Balkans General

With Bosnia as we know it since the signing of the Dayton Accords back in November 1995 living on borrowed time, what does Zig Forums think regarding the future of the Balkans?

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Other urls found in this thread:čević

Shit will happen when our leaders here think it's going to gain them profit.
Like Serbia won't do shit about Kosovo until there's a change in the world.
Likewise for most of the other Balkan countries.

Where exactly are you located user? How corrupt is your leadership?

The political class is is corrupt af and they will do anything stay in power or profit. The last war was very beneficial to the 1%, all class and economic problems are used for more ethnic hate. Would not be surprised if they orchestrated another one.
Our only hope is unification of the peoples and cleansing of the upper class.

Attached: Soviet Yugoslavia.png (730x492, 23.3K)

this isn't a true Balkans thread, as long as there are 5 spiller threads and all of them are dedicated to shitting on this one., and also each other.


the balkans are my favourite turkic region

yes let's "unify" 5-6-7 nations that hate each other's guts, what's the worst that could happen
yugoslavs are the dumbest people in the world

Not true, the number of people who acutally hate eachother is smaller than the amount who hate their own leaders. And yes, we are pretty fucking dumb because all the smart people left a long time ago.

the balkans are an irreversible mess and any change that comes will be the result of central european instability.
the corruption is crippling on both the right and the left.

what you don't understand is that these two populations intersect
people can dislike both their government and their neighbouring nations, you know
fucking think for a second, 25-30 years ago these people were killing each other for independence and now you think they'd be fine with reinstituting a new yugoslavia
don't get me wrong, just the other day I heard 2 older people at a bus stop talking about how our country is shit and YU was better and a few moths ago even my heavily heavily conservative grandmother was grumbling about how Tito (after saying whose name she always spits) did shit better than the current crop.
but grumbling like that is nothing, it's words in the wind, if ever anothe runification became a realistic prospect these people would raise living hell.

I'm against it because we have enough of our own radicals and have no need to import serbian chetniks and bosnian mujahideens.

Well we had more or less/the same types of scum here for the last 20 years.
Honestly, at this moment it became like some sort of natural thing for them to steal and prop up their own families really.

I also think that a reunification of Yugoslavia is unrealistic, and frankly unnsecessary. I just believe that ethnic collaboration, or at the very least tolerance, is needed for a class struggle.
This too may be completely impossible for a good chunk of the older folks who did and supported ethnic cleansing. If we cant find a way to overpower or sideline them, we may just have to wait for all of them to die before any real progress.

here we can agree

The corruption's that bad? I thought all that went away with the downfall of Milošević. Chris Hedges within the last couple of months explained in his recent lectures that from his time reporting from Bosnia & Croatia that the root of the downfall of Yugoslavia was economic and that allowed demogogues like Milošević, Karadžić and Tuđman to bubble up to the top, and that is what's happening now in the West and again in Eastern Europe. Is that a fair analysis or does he have that completely wrong? I ask these questions as an uninformed Australian who was a toddler when the war in Bosnia wrapped up. The most I know is from watching ABC & BBC reports.

No lol, it became much worse, privatization of all major factories more or less killed anything worthwhile in the country. Organized crime basically became political parties, and the same people who were corrupt under Milosevic, are in the same spots of power now and have been for years.
I honestly can't see how Serbia will get better, The main parties are corrupt, the opposition is corrupt, there is literally nobody you can vote for really.
Who knows, maybe something changes in the next 10years, but I don't see it.

That is a fucked situation to be in. And I suppose the far right is more emboldened than ever too. Has moving overseas to escape it ever tempted you?

Our far right is as much as a joke as our left is
There's a thousand different groups of inter-fighting retards.
Our right is more or less
And the many different odd skinhead and hooligan groups.
Some of them are too retarded to function, while others number in the 10s.
Actually like a month ago while I was walking through town, I was handed a flier by the monarchists which basically said

Titos grandson, Joška Broz, is still fighting for the working people under the red flag.

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Tell me about the SPS today: are they any good?

Anyone here have experience with Croatian leftist parties? Any worth joining?

Živi Zid and Ivan Pernar are doing some good stuff, but all other parties are corrupt (especially SDP)

Aren't all right-wingers brainlets tho

They are a living meme and populists who are also antivax

They are a joke, but a joke that always have enough votes to tip the government.
Or well this is what it used to be like before.
Like, if someone wanted to form a government, they needed Dacic and his goons, but now since SNS had like 47% last time and everyone else less than 10%, they are not needed either.
But as I said, SPS are fucking retards, there is nothing socialist about them.
Some time ago Dacic even sang to Erdogan like some tavern whore while he was eating.

Right-wingers are dumb apes that tried to bully me and my boyfriend until the police stopped them…

Thanks. Also thoughts on Brnabic? My Serb mates like her from a memetic standpoint but outside of that?

unironically this.
beside syndicalist protests and some jackass making mildly controversial grafitti that noone sees we dont have anything going on here in the north

Honestly the effect of Burnabitch could have been made the same if they just made a puppet and gave it to Vucic.
The only reason she was made PM is because she's a homosexual woman.
Vucic is in control of everything, none of the ministers matter, what he says, happens.
The thing with Vucic is that he, unlike Tadic (the head of the previous government who had everything under control as well) is that Vucic knows he can't cause too much shit or steal too plainly.
They still do it, but they know they have the support of a majority in Serbia they don't want to piss off.
Sadly that majority are proles who spend their free time watching REALITY TV shows filled with disgusting crap.

I know some people who voted for him because they got jobs in roadwork or construction over it.
Some even sold their votes for like a sandwich and 1000dinars (10$)

да ви еба у устата мърши комуняги

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i.e. quasi-national socialist

Drugovi, nema kurca od levih organizacija u ex-yu, morate da ih pravite sami, to je sta sam ja+par drugih krenuli da radimo.
Nabavite statistike od pre de-industrijalizacije, u slucaju srbije to je 1991 i statistike iz 2017/2018 i citajte uporedno, dosta je vazno posto ce vam dati potpunu sliku.
Nemoj te da pravite partiju pravite nesto prakticno, novinarska organizacija ili zadruga ili vec nesto, koliko god ste u mogucnosti, partija je kurac na bicikli/LARP klub ukoliko nema nesto prakticno sto mozete da radite. Ako dobijete neku podrsku lako ce te vi preci u partiju.

Ucite teoriju ali takodje posmatrajte danasnji svet i dolazite do svojih zakljucka, Lenjin nije predvideo neoliberalizam i Marks tek nije predvideo dosta toga.

Drzite se dalje od pederluka i liberalizma ne samo da to ne vodi nigde nego je i narodu muka takvih zapadnih degeneracija, i istu ruku batalite marksisticki zargon sve treba biti sto prostije, nije ni bitno reci proleter vise kada je 99% stanovnistva neko ko radi za platu, vrlo malo radnika je 'sam svoj gazda' itd, sve su to proleteri samo reci radnik.

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Slažem se sa svim osim tvog ranta na pedere, naporno je

Ye mozda sam te uvredio ali nista netacno nisam rekao, oni debili koji su nosili prajd zastave na prvi maj su doslovno morali da napuste demonstraciju, bili su izgurani sa strane prvo i onda su morali da napuste deomnstraciju uopsteno. Ljudi mrze to i gade se toga, zasto bi predstavljao demografiju koja je 1%-2% stanovnistva kada cu oterati sve druge, posbeno kada javnost ima ocajnu perspektivu njih zbog LGBT pokreta u srbiji i pedera na rijaliti televiziji? zbog neke ideologije? lmao

bravo, ti si naravno slobodan od ideologije dok svi ostali "jedu iz kante za smeće", je li
i nemoj se skrivat iza priča o "pragmatičnosti", reci otvoreno da si konzerva

Prajd ima svoju svrhu, lako je gledati sa današnje perspektive gdje možeš imati relativno dobar život kao queer, i prigovarati. Bio sam u drugim državama gdje je Pride samo mirna šetnjica ulicom i nema nikakvih debilana, nikog ne boli kurac - upravo zbog toga sam shvatio da imaju poantu. Kad se prestanu pojavljivat debili koje policija treba kontrolirat onda ću i ja prestat podržavat pokret.

Radnička Fronta (.hr)

niko nije slobodan ideologije, nisam tvrdio da jesam kek

oba sam, em je maksimalno odbojno ljudima da se politicki zastupas za pedere em ih ne volim po ponasanju a upoznao sam ih dosta IRL, medjuostalom i kroz partijski rad ranije.

nema ovde pravog prajda i nije ga bilo, sve to finansira lobi pedera u EU po istocnoj evropi. Nije nikakva teorija zavere otvoreni su u vezi toga, posto zastupaju svoje interese. Bas skoro kada je bio prajd zakasnio sam 2 sata na posao zato sto su zablokirali sve, recicu ti nesto obicne ljude obicno boli cosak za pedere za razliku od navijaca/itd ali kada su zagradili ceo grad vidjao sam obicne ljude i zene od po 40 godina kako vicu jebeni pederi zato sto su kasnili na posao zbog njih. Niko ih ne zeli, doslovno vlada i EU forsira to. Da se ljudi pitaju prajd i slicne stvari bi bili zabranjeni, ali nije PC pa smeta modernim levicarima, jelte radnici su glupi i reakcionarni :^)

radnici su takvi svugdje, jel ti misliš da u britaniji stolari čitaju simone de beauvoir kad se vrate doma s posla

Assuming Google Translate's correct and you're typing in Bulgarian, you want "to fuck [me] in the mouth screaming comrades"? Nigga I ain't gay, but I bet Arkan was a bloke poker, when he wasn't raping little girls and forcing their families to watch.

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Why couldn't he take power?čević

Attached: vlado_dapcevic_06.jpg (200x275, 72.1K)

jesus fucking christ

Attached: balkan hellhole.png (1140x275, 158.28K)

Nice, but my guess would be that he's probably completely irrelevant and fails to address the actual day-to-day struggles of the working class. Correct?


What a fucking lad.

pretty sure this dude was just a disguised Hoxha clone, sent to destabilize Yugoslavia.