Who is interested in posadism here? Who do you think gonna launch the 1st strike?
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World War 3 would probably start with Brazil invading Venezuela and then snowball from there. If that war isn’t WW3, then WW3 would be a giant resource war during the mid 2030s+ climate apocalypse.
I imagine Posadism will come true trough climate change rather than nuclear war.
Unfortunately I doubt any major power like China or India will start a war to protect Venezuela.
What if Iran, Israel or NORK does something stupid?
Good idea. And what time frame did Posadas put on nuclear war? Because climate change will never be as quick as nuclear war.
All I can say is that it's hopefully Iran or Pakistan.
Ah, forgot about these retards. Their only claim to fame will be fulfilling the teachings of Posadas.
Hells to the yes my nigga
I still find it funny how they have nukes in the first place. Did they make them or someone sold them to them?
I tink that both Pakistan and India got outside help.
And Pakistan's 2nd strike capability is laughable. It has 212M people. India has 1.2G people.
From a posadist perspective it's bad. But I've read an article in Porky Magazine from late 2001-early 2002 where the writer argued that Pakistan should be occupied and dealt with. Not Iraq.
Well, even nuclear war can take baby steps.
Wait so I was just checking which countries have nukes and Iran doesn't? I could've sworn I read somewhere that they had some, how in the hell does Pakistan have but not Iran??
I really don't know. But Pakistan has better connections. So it could've gotten covert help from both USA and China.
Neither the US or China/Russia will strike first. Way, way too much liability given the global economic order.
I'd go with India and Pakistan duking it out over something really stupid. One psychotic leader nukes the other in order to show they have the bigger dick.
BTW any good reading material on communism and ayys?
Not ayys, but IIRC there was some early soviet writings on space colonization. Totally optimistic where people hot bunked on space stations and only a socialist country could explore space and so on.
The only non-posadian non-fictional socialist writing on ayys I've read was commisioned by LO in Sweden and illustrated by Gunna Grähs. In one of the final pages, working hours reduction was introduced for the happy ayys. Total confidence!
I believe if you search "posadist theory" on google you oughta find something.
I'd be more interested if Posada wasn't a Trot
I mean isn't he like the only likeable trot?
Hitchens was fucking intolerable.
Atheists like him and the AmazingAtheist make me want to go to church
I didn't even know who Hitchens was.
Climate-fueled resource war is probably right, though I think it's a way off, at least 50 years from now.
I vaguely remember watching a documentary that said they stole the schematics from India but I don't remember it that well.
C.L.R. James was pretty based too.
There are so many trots I've never heard of it's not even funny.
There would not be more posadas anime than this.
have you considered that this might be because you have no idea whatsoever what trotskyism is and have never investigated it beyond endless 'trots bad' mantras?
I don't have a "trots bad mantra". I'm one of the least sectarian people here and I'd have no problem working with trots if it meant achieving socialism. I simply legit didn't know any trots besides Trotsky and Posadas.
a lot closer than you'd think
probably before 2050, maybe sooner since the American establishment is becoming increasingly convinced they can win a nuclear first strike against Russia and China and would want to carry it out before the tech gap increases any more
The strongest one America. Its about who gets reliable anti missile technology first so the enemy cant retaliate. Its only a matter of time and you have to be special kind of stupid if you think MAD is going to last forever. After WW3 America will establish New World Order and nuke the shit out of those who oppose them. My guess is that all of this will start with a (nuclear) false flag on American soil so they get popular support for all of this.
Are there any resources out there about communism and ayys aside from Posadas?