What is your favorite quote from Marx or Engels? Make sure to source it. I recently came across this one. I’m thinking of making making one of those quote images from it:
Favorite / Interesting Marx and Engels quote thread
despite these reassurances I find it hard to believe we've witnessing the death of nazism.
a classic
What did Marx mean when he called Lassalle a "jewish nigger"? I get he was a jew, but why is it relevent to the insult?
I imagine saying racist shit as an insult was just commonly accepted in the 19th century
Marx was /b/-level racist by today's standards; only slightly above Zig Forums so as to not be reactionary
here's a few good ones
t. Karl Marx
it's long as fuck but it's one of my favorites
Who here still has a screenshot of the Lassalle rhyme someone came up with?
Good quote. I’ve never read The Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State beyond some excerpts concerning universal suffrage and democratic republicans that I found very accurate. After seeing this quote I should probably pick it up to study in full
My favorite Marx quotes are the ones that talk about human perception and the social relations between people. This one in particular is extremely important
All I know it was something something grows bigger lassalle is a Jewish nigger
The "Nazis" are making a small comeback because White America is realizing the Nazis were right. The "greatest generation" fought for Democracy against Authoritarianism. Whether they believed it was their Christian duty or their own nationalist pride fighting against a force they thought wished to consume them, they didn't really have an ethnic identity because they had never really considered it before.
And for a while they hadn't considered what would happen when their ethnic existence was ultimately threatened. Maybe they knew the day would come, but it was so far in the future in their minds they had never considered it. But now it's here, and what does it look like?
Turbo affirmative action and a redistribution of the wealth and power in this country. It means being born White comes with original sin. It means unmitigated, mass third world migration. It means a reversal of the Flynn Effect, the steady increase in overall intelligence due to better nutrition and hygiene that our population has experienced as we cart in millions of impoverished migrants.
Thanks, leftists.
lmao nice redditspacing faggot
this isn't really a marx or engels quote but it's one i still really like from Stalin actually
I like how you tacitly admit that it is the boomers that are heading this whole nazi revival.
I just remembered, or at at least close to it
I tip my hat wearily
To the revolution growing bigger
Everyone in the chat say
Lassalles a Jewish nigger
Chat and hat may have been at the end of their sentences, idk
It might not have been Stalin's aim, but the stateless communists and egalitarians believe the idea of "race" as threatening the fruition of their multicultural utopia and they're doing everything to silence any voice that might try to point out the possibility that we might not be equal after all. Intelligence may have a genetic, racial component and the how advanced a society might ultimately be might depend on the average level of intelligence of the people. How cohesive and peaceful might depend on how peaceful the people themselves might be, and personality is possibly heritable as well. This COULD explain why certain racial groups are poor and on the bottom economic rungs everywhere they go. It might not just be racism to blame.
It pretty much is. They weren't raised with all the equality shit that's shoved down kid's throats these days in school and the media. I absolutely believe the right wing will ultimately lose this culture war, but I don't think the world or the West is going to be better for it. We'll slowly descend into shit and everyone will blame the right and White people for fucking everything up before the leftists and communists could finally wrest control of the industry and political body from them, and no one will ever dare blame the fact that we started allowing every dirt poor migrant from Africa, Latin America and Asia in all at once, or the fact that diversity, rather than achievement, became our ultimate value.
This is just literally a fancy way of saying "u fat and n1 lieks u"
A lot of the dumbass normalfag shit he said was in private letters that no one else saw until decades after the 1st internationale
Idk why I like this one so much, I feel it's so true and way better than the opium quote
An oldie but goldie that helps people get over the "le rational discussion and debate" meme and preventively btfo'd Gramsci and his reformist followers.
No, the Nazis are making a small comeback because white privilege is dead. Being white used to come with so many perks, and now it's almost the same as being any other race. This has made white people mad, and so they're turning to any ideology that could return them to power.
But they've already lost. They're outnumbered and it's getting worse every year, due to immigration and race mixing and low white birth rates. Not to mention the fact that fewer and fewer whites give a shit about their white identity due to the fact that it doesn't come with privileges anymore, and so young whites are not being drawn to Nazis the same way older whites are. The hope for "generation zyclon" has flopped. They're queer, they're race traitors, they're atheists - nazism doesn't appeal to them.
It'll probably come down to a civil war, but it'll just be "old white people" vs "literally everyone else".
noone cares.
Marx writes like a /b/tard in general and it's one of my favorite things about him.
Incredible that this HBD meme is still around, ive been seeing it less and less even from the troglodytes on the right
Nazism is making a comeback because capitalism is in decay and people are scarmbling to find something to blame that isn't just capitalism.
Besides this being a idioticly gross generalization, you also have to contend with the fact that a lot of people turning into reactionaries (maybe not necessarily Nazis, but nationalist types regardless) are not white.
How? I haven't read Gramsci but my impression was that he wasn't really disagreeing with that, just elaborating on it?
Not Marx or Engels, but I've always loved the first paragraph of the State and Revolution.
The reason I like it is that it's applicable to so many left-wing thinkers, revolutionaries and activists.
You're using "nazi" and "fascist" interchangeably, but nazism is specifically racialist. It literally requires a white majority to work. I've made no assumptions that OTHER forms of fascism will fail, only that these new nazis will fail. They're a cargo-cult, grasping at something that's long dead.
I started reading Living in the End Times by Slavoj Zizek, and I'm surprised liberals haven't used this quote out-of-context yet:
Basically, anything that BTFOs online Blanquists and Bakuninists who think they're Marxists
fuck off liberal
I don't get this, can someone dumb it down.
When people produce things and they're put on sale in a market as commodities, the relation seems to be one not between people, a social relation, but between a person and the product as a commodity, so that the specific labor behind that product disappears into the general category of commodity, something which seems simply to exist with neither a history of production or a clear social relation to the humans involved in its production.
he was memeing