Capitalist Innovations

Capitalist innovation thread. Because we all know that this is the greatest system producing the greatest results, satisfying real needs with real products and services.

I remade this thread because mods accidentally deleted the old one because they deleted all the posts by a certain poster, who was also the OP.

NO DISCUSSIONS ABOUT DOGS OR PETS OR ANIMALS. Make your own thread about that and bitch about it there, this thread is about capitalism, not your ideological opinion on animals.

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Can't wait to see how you take us all for a ruse cruise this time, OP.


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It's a ripoff of "I shop therefore I am" which itself uses the old soviet format

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Brought to you by Prudential

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relevant discussion in the comment section

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I'm only finding out about that prostitution website in the 3rd image now and I can't believe how many people from my old college have signed up to it. It's just fucking depressing.

I think it puts a lot of discussion about sex work on here into perspective

Yeah it's a difficult one. On the one hand these women obviously need money to go to college and pay rent and they don't have many other options but on the other is that an excuse to essentially let anyone with the money rape them? It seems like the choice for a lot of women is either become an indentured sex servant or have no prospects for life.

Despite popular opinion, women have agency. You should worry about the lack of demand in the rent boy sector.

It's not just these kinds of services that are popping up though, there are a lot of other intermediary platforms for things that act as an interface for camgirls, instagram "models" etc. For example I'm from the UK, and there's this website called xtremeplaypen, and it has tens of thousands of women on it selling erotica & pornography and this is just for women who are part of "alternative" subculture, I even know some of them, so you have to question what is causing these to pop up whereby people are having to garnish their wages by performing this kind of work. Idk whether I'd use "forced" or even compare it to more orthodox prostitution but the line is definitely becoming blurred when a lot of women & men who aren't who you'd typically expect to see involved in grey/black market work would rather choose this than wagecuck or even despite wagecucking because they have to pay off things like student debt and there aren't enough hours in the day. I mean in the US alone something like 50% of graduates can't find work in their field and millions of the jobs that were destroyed by the last crisis have been replaced by extremely exploitative new jobs that fall well below subsistence levels once Rents & Debt are accounted for. There are millions in the UK as well, of those in Internships or Zero Hours Contracts or "Self-Employed" or what have you.

we don't need ape culture

no more ape culture

bye bye ape culture


Bit of a sarcy comment but yeah this is actually a huge problem, particularly among middle aged men in the US, who have gone from having relatively well paid stable employment to just being completely unable to find any kind of wage labour which can support them or their families, this contributes massively towards divorce rates and that leaves them even more up shit creek since that'll be accompanied by Child Support, additional rent, and sometimes even Alimony. They don't even have the option of doing Grey/Black Market work like this oftentimes.

Do you really think these are all totally free and equal exchanges between consenting adults? Do you not think there might be economic and cultural reasons for why women are more susceptible to this form of exploitation?

Every time
Tries to sell you t-shirts, cups, stickers, shiny things, war thunder, the fucking five dollar shave club, wix, or an array of other useless shit, nearly everyone who does sponsored product reviews, etc, etc, etc.
Cast a wide a net as possible. better to purge an innocent by mistake than to spare an enemy by mistake.

LMAO what is that image, some of those are barely alike.

Yeah it's annoying but what do you expect? People have to make a living somehow and it's not like preroll ads pay anything anymore.

Youtube went to shit when they introduced monetization. Now all these skeptic neckbeards want to make money ranting into a camera instead of doing actual labor.

lumpenproles never planned on doing actual labor anyway

Based Chipangu

it is all over capitalism had won it is all over the people will never wake up it is depresing me it is presing sown on mz chest its all over i kill myself

No, they're largely alike with minor, differences; mostly just a different brand name.

muh bootstraps!

Van made in the USSR, House made in the Russian Federation

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