Why is it wrong to use the term 'nigger', comrades?

Why is it wrong to use the term 'nigger', comrades?

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imagine not being an ethical egoist in 2018

WTF is an ethical egoist?

An egoist who got spooked by ethics

Daily reminder that moral realism is the mainstream view among ethicists.

It isn't wrong. Like most things, an action must be judged by either the intent or consequence, or perhaps even the character of the actor instead.
What is wrong is getting your jollies at the expense of other people, trying to pick fights for no real reason, and really just being a jerk in general.

It's infantile.


I dunno. Why is it right?

because we've gotten to the point where "n word" is genuinely funnier

seems like a word that helps to divide and conquer the lower classes.

youll get banned from the minecraft server

Ethical egoism is believing that people should act to maximize their self-interest all of the time

you're retarded. egoism is an ethics

It's okay to say it just don't insult black people with it.

What about describing black people with it?

First of all self-interest is not quantifiable so it can't be maximized. Second, what is in someone's self-interest is a question in itself.

Real question is OP, why do you want to use it?

Part of your self-interest is not being punched in the face by angry black comrades. Part of your self interest as a proletarian is overcoming racism so we can achieve communism.

Don't use the n word!


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Yeah, but communism is in your self-interest if you are working class, so if you worked out and became strong just so you could fight off black people you pissed off, you'd be harming your overall goal of communism, just for the temporary goal of being able to say a word. Why would you do that? Better to use those muscles to team up with black people and fight fascists.

Stop being such a nigger

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but your material needs can be. and expendable material in turn can be used to satisfy all sorts of things
not really. I think the majority of the population can agree that they'd like to be happy.
it's not really confusing to psychologists anymore as to how happiness can be achieved.

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Why shouldn't he say that?

I don’t see why you even replied beyond wanting to post a Stirner meme

That's really dumb tho.
Reeks of Ayn Rand.

No it's not, unless you're some sort ethical egoist, which is just dumb.

It predates Ayn Rand by almost a century. Ayn Rand's version of it only makes sense for the bourgeoisie, but since most people are proletarians, self-interest is actually socialist. Honestly, that's the reason I am. I'm not just compasionate for no reason. Me and all the people I know are working class. This is life or death. It's not about some "ideology".

Psychological egoism is the true based and redpilled stance

unironically this

Rational egoism > ethical egoism

Nothing. Much like faggot, spic, chink, kike, cracker, dyke.

If you continue to hold these words to such a high standard of moral depravity, then you continue to give them the power you so desperately want them to not have.

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Your entire conceptual framework is insufficient to understand egoism if this is the best you can define it.

It's descriptive, not prescriptive primarily. The point is to recognize that you can only act according to your beliefs, that the world you inhabit is a phantasm in which only you exist (and even that's highly questionable). You don't have access to the real world, just the constructed world inside your head. Everything in that world is yours and a part of you. Therefore it is all your property and anything you do is defined according to some interest established within yourself. The telos of egoism is to parse out what is in your actual interests as the living breathing animal you are as opposed to the "spooks" or external ideas that demand your obediance to them and identification with them.

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ethics are literally self-government. what do you think egoism is?

Egoism can't provide a guide to action because sticking "self" in front of "interest" doesn't do anything to answer what "interest" is. It's just dodging the question of what makes something good. You'd have to be some kind of idiot to think that someone who replies "whatever is good for me" has answered the question "what makes something good."
As a description (pychological egoism), it also fails. People who jump on grenades to save a group of people very obviously aren't acting in self-interest. There are actual examples of self-sacrifice that provide a counterexample to psychological egoism.
More often than not, it's just a bait and switch that nihilists and hedonists use to justify their shitty, antisocial behavior. As a prescriptive, ethical egoism falls flat and has no explanatory power. As a descriptive, psychological egoism is outright demonstrably incorrect.

most people do that knowing they will afterwards be known as martyr. an egoist cares as much about his self-expression as much as he desires, likewise as he does his physical being.
this is literally the same as
it's a non argument, and it makes you come off as a whining brainlet liberal.
what egoism explains is that only dumb short-sighted people do hedonistic, antisocial things, because in the long run it is against ones self-interest.

Is it because you believe completely stupid, indefensible things?
Why should you value the long run over the short run?
Why should you be smart instead of dumb?
Why shouldn't you be hedonistic or antisocial?
You can't even answer simple questions like these without referencing some other conception of the good, proving you're just a morally bankrupt charlatan pretending to have answers you don't.

you didn't even read my post, holy shit. are you a bot?

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