I wouldn't be surprised if that entire board was some kind of advanced form of COINTELPRO designed to deliberately trick people into hating socialism.
What do you think about this pathetic excuse for a board?
Oh shit spelt write wrong, I am a fucking retard
Take a guess
Post r/socialism cringe
No, I literally just said "Thats pretty crazy" in a reply to some random post.
I know you probably did, but they will ban you for the slightest language transgression there. I don't use reddit, but a year or so ago it went so far that they banned any anime girl related posts as well, including those relating to the leftist catgirl memes.
i have no doubt that after the rise of the SJW phenomena a majority of people in places like the U.S. genuinely believe that socialism means fighting racism, ableism, and anti-trans wrongthink.
before 2008 and the financial crisis these things were only an extreme fringe on the left, and socialist groups were dominated by (mostly Trotskyist) Marxist groups like ISO, IMT, WSWS, etc. They were class-oriented groups with an occasional focus on things like racism and immigration issues. After 2008, a huge wave of disorganized but powerful SJWism and idpol overwhelmed the left. some people believe this was a deliberate psyop on part of the elites or Western governments to discredit, confuse, and divide the left.
That's actually an hilarious big dick energy power move though, you humorless retard fuck
My inbox is filled with banning notifications and gold from the chinese. Reddit is a psyop. But it can be somewhat affected like here but way less easily
Are you rarted?
The second image is from here newfag
Give a rigorous definition and tell me why I should give a shit without giving a social justice argument
Put me in the screencap
On average they tend to be wreckers with no theory or class focus who push social issues over the underlying class ones.
Why would you do that to yourself?
leftypol confirmed for being infiltrated by r/socialism mods.
Why would you do that to yourself?
yeah, what's with that
The same ☭TANKIE☭ retards that mod those shitholes are the ones that spread this all over reddit left subs; LSC started as a FC spin-off and is the worst of the worst.
The only halfway good left subs are stupidpol and collapse
Well I dunno. I don't go to Reddit, but you always want to strike a balance when running any community. Banning people for using the word "crazy" is a bit too far for me, but if you don't have any language rules at all you'll just get tr0lls who liek to say nigger-faggot-abortion-gayAIDS every time they post – that shit will spread like a virus. Reddit tends to go in an extreme authoritarian direction rooted around creating a "harmonious community" as they try to police a large userbase; kind of like the Chinese government. I tend to prefer smaller, more tight-knit communities that uses authoritarian moderation to keep out the riff raff but otherwise gives a lot of leeway for people to express themselves.
Like most normies have never heard of this place, and if they saw it, would think it's the home of a den of sickos like baboon poster. Anyways, the r/socalism subreddit has 163,000 subscribers compared to stupidpol's 2,500. But the r/politics has more than 4 million and the typical opinion you'll get there is that Beto O'Rourke or somebody is going to save the planet.
Really? Trotskyism has always seemed like a pretty small, fringe tendency even within the American left.
I thought shit like this happening was just pol memes.
If you see their slimy asses at a protest stab them
I mean mods don't often leave the house,. but when they do, it's to rape some little girl
fuck off
I don't think that's actually true. Communities tend to reinforce their own informal standards and practices, even if no actual rule exists. Not every place online, or even most, would become a Zig Forums-tier shithole without language policing.
Must be nice being white
You’re right. We need a more diverse ruling class.
How can you ever lose an argument when you can only talk to men made of straw?
Yeah, must be nice not being a protected class that get prefrential treatment and not have a land of your own.
Yeah being white fucking sucks everyone is out to get us.
If only theft was legal, then the negroids of America would all be liberated and treated like everyone else. Nevermind that when they rule a nation all on their own necklacing is seen as splendid pastime and that the crimerate doesn't change depending on local or individual wealth.
What the fuck Zig Forums you told me NazBols were a meme
The Nazbols are real.
r/socialism is absolutely cointelpro
what is this audio from?
They affect your class but the problem still lies in class. Just treating brown people nicer to feel better about yourself doesn’t help them or anyone.
Decency generally has an observable effect on other people's brains, so I wouldn't say there's no point.
He spelled spelt right. It's a regional thing.
They are teenagers. And also cops. Really Reddit would probably suck less if they only allowed adults to post.
They certainly do, just at 1/10 the rate of blacks or Hispanics.
Uhh no, personal experience states otherwise. Even if there is no evidence whatsoever, just a vague statement you can get arrested and be forced to stay in jail for months. It doesn't matter what race TBH… unless you're in the US south
I mean, considering the mods threw a shitfit over catgirls, I have never really took them seriously
An r/socialism mods discord or something
I don't know how it is now but for a while Zig Forums was the boogeyman of r/succialism
The guy you're replying to is a white redditor who wants to be liked.