Gilets jaunes / Yellow vests general

This time with a French OP. Can we get a cycling thread for as long as the crisis is ongoing?
Also as a Frenchman, I can probably answer any questions you guys might have.

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Looks cool but nothing good will come off this I bet.

You a paysans OP? How are things where you are?

The left:

This, I've heard some dumb takes even from "tankies". Like that this is just a CIA "arab spring" type revolution. I ask, so what? I wouldn't even give a shit if the US knocked out france like this, france is part of the imperialist cartel which subjugates the world. If the US decided to coup all EU countries and reduce them to rubble I wouldn't give a shit, because the US would only weaken itself with the isolationism.

bunch of redlibs and just straight up libs

I don't have a no brain Womack concave enough for this fucking take…

Is there anything to indicate that the protestors are class conscious?

Not really sure what to make of the situation to be honest. I need a French OP to explain to me what to think about it. See, I'm not French but I respect French sovereignty and will not intervene in their affairs, as I believe in the principle of mutual respect and cooperation.

Anyways, I hope everything works out over there

Lamo is that his opening offer?

Getting assblasted over a tax is not class struggle. Fuck off with this bourgeois reactionary shit.

lol we are doomed

The left won't capitalize on this event and in a week or two the protests will be primarily right wing reactionary forces crying about immigration and muh western civilization.

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You seem horribly out of touch with regular people.

Of course nobody protests because some made up number doesnt meet an arbitrary deadline.
And of course they do protest when high taxes makes their quality of life lower.

If by "regular people" you mean reactionary lumpenproles that have no idea what is happening to this planet, then good, I am glad to be out of touch with them.

The CGT has called for a general strike to support them on the 14th.

73% of emissions come from 100 companies, some paysans not wanting to lose all their money is not a fucking threat to the enviroment.

I mean the people on the protest.
The Gilets Jaunes.

I'm seeing a lot of shit saying "we are the sovereign people".

And going after those companies will still upset consumers in the end. People need to understand that if we want to get really serious about climate change that lifestyles will need be drastically upended, so there's no point in trying to lessen the impact with austerity bullshit. Go for broke. I want to see automobiles banned all together. That'll really give the lumpens something to be pissy about.

I suggest you all learn how to ride a horse.

No, these people are ACTUAL workers - not pretentious students in their comfortable dorms like you.

I definitely think we should block automobiles being allowed in poor/ developing countries where emmissions standards are lower.

You see how this is such a bullshit neoliberal way of trying to resolve this right? It's an individualized tx to impact consumer behaviour, not anything systematic. You're fucking over the rural working class to achieve jack shit through bullshit means.

Anyone read Communist Nihlism? Monsieur Dupont's analysis of the British 2000 petrol blockades seem to completely mirror the Gilets jaunes situation rightdown to Revolutionary LARPers denouncing the movement as fascist because they don't have their grubby claws anywhere near the steering wheel.

Just refer these idiotic westerners to Left Wing Communism: An infantile Disorder.

I'm not from Paris but I'm pretty much intermediary I guess. Neither from the countryside nor the dense urban centers but I lived most of my life in cities. Still I support the gilets jaunes.
Where I am it's fairly calm but the central power is going to fall.


Low quality message.

There is no ideological consistency. The movement is clearly caused by degrading social & material situations and already most people know there is a divide between the elites and the rest of the population.

Don't feel forced to use bandwidth to spout that kind of asinine shit.

For the love of Marx, give the WSWS, RT, hell - even - fucking Jacobin a read. The situation has escalated. It is no longer just a matter of paysans getting bootyblasted over higher prices at the pump; this shit has turned personal for many Frenchmen. It is the task of the Left to harness the power of the masses to upend bourgeois dominance. Get involved or risk seeing a farcical reenactment of the fall of the Commune.

I am skeptical this could go anywhere just because of a deep pessimism, but this seems to be exactly the kind of opportunity you are supposed to seize if you believe in radicalizing the working class or stoking revolution. It’s somewhat strange to see a bunch of lefties on the internet (even soc dems on Twitter) who don’t identify as leftcoms to suddenly start following their playbook, with the whole “is this an authentic working class movement?”. I don’t even know what that means, it’s certainly not a bunch of ideologically committed Nazis so I don’t know why there is this concern over whether or not our team just appeared like the Golden Horde out of the east. It isn’t a spectator sport.

IMO the next step needs to be the general strike.

Why did we open a new thread just to have to go through the same bs again, post the same pictures, make the same arguments, why French OP can you not just go throw your comments into the other one???

Bump limit? Also this one is cycling.

Unlike Zig Forums it seems to me like a leftist movement and it has nothing to do with niggers or immigration.

Copied from:

Holy shit I hope this is bait and you aren't actually this stupid

Jean Lassalle will lead France into Juche.

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Goddamn Lenin owns

based and vanguardpilled

Anyone who dismisses this movement as "fascist" or "lumpenprole" or whatever should eat a fucking gun. You have no understanding of class struggle and no understanding of revolutionary theory. You're just another pseudo-radical pretending to be a revolutionary, of absolutely no value to anyone.

Kill yourself

Sauce (just because):

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So what? Some idiot with a nazi flag can show up at ANY rally and suddenly the entire thing is destroyed in the eyes of "the left".

WELL based on this jpg I can tell this is not a leftist movement and surely it is representative of the entirety of the yellow jacket movement which anyway has a very consistent ideology. Thank you based foreigner for opening my eyes, as a native frenchman it's easy to think you can understand your own country.

It's funny, if an actual workers revolution were to take place then all the state needs to do is plants some agents here and there with nazi uniforms and then the whole western "left" start denouncing it from every corner. Oh pious western "lefts", please guide my ignorant soul to the promise land!

wtf I love Macron now. We must defend Jupiter from these Nazi rioters


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let's say gas jumped suddenly to $10/gallon in the US. given how the whole US society is structured around the automobile, and gas is a huge proportion of expenses for many people, this shift would threaten to impoverish tens of millions within weeks. The case is less extreme of course in France, but only to a degree. People whose life is reliant on an automobile to survive after neoliberal cuts to mass transit have no other choice but to protest. As for why they didn't protest earlier- most people are not so politically active or educated that they understand what the government does on a macroscopic scale, but a gas tax is an immediate reality in people's lives. It's similar to how the Paris Commune and the French Revolution before it were set off by the spike in the prices of basic necessities like bread. Also see examples like the Gin Craze in 18th Century Britain, where the government cynically taxed gin to raise revenues with regressive sales taxes while also claiming the moral highground based on the evils of liquor, eventually setting off riots

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This. I swear it is like we are living in mid Nov again where the whole France Left has already thrown its weight behind it coz they want it to be another 68.

this also gets me thinking that industrial society is very fragile indeed. if all literal fuel that greases and turns the gears of our society were to run low suddenly or made artificially so with taxes and a preemptive strike in the name of fighting climate change, then people start to realize how vulnerable they are. Gas taxes are good praxis

hasn't already thrown

To be fair, nazis share contempt for the bourgeoisie/elite too, it's just that they're deluded that it's based more on race/religion rather than strictly class.

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Woah, nazis co-opt leftist rhetoric? Guess we have to become monarchists now so that we're not attached to Nazi punks!

Based Kingdom of Misore

So will the movement wind down now that the tax measures have been postponed?

Never negotiate with anyone user

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I don't want it to stop, was worried that people would be fooled but clearly they haven't been thus far.

Are you fucking retarded? No they can't. Nazis couldn't join in a communist rally for instance.

It's real CIA in here

Top fucking lol you are going to hand the right a victory because you are too busy arguing if the protest is reactionary or not.

Lamo, the CGT are organising a general strike to work with the yellow jackets: that's actual shit happening.

Implying Zig Forums has ANY influence in reality or that 95% of posters here are involved in IRL politics

Good about time the left started doing something other than complaining. Nationalists can't carry you on their backs while they take on liberalism.


Yeah fuck off yourself mate

I'm not French, I'm not organising shit.

Get offline and look at reality

These things … they take time.

Rural French lost their shit weeks ago maybe you need another foot up your ass.

great so this is just gonna be a revisionist succdem strike

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That's not even a reply…


You faggots are never happy are you? Jesus Christ kill yourself

The bolsheviks were arguing for literally all of 1917 over strategy in a revolution that almost totally out of their control until the end of that year

why should I be?

Literally everyone was reminding each other of the failure of 68. That's why CGT is organizing one this time and going with the flow.

What do you guys think about the fact that the Gilets completely shut out the trade unions that normally control these protests?

But they could though. A nazi could literally run in front of a commie rally and unveil his flag, get pictured, then run away.



Apparently they dont have any leaders so Macron cant pay off their leaders to end the protest.

Shut out? They just did it independently of them.

So the YJ explicitly tell unions to fuck off, or turn away unionist?


They were not invited (or allowed) to take up the usual leadership role they expected.

Saying not allowed implies an element of shunning them: that's not really happened. Also the Unions don't lead like every protest ever: mostly just ones involving the rights of trade unions (which has been most in recent years). The Bonnet Rouge are an example of a political movement that occured without the unions.

YJ has leaders? Even then that doesn't mean that is 'completely shut out' them though

the demands went way beyond that

an example of why unions suck quite a lot

All I can say is I admire the French for being different.
In my country it would be 100% union controlled and dictated and all the credit would go to them.

Is there going to be another French revolution? Please tell me it's finally happening.

We're beyond Poll Tax Tier, perhaps Latin American 00s protest movement tier. If the CGT's strike goes off well it could reach Mai 68 tier.

This situation looks like it has a lot of potential. If Communists organize in the right way, it could lead beyond May 1968, into an actual revolution.

This. The problem of May 68 was that the communists didn’t seize on a potentially revolutionary situation. The people here advocating against pushing this movement as far as it can go should off themselves.

I just hope it doesn't stop at Paris Commune tier.

this is true but at the same time the last thing you want is a bunch of trot trade unionists jumping in and trying to tell everyone what to do

I think this con

The trades unions in France aren't trot thank goodness.

It’s not about telling them what to do, it’s about helping them accomplish their goals while at the same time making them understand why this shit is happening (ie making them understand why shit like the fuel tax is connected to the contradictions of capitalism). We need to help them achieve what they want while making them class conscious in the process.

Also I don't think this will end-up as a communist revolution: more likely is that it will involve the transition to a blank-slate regime that will open an opportunity to take power by ballot box or barricade. Think of this like February 1917 via means of Euromaidan.

this would be good for us in the long run. France is not nearly as cucked by idpol like America was from OWS.