Considering halfchan is full of angry teenagers who suffer the consequences of capitalism and who are only misguided because of their age, and that most absolutely despise wageslaving and idealize the NEET lifestyle, is it possible to convert them? They see us as a "them" full of SJWs and ill-informed childish people who "have never worked a day in their lives".
Converting halfchan
Other urls found in this thread:
The rest of the site isn't as bad as Zig Forums.
you can not mention trans people or that you are a woman without derailing a thread
/r9k/, /v/ and /int/ are almost as bad and the rest of the site is predominantly right-wing
Have you tried not derailing threads with your blogposts?
Kill yourself, roastie
Anybody here watch Zombieland Saga and browse /a/? If you do i'm sure you're familiar with a certain Hoshikawa Lily and the shitstorm he/she generated.
On another note, i've kind of given up of attempting to talk about leftist ideas on /a/. The Zig Forums and anti-communist influence there is still too much.
Once they have had a job and tried work they will never join our ranks.
We only really succeed with people whose entire income comes from their parents.
It's anime, it's largely a product of consumerism where retards spend 200$ on over priced DVD's or Plastic Toys to hotglue.
He seems impressionable but hes probably too busy smoking blunts and getting laid to join our cause.
Don't even bother with halfchan. Its filled with reactionary boomers & zoomers. It is a lost cause, so let it die already.
Years ago i'm sure the NEETs on 4chan would agree to some basic leftist ideas (something like UBI for example) but trying to spread leftism now is hopeless, the current climate is too much against us.
/a/ here is cancer lately, especially the Zombieland Saga thread. I just tell blatant Zig Forums to fuck off
I'd tell blatant Zig Forumstards to fuck off from my hobby boards but they'd probably mob me and call me a lefty tranny or a cuck. I'm just so tired of it.
Why do Zig Forumsyps project so often
Back to your mongrel containment board retard
trans aren't people
Kill yourself faggot
like clockwork
Who cares if people on the internet mob at you. The guy who was posting the 30 year old boomer memes also got mobbed on and look at where that meme is now. So chill out you faggot.
Can you please stop talking about trannies for one second.
Ok i'm chilling.
You should try it, it's pretty funny. I went on to 4/v/ for the first time in years the other week and after some shitposting in one thread people started bullying Zig Forums and defending the USSR.
That sounds hilarious. Wish i could've seen it.
the absolute state of 4cuck
Someone tried pulling the old bullshit born in the USSR card and a Slav actually born there spotted it and ripped everyone to pieces. There was another Brit in there shitposting too.
They deserved it.
They pretty much mostly reddit centrists
Not really leftist but /v/ is ok
The only I'd do this is to watch Zig Forumsyps screech and cry.
4chan hasn't been worth visisting since 2016.
muh jooizh gobbudidsms
The idea behind 4chan is that you stay anonymous.
They have a point in that even revealing your gender through context, when its relevant to the discussion, risks derailing the thread on certain boards.
mentioning you’re a woman is fucking dumb. it’s an anonymous website for people to talk about their hobbies, just have a fucking conversation and if you disagree make arguments. I don’t understand why you rosaries actively hurt your experience all the time.
Even then I'm skeptical of the idea that it's all because of reactionary sexism. A lot of people posting on 4chan are sexually frustrated young men who were never properly socialized. When they spot a girl they freak out.
the leaders in the attempted german commie revolution were kikes too
so were they in MY country
this is rarely the case
When people are greentexting things that happened to them and such it'll often be relevant.
see the post above.
on /b/ and /v/, in my experience, when the subject of conversation forces someone to reveal they're a girl just by talking about it normally, it can derail the thread
this wasn't as bad on small hobby boards in the past(I met a cute girl on /jp/ once), but still
yes, rarely, but occasionally.
I think this was the case in the past, but after Zig Forums metastasized Its probably a combination of both depending on which board you're on.
when did USA had communist revolution?
/g/ is quite left-leaning, or at least libertarian. Definitely not right-wing or Zig Forums even though Zig Forums missionaries try to convert people there.
its also infested with techno-corporate shilling and apologia promulgated by contrarians amongst contrarians.
you will never defeat race realism it is too strong
we have the monopoly on the truth
t. /pomo/
Welp time off yourself mutt. Nice knowing ya.
Anyways I feel that its a losing battle as most the gamers now have fallen for the shit that is id pol. That they truly dont understand why their hobby is shit and blame it on the boogie main of pc culture and the sjws liberals. Then you got the big companies that continue to pick up the consumer and ring them dry for every little bit of cash they have. Because you have guliable sheepies that will still defend those practices.
I've been thinking about making a critical history of GamerGate on YouTube or something. Maybe telling the story from a leftist perspective could get some people to see the mess /v/ has gotten into.
You could, and make sure that you are ready for the idiots to come out the woodwork. Though looking at it from a leftist perspective would draw them out anyways. Good luck on that though and maybe then we can have them realize idpol isnt everything.
Imageboards should have never touched politics at all. It would have been far better if they had all died in the late 2000s.
a few eternal linux/desktop threads does not the community of a board make
Zig Forums is filled with the most disgusting boomers. I almost feel bad for the younger neo-Orthodox reactionaries that can still stand to post over there.
Occupy wallstreet failed because of the oppression olympics that started, as well as the smashies doing their usual routine.
I was referring to the election of obama. think like a boomer.
lol no it didn't. It didn't even fail, one cannot fail when one has no goals. It expressed displeasure, that's all it was ever meant to do.
The problem I have with right-wingers is that they are idiots who don't know basic facts about anything, making it impossible to reason with them. They think they're on the verge of Hitler 2.0 taking over the world. It's delusional and insane. They don't even have the ability to rationally analyze their own situation let along that of anything outside their own myopic worldview. I think it's boomers mainly and statistics probably bears this out. Trump actually lost white men under 30, which is remarkable. (The absolute jabroni Mitt Romney won them in 2012.) You don't see communists going around saying the revolution is imminent. Well, maybe a few say that but they're just as nuts.
You can't predict it, in any case.
I've gotten through sometimes by just hammering on about neoliberal centrists with a hardline left position without using the usual Marxist jargon, which is a foreign language to them anyways. A lot of them believe – correctly – that the neoliberal status quo of the past 30 years is in serious trouble; and I think reactionaries often see the big picture more clearly than the mainline liberals, though their solutions will only make the crisis worse. Tbh I'm starting to see communism as more of a Chaos mentality where the point is to metastasize dissatisfaction with the status quo to the extent that the right loses control of its own ability to manage the situation.
From the companies' perspective, the anti-idpol people are kind of irrelevant to their bottom line; the entertainment industry more broadly. I remember Zig Forums making a lot of hay about the Black Panther movie and hoping it would bomb in the box office as if that would be indicative of their own political progress – it made $1.3 billion.
I saw the other day this obese gamer guy named Boogie trying to start a crusade in defense of PewDiePie after he was knocked off a spot on the YouTube charts because of some algorithm tweak or something (???) which had Bollywood music videos take the number one spot. But just by sheer eyeballs alone the Bollywood stuff is way more popular. I don't see any problem with the great cultural leveling effect of globalization – despite all this talk of neo-nationalism the world's people mashing themselves together appears to be accelerating. I suppose this contradiction is at the heart of the dialectic.
Ancaps would definitely fall in my books into the category of idiots who listen to music without actually listening to it. Or perhaps he's got some personal special snowflake ancapism which isn't somehow in conflict with unions, or something? I doubt it.
Pic unrelated.
I never thought about this but you're right. the far right is literally all delusion.
It's actually soviet russian spy which helped Trump to bring global communism closer. Promoting "anarcho-capitalist" ideology is extremely dialectical, because regressing back to feudal regime increases chance of global socialist revolution.
It's bullshit /l/ is only allowed on /b/ and not /d/.
fuck off pedo
Fuck off moralfag
not a moralfag I just hate shit taste
Are you talking about the Huey Long Spread the Wealth sort of UBI or the Milton Friedman WE NEED TO PAY POOR PEOPLE TO KEEP THEM FROM KILLING US one
Or the Actual Market Anarchist UBI
Oh God I miss how chill everything was before shitposters and everyone becoming crazy right-wingers.
I am crying.
That pic has soul, now it is soulless
This entire thread is filled with reactionary commies.
You seek control over people because you cannot handle your own fee-feez.
The problem isn't people, the problem is you.
how come Zig Forums's only argument is strawman?
Funny how when we were doing what was historically necessary the accusation was the opposite, that we were cold and uncaring and did not take for tradition or spirit. The reality is that no matter what we do, you'll always complain and jump to the other end in reaction.
Holy shit is this what "All is chaos under Heaven, the situation is excellent" means?
you're right but I still recommend you lay off the dope
Yep, more trannies and faggots will save vidya games.
how come Zig Forums's only argument is to strawman?
yes it's a strawman. we have this thread every day
i'm bad at proselytizing so i wish you well. if they come, they will come. if not, they won't.
have similar views when it comes to converting the unwashed masses.
How? What qualifies you as "SJW cuckold" exactly?
Kindly proceed to your nearest wall
Zig Forums logic at it's finest
Amazing levels of projection.
They are reactionaries. It's just that favor Japanese reactionary ideas (so buggery and traps are acceptable ; Western style trans and homo identity aren't).
Japan is what America will look like in 40 years. prove me wrong.
The alt-right is basically a self-help club for dissatisfied young males. I've talked to so many internet right-wingers who are genuinely fucked up mentally ill NEETS, for whom alt-right larping is the only thing that motivates them not to kill themselves and do something with their lives. Note that I'm not going on an usual "they're just poor alienated proles!" apologist spiel, just explaining where they come from. It's an apolitical movement at its core. Yes, fascism is retarded and communism is right, but these people aren't looking for a political ideology in the first place. They need someone to tell them that jews and niggers are the reason their lives suck, and that they should lift and do nofap to get a qt aryan gf with many children. Marxism can be right ten times over but unless it offers the same feeling of community and motivation for self-improvement it does not appeal to them. You're far more likely to convert a generic /r9k/ loser by spamming photos of Soviet bodybuilders than telling them to read 100 books and learn the truth. The hypothetical way to "convert" 4chan is not owning nazis with facts and logic, but presenting leftism as a tool of motivation and self-improvement. Unfortunately it's hard to compete with fascism in giving loser teens feelings of self-worth and appealing to latent homosexuality.
Of course the extent to which one needs to convert 4chan right now is up to debate, because the aut-right is a passing fad and once the American economy implodes in a couple years all those NEETs will be forced to proletarianize and change their priorities.
Both the redneck Zig Forums and this gay board have this retarded appeal to failed ideologies (it is worse here, I think). If anybody here isn't a complete moron, then migrate to a model of discussion based on analyzing a extremely relevant problem (healthcare, currency, defense, education, …) in depth and proposing several solutions. Anything other than that is worthless intellectual mastutbation.
Yeah that's all very accurate. Interesting thing is that Orwell had something similar to say about Hitlerism in his review of Mein Kampf:
The irony
Damn, that's pretty good. Also what the hell is going on in that pic?
They are all shit though.
I actually have no idea how many variations of UBI there are, i was just suggesting for a basic idea of it. I remember the idea being popular among NEETs back then.
I just googled "Nazi exercise."
If there's one thing I like about you fucking communists, is that you are just as dissatisfied and dissapointed with the current state of the world, albeit for different reasons. Bottom line is, your greatest mistake was trusting jews, on anything, ever. or being jews, seriously, kys yids
cool larp bro
Is there any day where Zig Forumscucks aren't obsessed with "muh jews"?
The point of these imageboards is that everyone is anonymous and only their ideas (memes) matter. Why should anyone give a shit about someone's gender?