Hey guys the yellow vests are in America now

hey guys the yellow vests are in America now.

Attached: yellow vest...-.jpg (760x507, 74.95K)


Nice try, FBI

Who the fuck cares about ameritard class cucks

It's time for the revolution, read The Coming Insurrection.


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Invisible Committee published their stuff in 08 when it looked like an imminent collapse of capital on a global scale was imminent
It cant be compared to the boom period we are in
Wait 2 years 6 months at least

The economy is currently tanking, MAGA boomers are retarded and still think it's doing well because they don't know what the fuck is going on if it isn't being talked about on Brietbart.

The fact we're in a "boom period", as you say, and things like this are happening, should actually make you see it as even more important, because it's the buildup to the collapse.

I see Zig Forums is still very much liberal.

Actually look into how the economy is doing from an actual chart, not what the news says. It's going down the crapper, building up to a collapse.

people caring about the economy what are you people capitalist.

The destruction of capitalism is dependent on the tanking of the economy, it's actually a good thing for revolution, this is why bothered to point this out in the first place.

sure capitalist will just stop being capitalist without someone destroying it.
you people sound like trump supporters.

"stuff will happen"


Never underestimate the power of a mob of idiots during a recession.

Since nothing is free, i am curious what the old system will be replaced with. I am also curious if that system will function( at the every day ground level) at all, or if it is just some lofty dream.

We can have a system where the people who are screwing everything up can be imprisoned, then implement a production-based currency, getting rid of the US dollar and actually making this a completely new currency. We would be left with our own brand of people who are intelligent, and good for our economy, starting an actual nation from the ashes of the old America, where we are no longer financially enslaved but financially freed and empowered because our government will actually operate in favor of the people.

I am not in possession of crystal ball, but if would commies take power, history proves that it would go

if liberals/nazis would get into power, it would be more like

I think you meant to post that in r/The_Donald.


Because it is clear that you have no idea what you're talking about.

where am I wrong, faggot?

Where aren't you wrong?

Communism is essentially internationalism, liberals aren't nazis and are not comparable.
Lastly, I can tell you're a boomer because when you got triggered you called me a faggot, and couldn't tell the difference between communism, liberalism, and naziism indicating that you were a Dinesh Desouza fanboy.

Because that user is a Zig Forums fag that's offended you compared him to the exact same people on the other side of the autistic spectrum.

Yellow vests in America are corporate bootlickers who praise Jeff Bezos and Amazon for turning their town to shit.

Attached: bootlickers.jpg (1019x629, 164.66K)

We are anarchists, socialists, and communists here, not uneducated MAGAtards who don't know what any of those things actually are. This is why I am suggesting that you return to r/The_Donald.

Those are called unions.

true, it's other way around, nazis are liberals.
I'm far from being triggered, nigger
no, u
literally who?

Liberals aren't nazis and nazis aren't liberals, you're just stupid and don't know what either of those things are, now go back to r/The_Donald you capitalist scum.

Are you 12 y/o? Try to enlighten me on difference, fag

I keep seeing the yellow vests pop up… what are they supposed to mean?

The revolution is here.


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Enlighten you on how nazis are different to liberals? Are you out of your fucking mind retarded? Really? You are too stupid for me to talk to, perfect r/The_Donald material, why aren't you hanging out there?

Attached: f02.png (680x439, 94.13K)

So, I took the liberty to actually write out a list of things educated intelligent people know, and r/The_Donald autists do not.

Liberalism is the belief in equal opportunity for all.

Democracy is mob rule, a system for idiots which is easily subverted, loved by communists because idiots are easy to manipulate and most people are idiots, no communist
nation/country would ever institute democracy for itself. A group of super rich influential people often fund each party so that whichever one wins the election, the
people who funded it ultimately win the election, the people themselves never get anything they're promised in the end because the entire system is a lie.

Capitalism is where a nation sells out it's people for money and foreign interests but allows you to also have an opportunity to get ahead if you're clever.

Communism is the belief in equal outcome for all and all property is owned by the workers, but with one tribe of people at the top as the ruling class and
everyone else at the bottom, the ruling class gets all of the spoils of victory and everyone else waits in line for bread.

Globalism is the end goal of communism, because it is global communism, this is the international element.

Anarchism is when there's no government or hierarchy and therefore no law, this is the beginning phase of revolution, anarchy is used as a tool specifically
for revolution, not taken seriously as a permanent way to go but only as a phase for revolution.

Socialism (marxian) = free shit and high taxes until a nation goes bankrupt and communism steps in to replace it, the second phase of a communist revolution.

National socialism AKA naziism is the belief in nationhood, where the interest of the government is focussed on the wellbeing of the founding race of the nation and
culture of the people, natural law/hierarchy. Not Socialism is basically nation-wide racial tribalism.

I hope this is bait

It is what we all know.

Liberalism is the primary ideology of capitalism. It has nothing to do with equality of opportunity

Capitalism is a socioeconomic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production. This includes liberal democracy, Not Socialism and certain forms of monarchy and theocracy as seen in the modern world.

Communism is a classless and moneyless society.

Globalism is a right wing buzzword that includes everything they don't like.

Anarchism is a school of socialism that holds that there should be no state in a socialist society.

Socialism is a socioeconomic system where the means of production are owned by the working class. It has nothing to do with free shit or high taxes.

National socialism is an extreme system used by capitalism to suppress the revolution using race as a scapegoat.

…our revolution?

This is an utterly bizarre coalition made up of some very strange bedfellows.

It was started by left-wing groups but it has the support of right-wing groups like Le Pen and the Alt-Right.

The left is in it for ideological reasons like income equality and equal right and all the good things you guys like, and the right is supporting it for pragmatic reasons and their mostly middle-class member base demands it and they are compelled to obey their members (Realpolitik and all that … )

They have stopped fighting each other for a moment to fight a common enemy that threatens to destroy them both.

This is exactly what people have been predicting for years

Attached: establishment truely fears.jpg (1080x1013, 477.05K)

All it is is the real right and the real left protesting globalism. We are on opposite sides of the spectrum but closer than we think we are. The globalist hates this.

So just a general anti-elite anti-globalist anti-liberal movement? Hell the fuck yes.

Spot on.

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