ITT: we laugh at retarded leftoids, idpol leftists, and radlibs
insert some totally hailorious stuff about the character limit
Leftoid/twitter leftist cringe thread
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Ladies and gentlemen i show you the tale of little pep the leninist and the undeserved autistic reaction
Idpol isn't left-wing.
Even more autism
Fuck i should've reworded that i meant people who call themselves leftists but only give a shit about idpol
r/stupidpol is pretty good for this
shit like this is why the left gets called snowflakes
Being a snowflake is a good thing you know now…
I know I’m out of touch but why do twitter users think their hot takes deserve to be posted absolutely everywhere online
that is an answer that we shall never fully know user
Use ChapoTrapHouse2 if you're a reddit fag, and don't want to see these types of things daily.
One of the top posts there is complaining about ☭TANKIE☭s
left liberals are seeing apparitions
The USA was a mistake
t. George Washington
It’s arm-chairs with too much time on their hands who give a shit about this stuf
I deliberately avoid r/cth and twitter so why do i have to see this shite?
This will blow up in their face : ^ )
Why is everyone on left twitter either transsexual or "nonbinary"? What does "nonbinary" even mean?
They thought they were special for not being invested in what gender they are.
TIL I'm nonbinary
I feel the same tbh and I suspect that's how they feel coupled with a personality disorder.
Both are correct though. Putting one group down and/or raising one group up relative to equality is definitely far-right bullshit, and the people who do this and call themselves lefties are doing just like the Nazis and calling themselves "socialist" so they seem more credible.
What the hell is a leftoid?
Someone who fails a purity test.
A word that is inexplicably gaining traction despite it not being immediately apparent what that word means even when used in a very particular context with synonyms alongside it.
I interpret it as meaning "seemingly leftist, but not really leftist" or "leftist" but with a derogatory slant on it. Like human -→ humanoid "resembling a human in some way"
A specter is haunting Californian radlibs.
Is there anything like LateStageCapitalism that isn't succdem/tankie shit and twitter screencaps? The premise is pregnant with potential for interesting analysis and other content, but they just post/upvote hot (to normies) takes.
It's a bad post for making gun nuts feel like they aren't welcome on the far left.
AHAHAHAHA this is some bullshit from
It means being below two brain cells.
Anti-gun radlibs out.
insult usually used by 'post-left', anti-civ, and other groups that are 'fringe' politics but are vehemently against certain parts of leftism
Brehs I heard r/cth shut down for a bit and people are talking about it in this thread. Why did it shut down?
The mods there shut it down for three days because their subscriber count hit 69420.
This. Stupidpol is the only decent subreddit.
this is like filtering piss out of a swimming pool by drinking from it
I forget, was it Biederman or Menaker that had the dad that was a flipped Soviet agent/CIA asset?
they're not hard to find
This is what idpol gets you. Take it in.
Probably Menaker, his dad is the an executive chief editor at Random House.
Lenin was just like Obi wan Kenobi training Skywalker (Stalin) to fight the empire
Skywalker tried to purge Kylo Ren from the Jedi Order (party).
cth was always trashy false conscious liberals tbh.
Why not just call them red liberals and be done with it?
Many of these people don’t even claim to be communist or anarchist so “red liberal” doesn’t really apply
Does this count?
That's American brainwashing.
That's a parody account: Dan Hodges is a liberal british commentator who is vehemently anti-Corbyn, claims to be a Labour supporter but voted for the tories last time.
TomShoe nowhere near makes up for Vris92 the tard defending wrecker being on there, and that's just for the two I recognize.
Although I went for a poke around and this made me laugh
As a bong and a HoI player I chuckled outloud.
He’s not wrong
To be fair leftypol and BO engage in this all the time.
How is he *not* wrong? The FSA are more like were a grouping of fascistic jihadi imperialist puppets
FSA is US aligned
like certain other groups
You mean "was". They don't exist anymore.
r/stupidpol is the one sub I use that doesn't make me want to kill myself.
My bad.
It's so hard to tell who is ironic these days
You know you can submit like five images at once right.
It won't let me from my divice for some reason.
I am getting so close to wanting these people banned from life. I saw one today whining about how CTH should have thought about their name more because it's triggering to trans people (because "trap").
For this reason Zig Forums. The only online far-left community where you can be transphobic as long as you're a comrade.
Hopefully I can be anti-trans on main one day too, but revolution wasn't built in a day…
gave me a chuckle
I like Bat'ko, but he brings it on himself by white-knighting the idpol crowd and being sectarian as fuck on Twitter.
The Holly Jane saga is a cautionary tale of this.
What's this?
Bat'ko thought white-knighting a psycho tranarchist who used supposedly being suicidal to emotionally manipulate caring people through DMs, accused everybody who disagreed with their views of being transphobic and called everybody who wasn't an anarchist, but was far-left of being "communists" was a good hill to die on even though literally everybody (except hyper-sectarian anarkiddies) on Left Twitter was tryna warn him of what a psycho Holly Jane was.
That was till Holly Jane accused him of being transphobic with his "Zizek on traps" video as evidence and accused him of sending Zig Forums to send her/him/it death threats on Discord literally 2 days later.
I'll try find the screenshots of the insane, stalker-like wall of text DMs Holly Jane sent him talking bout "I'm gonna make it my mission in life to ruin you for betraying me UWU" too.
no, what? huh? how did this happen, could anyone have foreseen this?
Feels good being on Zig Forums for this reason. It's Stormfront to those Twitter leftoids. As a Marxist I can get away with stating how retarded transgenderism is without👏some👏faggot👏posting👏 responses👏like👏this👏to me.
Hot off the presses:
Is kinda reasonable that her fursona is a sloth being how slow she fucking is.
Speaking of fursonas, I had a back and forth with a "socialist" furfag a couple weeks back. Guy had a rose emoji in his username and all and was talking bout "state capitalism" and how he don't like being told by other leftists to read XYZ cuz theory's too hard to grasp for newcomers.
Settlers was a mistake
Now hold on a second, this tweet ain't half bad. Who doesn't like big ol' ripe proletarian milkers of reproductive age?
@Bell_Shakur? That you?
Stupid degenerates with no taste
I’m in agreement with this
This is a good tweet because it's obviously meant to piss off twitter.
I more of a ass guy tbh
Both are good
Reminder that he joined bashing Dr Bones, co-host of the Guillotine Podcast, for being a "rapist", meaning Bones being guilty of sex with another person who came to regret boinking that dork several days later; and Bat'ko tweeted the other guy from that podcast, offering himself as alternative co-host.
This is enough for him to be put in the trash forever.