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Don’t forget anti-fascist and anti-imperialist MGSV:TPO was all about shitting on Big Boss for abandoning the socialist anti-imperialist ideals in Peacewalker
It occurred to me recently that me playing all the MGS games when I was 12 or so might have genuinely guided me unknowingly to more leftist politics.
I have no idea if it actually did, but I do wonder.
Kojima is based and probably our guy.
also unrelated but Big Boss and Ocelot are gay and in love deal with it
the main charachters arent really portrayed as being morally correct when killing Soviets, the cold war politics in game really aren't "US good SU bad"
Was he a Maoist Third Worldist?
Well, this seems to check out. Maybe Fukushima is still butthurt over the sino-soviet split.
I remember in MGS3 you were fighting with the Americans, Chinese spy and Revisionist cornman to destroy the Based posadast Stalinists that the cornman called "ultranationalists". Which makes more sense with the guy being a turd Worldist.
Need to get round to editing this a bit but yeah
IDK, MGS4 seemingly had the most blatant satire/criticism of capitalism, with the war market and the PMCs controlling everything.
Seems more to me like the series didn't become pro-burger as much as the later games are just badly written.
That's true, and if anyone sat through the 3 hours of cutscenes per 1 of gameplay that might have come across better.
Bee Movie, surprisingly.
How is Bee Movie not right wing as fuck? It compares classes to natural roles in an ecosystem and implies that society will collapse if the working class demands rights instead of sucking it up and accepting their fates.
The end isn't that bees go back to how they were before though, they sell their own labour to society in a mutually beneficial arrangement, the crisis in the middle where they try to live off their legal settlement is that everything would go to shit if nobody did any work and were just lumpens (which is true)
Snake and otacon definitely have a bromance going on as well
Otacon loves himself a good gilf
What about LoGH? is it our anime?
Nice trips but you don't need to kill the enemies
Plus it shows that the protagonist is just being used by the US
Otacon definitely has a bromance, with his "can love bloom on the battlefield?" Iine, but I feel Ocelots homosexuality is pretty explicitly shown, in MGS3 too but pretty strongly in MGS5 if I recall right
You spend all of Ground Zeroes killing US Marines so it sort of evens out surely
the other half of MGSV you fight colonialist forces in Africa too
there is no such thing as a good anime so no.
Could also be Zig Forums tier, glad you guys like them too! The government and oligarchs are against us both! I really like the film My Dinner With Andre, it's a philosophic exploration about what life is about. The last 30 or so minutes are absolute genius.
LOTGH and some of the GUNDAMS are really interesting when it comes to philosophy and government. I would definitely recommend both. (especially LOTGH; Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny are my favorite of the gundams from a government point of view though).
Asassin's Creed: Syndicate has levels where you act as Karl Marx's body guard, and he is protrayed quite positively
no, gurren lagann is
he was portrayed as a liberal
That's an odd way of spelling Kill la Kill
logh is a show about the great man theory of history, so no i don't think it's our show, but still it is so good that i wish some kind of equivalent existed for historical materialism, like some kind of grand space opera, where except of nations operating under the great man theory, they do so under histomat, think about it, such a thing would be awesome
For the Crisis in the Kremlin remake, I'd say the gameplay is 5-7 depending on the kind of gameplay you like and the leftist themes are at least 9. The makers of the game are explicitly anti capitalist and the game shows the bad sides of liberalisation of the USSR(it even includes the Pizza Hut thing)
Is that really what you got out of the anime? the bougie textile manufacturer mom was the bad guy
at the end of the show all the other student council leaders talk about how their rich parents gave them jobs
Smh tbh fam
Snowpiercer is the most Marxist action film this century, change my mind.
*also can be seen as a critique of Leninism and vanguardism more generally*
This for sure. I don't remember the first one much but the second one had explicitly anti-imperialist views. I'm pretty sure Oshi's Sky Crawlers was similar.
Someone who's seen these more recently should probably confirm though since I wasn't really a leftist when I saw them.
Some say its a sequal too willy wonka
Here's a good video that goes over some of its underlying themes if you haven't seen Patlabor 2 recently. What struck me the most was how the Mamoru Oshii openly admits to agreeing with the antagonists ideals. I know its sometimes implied in other anime that the filmwriter/director emphasizes on some level with the main villain, especially if that villain is made to be sympathetic, but you very rarely hear them say it outright. To spoil The antagonist is an anti-imperialist ex-UN peacekeeping operative who is trying to show how the current peace in Japan is a false one generated by Japan's involvement in US imperialism. The main character through the events in the story and having witnessed the inept and manipulative behavior of the defense ministry in how it handles the situation at hand comes to begrudgingly agree with the antagonist on the problem, even as she takes him in as she still sees the actions he committed as wrong. She admits she wants the false peace to be revealed for what it is as the antagonist does, just not with his methods.
Forgot video
Planetes is the proletariat's anime
He is portrayed as a socdem pacifist.
The one on the left isn't bad though, socialism is democracy for workers.
lol fuck off idealist utopian
socailism is when the government owns everythingn and everyone. period. if you're a socialist for any other reason you'rew rong.
The workers want action and results. They don't care about muh democracy. Only libs do which is why whenever they attempt to rehabilitate marx they always have him drone on and on about muh democracy like he was some big devoted socdem or some shit.
How well does Deus Ex hold up today? Been meaning to play it for ages.
Such a good show
Pretty great film.
Not exactly leftist, but I enjoyed it
Seed was a garbage series. UC in general is far far better.
i have still yet to find any video game that makes an incredible passionate and compelling case for socialism on an individualistic level without being incredible overt with it. For me movies like "Falling Down" and "I,Daniel Blake" provide such a nuanced worker perspective critique of capitalism, and are pure kino because of it. But with video games i have yet to find something that can provide this same level of passion of critique into the system, while at the same time not telling the audience what to think, but rather merely pointing out the evidence and leading them to come to socialism as a natural conclusion. Any "communist video game for me has either been:
too vague and unspecified to be called socialist
too on the nose and preachy to be considered in anything more the propaganda
Or worst of all, simply mentions the USSR in anyway shape of form
The only two games that have ever gotten close for me was "Spec Ops:The Line" but that falls short because although it makes one of the greatest and most compelling anti-war games created, it never takes that extra inch forward and shows are capitalism is responsible for it. And "Cart Life" which would be the perfect socialist and anti-capitalist game, showing the brutality and futility that faces many members of the working class on a daily basis, as you struggle to pay simple bills let alone aspire to save, the only reason i wouldn't consider it is it's dramatically short length
The problem with being overtly political in games is that they require a massive budget and amount of man hours meaning going against the status quo politically jeopardizes their potential revenue. The closest you'll get is games like MGS that are anti war but never paint capatilsm as evil since that obviously wouldn't fly with execs trying to make a profit.
LotGH is great man theory fashie nonsense.
Nausicaä is our anime.
my nigga
You guys do know that the narrator made mentions of the Republic bankruptcy, lack of numbers ( less than half of Imperial's population), weaker technoloy and explosion of refugees from Imperial as factors for its decline right.
I totally argee that Reinhard was a Mary Sue though
It was written by a socialist. He played the protagonist.
There is no socialism without proletarian democracy.
Probably suggested by some dangoid revisionist because it seems China is the only other " communist" faction. Wait scratch that,
Mercenaries two is about Venezuela and how you can support the communist guerillas (that happen to be allied with China for pragmatic purposes at least) against the Oil Barrons and the illegitimate Right wing dictatorship that fled to a bunker.
Apparently there is also the edgy choice of gouging with the pirates or the russian mafia and stealing and killing everybody lmao. What the game really highlights is how Mercs and PMCs really have no morals or qualms about War and is only in it for the money. Heck, you worked with the main bad guy the first mission of the second game. Mercenaries One is a bit dickish because it make out the DPRK like some cartoonishly evil dictatorship and also you actually lose money for imperialist UN troops in the first game which is just a dick move. Both the games had a main bad guy you had to fight that you can't join and I think they made it so that the audience views the mercenary organization as barely better than the main antagonist faction as you can go around and reap the most profit by getting the factions to fight over each other.
*lose money killing UN troops
Why are you retarded Zig Forums?
I don't know. I haven't played past mgs3 but mgs2 had that stuff and I would tend to agree that we're retarded.
The pre-MGS4 story was pretty coherent, and is blatantly critical of the notion of genetic determinism. Kojima makes it clear that while some people are naturally gifted, a superior person is made, not born.
there was an indie game about running a hotdog stand or something that was supposed to be critical of capitalism
Otacon got a boner when he saw Sniper Wolf's tits, thats what prompted him to say that.
fug your right im a fake fan sorry lads
Was he the first Kurdboo?
Is La Chinoise any good? Finna maybe watch it tonight.
It's still really good IMO
IDK, it wasn't that memorable but the commie third worldist characters were interesting and it showed the tyranny of working a low paid highly skilled job with terrible conditions well enough
Soldiers Without Borders isn't just a mercenary company though, they fight, sort of, on behalf of oppressed peoples, and it develops into Outer Heaven which just decided to upend the world system because it sucked.
Zanzibar Land was leftist in the same way as 'Solo Wing' Pixy, they wanted to destroy the twisted world and start over. And the series in general displays the horrors and pointless brutality of war - especially since the most prestigious way to finish the game is a no-kill run.
It's a comedy version of Dostoyevsky's Demons, if that sounds good to you then watch it
I could be wrong but I get more of a 'depraved bisexual' vibe from Ocelot
The moral of mgs1 is that genes are arbitrary
Holy shit I can't believe I got that wrong. I guess Mercs 2 is an "okay with a caveat"
Are there any works by Dostoevsky that don’t make you want to kill yourself after reading them?
The characters of the show have different viewpoints and ideals. There's really no main message at all.
no that's what you read Tolstoy for
Similarly, all the characters are supported by a team of individuals, so there's not really a lot of space Jesus who solves everyone on their faction's problems
Persona 5 is fairly left-leaning in some regards. You get to take down a corrupt businessman and a corrupt politician.
Ocelot literally namedrops Marxist theory in TPP.
Also don't tell me this isn't anti-capitalist as fuck
Wonder Showzen have some good and funny lefty themes in there.
A lot more dangerous than you'd think.
shit taste/10
what's wrong with dead leaves and 08th ms team my nigga?
Dead Leaves is for people who think Imaishi is secretly a genius. 08th is the worst Gundam OVA
I figured people liked his stuff purely for the entertainment value.
Interesting. I'm in the middle of the series right now and was wondering if it would live up to the hype when the other ovas look way more interesting.
Final Fantasy VII is about Cloud, a soldier deluded into thinking he's a high ranking war hero who joins a rebel cel called AVALANCHE, with the objective of demolishing the Shinra Corporation, a company that unofficially runs the world and is literally sucking the life force from it to generate electricity. The main antagonist believes he is a superior life form with the right to change or destroy life as he sees fit, due to his genetics and heritage. By the end, Cloud realizes he was never the hot shit he thought he was, and Shinra self destructs by fucking the environment too hard (Kaiju rising up against the planetary destruction). After killing Sephiroth, who'd summoned a massive meteor to destroy and then reconstruct the world (return to glorious past?) everything is still doomed and the spirit of the planet saves it self. I'm convinced that a secret intern who was a Communist grounded in materialism and revolution would have pushed to add to the story, a subplot about AVALANCHE stirring up the proles, who would fight to build a classless society after recovering from unavoidable catastrophe. Despite it's idealism, it's definitely a Left friendly game.
That's Ace Combat right? I need to play through those before 7.
I haven't finished P5 yet but so far its struck me as fairly left leaning.
also the colour theme is red check mate rightists
naniwa kin'yuudo