal still keeps all the stuff about preventing nationalisation that was the basis for lexit anyway. I'm going to quote from the deal:
Basically may's deal just enshrines all the EU neoliberal bullshit and gives no benefits to the left. At this point no deal is the only option for us.
It actually launched today:
does the UK even make good games?
Rockstar London and Rockstar North?
those are just subsidiaries, if Rockstar will simply outsource.
A lot of Triple AAAs are made in the UK because 1) we have a good uni system that turns out compsci graduates (COCKSHOTT GANG RISE UP) 2) we speak English 3) we were home computer early adopters 4) is/was very easy for someone with a degree to immigrate (especially from the EU) 5) decent internet speeds where it counts.
But if you mean good games, then Football Manager, Worms, and Littlebigplanet.
The same argument they make about unionisation every single time.
They aren't really just subsidiaries, Rockstar North originated with DMA Design and as far as I know are still the primary developer of GTA games, with Rockstar mainly being the publisher.
Also they developed lemmings.
Interesting, so what would happen if Rockstar North decided to split off and reform themselves as DMA design again?
Speaking of which, anyone know where I can watch that BBC drama that is about the development of the first GTA game?
I don't think they could just do that legally, and obviously the rights to GTA would belong to Rockstar but it would be a pretty fucking big blow considering it was the Core of the GTA V development team. People forget that when you outsource you lose talent and training: which is especially important in a industry like game development or computer programming in general.
How long would the process of extending the Article 50 period take? Is it even practical, assuming May continues procrastinating into January? Plus I imagine a lot of MPs will refuse to vote for a second referendum even if whipped.
It would merely require an EU Council summit, so a weekend?
And I think a second referendum could pass parliament 100%, although with what stipulations lord knows…
Sorry if this has already been posted but I've just seen it and I don't know whether to cringe or rage:
Just kek tbh.
Improved the image.
Wrong link, sorry.
t. blairite
Off topic, but who the fuck filmed that video at the start? The framing is disgusting. No, it's not quirky or interesting, it's just an unfocused mess that looks like it was filmed by a high-schooler. Is this what British television is like?
The first is a web thing, how should i know who filmed it? I only listened btw, i dont see it that interesting to actually watch.
It was mostly a rhetorical question, tbh. Just felt like trashing the shitty production quality.
I just found out that the guy that keeps shouting on the news is a vet. not only does he keep ruining the news but he also went and shot people for the neoliberal, imperalist british state… I might have my work cut out for my, anons.
Here we go, more theatre lads
Why would he do this
The timing is all wrong
It is a vote of no confidence on the prime minister, not the party. Which is what i guess you were probably thinking of.
yeah its a non binding thing just to test the waters really
on a different note does anyone know of anyone like Paul Cockshott working in the Labour party as advisors or policy makers? Or anything about what John McDonnell wants to actually do with the economy?
There is no difference functionally.
the one they are doing now is not a vote of no confidence in the Government (which could cause the government to fall) but a no confidence motion for the PM which doesn't do anything, the last I read May was just going to ignore it and not give it time
There is a massive difference. Like above user said for one. Also it will probably not even go to a vote.
I guess reading the 2017 manifesto is the best we can get. Tho i assume the 2017 manifesto was only a 'put your toe in first. slowly slowly.' kind of situation. I do not know enough about the inside workings of the leaders staff, etc. I hear he has some good people around him though in regards to Len Mcluskey and his allies. **Len for PM!!!*
Well yes and no. Under the FTPA it has to be in the government to eject the PM: however if a vote against the PM is passed then there is a reasonable constitutional argument to demand the Queen remove May from her office (which I saw someone state is possible to do with a specific motion). Honestly if such a vote was put forth and passed it could create a constitutional crisis. You have to remember that most of our constitution is a fudge that was brought into existence along the way: this could be one of those fudges.
I think Cockshott keeps his distance from the Labour party: and McDonnell's work seems more Wolffian than Cockshottian. McDonnell seems to be pushing self-management far more than cybernetics right now.
Although one of the blokes from project Cybersyn did a talk at The World Transformed so there is some hope.
To be honest i think if there was rumblings of her being removed then I just t can't see why she'd possibly take it to vote. My opinion is that it is still performance by JC.
Image unrelated. testing.
I haven't looked at Wolff. Is there anything that the Labour party has put out about its plans apart from the 2017 manifesto?
Direct rule from Liverpool when?
As for ideological groups, there are a few within the Corbyn inner circle.
The Neo-Attleeans: These are mostly institutionalist socdems that want to change various institutions in the UK towards a more comprehensive welfare system. Best example is Rayner, who plans to create a comprehensive education system to rival the NHS. Not marxist by any means but inherently useful and beneficial to fixing a lot of shit in this country.
The Union Left: What it says on the tin, the leftwing of the Trade Union movement, Red Len is the best example as is Party General Sec Jennie Formby.
Neo-Benninites: Corbyn's own tendency, basically Benninism with a fresh lick of paint (RIP Anthony you glorious man).
The Anti-Melt Left: These are the youngings that are mostly extra-parliamentary but act as advisors for policy & coordinate media spin. Matt Zarb-Cousin, Aaron Bastani, Owen Jones (stop if this sounds familiar). Good at radicalising youth but also prone to braindead idpol gesturing.
The "Ultra-tankies": this is unironically the name for the CPGB faction that two of Corbyn's advisors belong to; Andrew Murray and Seumas Milne. They subscribe to the CPGB's old "British road to socialism" path.
"Alternative Models of Ownership" is the kind of stuff Wolff masturbates to.
Rare pic from comrade Len as PM in Direct rule from Liverpool timeline.
Thanks, user!
The tinfoil hat part of my brain says that labour party will be wrecked before MI5 and the filth let us have a prime minister who has Seumas Milne in his ear.
As an aside, do you guys know the trick of getting New Statesman articles for free? It's pretty handy if you don't want to pay or register.
Using incognito works for me: since they rely on cookies to work-out how many articles you've read.
Ah, cool. I didn't even get around to looking at cookies. Did you remember what the particular cookie that deals with this was called off hand by any chance? (Not important, i'm just lazy).
Ctrl+U to view source and then Ctrl+f and search for '@content' works fine in a pinch. Basically the site will serve you the article no matter what and uses some javascript to stop you scrolling, etc. You can also just save the page and remove that. I was thinking of writing a browser plugin or a script that did it automatically, perhaps.
Most of these blockers are paper-thin. They don't actually deny you any information, they just have a script that puts a picture in front of it. Funnily enough, those scripts that you sometimes see block you if you use an adblocker can easily be removed using the adblocker (or by digging through the HTML-script for the page and removing the element, it's the same thing, but using the adblocker is simpler).
Good to know, thx mate. The only other paywall site i rly use is the FT and i have a suspicion that's just cookie based, too.
To be fair I don't think Aaron should be lumped in with the rest of them, you can pretty clearly tell he tries to actively avoid the braindead intersectional shit and only begrudgingly concedes to it when he has to, if anything though that does make the whole environment worse since he has to not only watch what he says for everyone on the right to quotemine but also the people that are supposedly on his own /side/. I think Aaron is walking that tightrope pretty well tbh, although I'm concerned that his FALC shit is just going to end up being naive bollocks and I wish he would be more uncompromising. Idk I think he's wasted on Novara, they literally employ Laurie Penny's sister, and Penny is a complete fucking wrecker who I wouldn't be surprised of if she were found to be on the spook payroll.
Eh my problem with Aaron is he tries to pill off effectively ☭TANKIE☭ takes without a) going all in or b) Hitchensing your way out by showing you know way fucking more than your opponent. Also his FALC stuff is mostly "automate shit" instead of anything Cockshottism (the virgin technocommunist vs the Chad Cyberneticist pls). Also tbh I prefer Zab-Cousin far more than either Bastani or Jones purely because he can speak to normal people without mentioning intersectionalist (Jones) or ranting about how we should break up the British Legion (Bastani). Also Segalov is pretty good.
My problem with No cars is that they're a bit too YOOFY and not really for normal ass people.
Their podcasts are alright for a listen, especially James Butler's podcasts, who is also well worth a follow on twitter. I think he's the real brains behind Novara.
meant for
Right that's what I mean he never goes all in which I wish he would, and he's definitely got the nous to navigate it without seeming like an out of touch LARPer it's just that when you do a) you neccessarily do b) to defend yourself and I think that's perfectly viable when you've got only the Right to contend with, but as I said when it's a balancing act between Intersectionalists & the Right you don't also want to add into the mix drawing the ire of Sectarians who can't have measured takes on ML because they've internalized some kind of Anti-Communist Propaganda. That being said though, Novara as they are now regularly get shit on in the comments by those types AND ☭TANKIE☭s (I've even thrown in a few critiques here and there) because of their tendency to pander to Socdem bullshit.
I reckon from what little I see of Zarb he's definitely better at picking his hills and talking in a way that leaves less room for him to be taken out of context but it also seems like he can come off as a bit unfocused or platitudinal at times, which, whilst it might be on message for most people makes me worry about his real positions or his place within any potential political formation. Perhaps I need to read/listen to a bit more of him.
WRT to Bastini's FALC stuff yeah that's basically my position too, approaching it from more of a Cybernetic angle, I just worry that for a position as esoteric to most people as FALC, he doesn't have the expertise to ground it in reality. A good example of this that I saw someone comment about the other week was when he was talking about Trains as his single issue, lad in the comments pointed out that using Maglev was far superior to what he proposed in terms of cost & efficiency and when you're making a practical argument, even if it's offhand, to not mention that makes it seem like he doesn't know much about what he's saying.
I'd like to see Novara bring in more older people on staff tbh, but I have a feeling their finance structure isn't really conducive to it long term atm. Given that IIRC it grew out of Uni Students who all knew each other I'm not surprised it has that vibe to a lot of people, but I'd be more concerned about it's appeal to Rural voters even if that has a lot of overlap with what you're saying.
Butler is definitely the one pulling most of the strings in terms of behind the scenes logistics and stuff but that also doesn't surprise me since he's the most well connected and he's also the one with the most education in the technical side of British Politics. If we're being completely honest, he's a bit too Eton for a lot of people to be the face of Novara, and as a small nitpick his Class background does kind of expose itself sometimes in the way that he talks to people. For example I just watched this show they had about Centrism last night where the Bald geezer with Glasses, Walker, was asking him about what Conventions are in Parliament and he just kind of lost his temper out of nowhere in a very "know your place" sort of way and I think a lot of people will see something like that and be very put off, it's a very elitist way of acting that isn't congruent with what Novara is trying to do.
wot mate? an hero.
It'll take more than brexit to remove the muzzies, lad. It'll take a full-on revolution.
Where does John McDonnell fit into the group?
Total brainlet here, but what is Benninism exactly?
Bennite, supposedly.
It refers to Tony Benn.
Yeah, I know that, but what kind of ideology is it?
It's like ML, but with more Spurdos
Goddamn I wish we had a radical journalist even half as popular as Jones is.
social democracy in one country with a co-op fetish
I don't see how McDonnell and Cockshott are mutually exclusive. Labour still want several things state owned, for example the NHS wastes a fucking fortune on bureaucracy and provisioning (dae £3000 tub of skin cream?). Why is nobody pushing for NHS cybernetics?
Eh this is dishonest, Benns project was moreso "modernizing" old school social democracy to attempt to lay the groundwork for the possibility of a future Socialist Britain. Can't say it wasn't flawed but Social Democracy wasn't the ultimate goal. I'm sure some more educated posters than me could expand on this.
I was unironically thinking about writing a manifesto on introducing cybernetics to NHS logistics. Imagine it, a cybersyn ensuring peak efficiency with lorry delivers to get medicine ect. to places. The money it could save, heck the lives it could save.
As for defining Benninism, it has a few key points but essentially it is taking Marxian analysis, reaching the conclusion the best way to create the dictatorship of the proletariat is to create a true political and economic democracy, and using social democratic means to implement this. It is actually kinda interesting how you can see this ideology form throughout his life: he grew up in a trad english radical household, he became anti-imperialist training as a pilot in Rhodesia, he developed contempt for the British elite at the BBC, he developed democratic reformist tendencies by being denied the right to be an MP after his dad died & passed his lordship down, his anti-bureaucratism having to deal with the civil service, and finally is introduced to Marxist thought in the 1970s & 80s.
So to boil it down, Benn sees Britain as an imperialist country but takes his analysis further by adopted the Orwellian analysis that the British elite itself rules Britain as another part of the Empire (mask growing to fit a face ect.). As such to fix that inherent issues of this elite radical democratisation of our political system needs to be introduced " Beyond parliamentary democracy as we know it, we shall have to find a new popular democracy to replace it.". To accompany this Britain needs to introduce economic democracy to further weaken or even destroy the power of this elite by giving the working masses the economic power and control over their own lives "The demand for more popular power is building up most insistently in industry, and the pressure for industrial democracy has now reached such a point that a major change is now inevitable, at some stage. What is happening is not just a respectful request for consultation before management promulgates its decisions. Workers are not going to be fobbed off with a few shares…or by a carbon copy of the German system of co-determination. The campaign is very gradually crystallizing into a demand for real workers' control.". It's kinda best summed up in his quote on democracy itself: "I think democracy is the most revolutionary thing in the world, because if you have power you use it to meet the needs of you and your community." He uses social democratic (I mean this in the OG sense of the word) electoralist means mostly because he thought such change could not occur rapidly in the UK. This elite couldn't be overthrown in a day because of how they were entrenched. As such, a war of attrition would be needed to remove it by increasing democracy in the economic and political spheres.
You may disagree with it from a theoretical standpoint (I don't), but it is a sound theory of Socialism with British Characteristics. Honestly having written that all out, kinda makes me want to write a tract on the "fundamentals of Benninism now".
Cheers for doing our job for us lad, also I think making an effortpost or thread about Benninism is a great idea, because it will not only elucidate a /tendency/ based on real pragmatic endeavours towards a future Communist Society that has been not only sorely forgotten, but twisted into a demented creature by opportunist liberals, socdems & "demsocs", who desperately need to be reminded that their bullshit is not the end of the means but merely means to the end. It might also have the nice side effect of shutting up burgers who see the bullshit that orgs like Democrat Cops of America pull and assume that must extend to the Corbyn incarnation of the Benn project (unfortunately there also seem to be those involved in it who also think this so perhaps it's not entirely unwarranted). Most importantly though, it's actually arguable that now we have moved beyond post-war social democracy & the reaction against it didn't solve anything it appeared to, this period we are now in is even more ripe for the taking with a Benninite strategy. The Contradictions of Capital are increasingly being laid bare and the Bourgeoisie has very little recourse to implement piecemeal reforms that will satisfy a Working Class with growing consciousness who have been regaled with tales of an idyllic period and wish to return to it. It's simply not possible to go back to Social Democracy in the wake of a recession that has never been recovered from and a "Neoliberal" period that has merely stemmed the bleeding of the falling rate of profit. There is more turmoil ahead and our task should be to guide this political will of the Working Class organically full well knowing that it will only lead to betrayal when none of their demands can be met through Bourgeois Democracy, ready to swoop in and provide them with the knowledge to tie such a glaring example of systemic failure to that which we have said. There is no going back, it was never real and couldn't be so again, there is only forward, ``"Beyond Parliamentary Democracy as we know it, we shall have to find a new Popular Democracy to replace it."``