Mfw my economics professor thinks that buying and selling votes on free markets in elections is a good idea.
Mfw my economics professor thinks that buying and selling votes on free markets in elections is a good idea
Well if it worked for the Romans then surely it will work for us!
I joked about how financiers and libs were building a powerful surveillance state with no regard for it being hijacked by ☭TANKIE☭s with 20th century consequences and she just called it an edgy conspiracy theory.
He is not wrong, you know, at least the voters get something.
How much do you lads think a vote would go for on the market?
50 cents to a dollar
I figure if you combine campaign spending of all parties and divide it by 140 million cause about 40% dont vote and therefore are willing to sell it should give you a rough approximation
5 to 10 dollars depending on how contested it is
My vote is already sold to the highest bidder. We are already living in thus system, Wake up.
What country are you from?
haha disappointed pepe xD
great meme
I’d prefer not to
Huey was unironically an ML prove me wrong
you got the wrong guy
selling votes vs. party donations (by big business)
Buying politics is totally normal under capitalism.
do the votes go up and down in price depending on who i'm spending money on? can i buy 1000 votes for bernie since he's a long shot and should get a discount?
Um I'm sorry but 95% of my college professors agree with everything on Zig Forums
Buying votes defeats the very purpose of voting so I see no reason why I'd agree with it.
succdem =/= ML no matter how much utopians try to convince you otherwise
There is a good idea hidden in that aweful idea. People get paid to do jury duty so why shouldn't people get paid to vote? It would increase voter turnout especially for the poor.
How do we calculate the labour value of votes?
In South Texas, spring elections (local), watermelons are traded for votes.
get on my level
It's only fair that if they can lobby politicians may as well naynay the NPC
Be a lot cheaper for the bourgeois too. But hey, accelerationsm. Probably wouldn't even need to give them money just be like "free taco supreme to whoever votes Republican"
Again… accelerationsm
You know that might work in a weird way. It would start off low but as the race go closer you'll have professional undecided voters who will wait till the last minute to auction off their votes to the highest bidder. Eventually more people will catch on and the base price of votes increases next round as more people become professional undecided voters.