What's Zig Forums opinion on the Nigger Question (NQ)...

What's Zig Forums opinion on the Nigger Question (NQ)? .

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Welcome to the internet I guess

Why should anyone care about niggers? Focus on achieving FALC in your own country first

toasting pepes are in right now

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My favorite socialist by far

Remember when you'd stop seeing memes on 4chan once normies reported on them? What the fuck happened. I see these fucking memes on facebook for crying out loud.

All at the same time too!

None of those are contradictory. Race isn’t real, so therefore prejudice on based on skin-color is bad and at the same time a distraction from common class issues. Most “idpol” issues are liberalt

Fuck niggers, kikes, and jannies.

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Race is real though

Communism works well when Whites and Asians do it…anyone else that does it blows it up.

Fuck fascists and liberals.

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I don't get this one. Why Maoist Pepe tinging glass with fork?

He's about to say the R-word

Vastly superior to white males. It will be a great day when they are all killed and bred out of existence. Then we will finally get the progress that those white pigs have cheated us out of.

Why kill and breed out of existence all n**g*ers?

He said white niggers, common misconception.

"Race", as in grouping all whites, blacks, yellows, etc. into groups, isn't real. Similar Haplotypes and physical expressions (Phenotypes) are a thing, but the idea that all the people of Europe, Africa, Asia, etc. can be grouped into nice all-encompassing categories based mostly on just phenotype is a fabrication.

Comrades still getting banned for slight offenses and this Zig Forums fuck only gets a bumplock? Seriously?

Fuck racists. On second thought, leave them a bunch of unfucked Incels. They're just pissed because they were born with terminal micro-dick, like tiny-hands Trump.

One person's freak is another person's normie. There's no rules about memes per se on Facebook, but certain types of content is banned and may get the user banned.

Yes, there are a bunch pepes I'd love to toast.
Fuck Green Frogs.

Exactly. The most logical grouping of 'races' has five human races, three of which are located in Africa and are characterised by black skin, one is basically the Austronesian peoples and the last one includes white Europeans, Asians, Middle-Easterners and Native Americans.

Most scientists reject this notion of race, but even if it was used most 'racist realists' would be grouped together with most people they see as inferior.

But if race isn't real then how can you generalize that a group of non-white skinned people are superior to the white skinned ones?