And do not forget goyim, the white capitalist (who of course is not controlled by our Masonic lodges) is to blame for the wars, the class society, the capitalist exploitation and the inflation! THEHEHEHEHE(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
And do not forget goyim...
Trotskyists get the bullet too.
Yes goyim, Stalin was not controlled by us! THEHEHEHEHE
it's a shame your only argument is creating fictional characters in your mind to peddle an over-complicated narrative that only loosly aligns with reality, if gone too frequently unchecked.
nothing you say can ever be true if you apply any deductive or inductive logic.
Try harder
The fact that the Jews invented communism and financed the Bolshevik revolution in order to overthrow the monarchy, to have total power over the non-Jews in Russia and to enslave them is a fictional character to you…
The people who financed Communism are the same people who financed Nazism. Extremely White German aristocrats
Why are Zig Forumss memes like a decade old?
But the fact that the Rothschilds (who are richer than any normal Capitalists because they control the whole monetary system) financed the Bolshevik revolution and that Jews controlled the Soviet union to enslave non-Jews in order to make them work for Jewish interests is a "society and economy run by the entire working class" for you?!
they didn't
they didn't
what other baseless claims have you got
most of those images you've seen are fake bullshit made by people like yourselves to spread meaningless bullshit discussions
How many times do we have to play this game?
Fuck off back to Zig Forums with the rest of the Nazi LARPers
They did.
Just like George Soros (another rich Jew) who finances Marxist organizations today, like "Antifa", "Black Lives Matter", "Femen" or the NGOs (that help fake-refugees to get into Aryan countries illegally).
they fund idpol, class collaborationist organizations to protect themselves from mass revolt.
Antifa is not an organization and thus cannot be "funded" by anyone. BLM is explicitly non-marxist. Femen is some retarded liberal feminist advocacy group. Your arguments are fucking weak. Soros also funded anti-communist groups back in the 20th century such as Solidary in Poland. To claim he's a communist is flat out historical revisionism.
None of those are Marxist organizations you smooth brain.
Literally none of these are Marxist
Pic related
When will Zig Forums learn?
Never. Zig Forumstards are possessed by ignorance and will continue to cling to racist views even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary - in fact this may even cause them to double down on their delusions.
Unironically the only thing you can do is ignore them.
Kill yourselves faggots.