Plato or Aristotle, comrades?
Plato or Aristotle, comrades?
If your Marxist, Aristotle. Marx himself talks about his thought in Capital I and uses it partially to build his explanation of capital, mainly this
plato a shit
Plato was interesting, but not very insightful since I read his views regurgitated through the ages. Aristotle is just boring af
From my meme understanding, Aristotle makes more sense if you are a materialist.
So Neoplatonism?
Neither, Diogenes is the real prole philosopher.
Aristotle for his contributions to formal logic, Plato really didn't contribute to anything as important as that. But the real marxist choice is Democritus.
Aristotle on women, Plato on everything else
Aristotle for sure - though Plato provides many foundations, Arisu-san is literally the most influential thinker in western philosophy and science, it's practically impossible to get away from his concepts and classificatory schemes. It's also undeniable that Marx's project is noticeably Aristotelian in many ways - Aristotle's idea of human flourishing as a social practice bound into a concrete political framework, the attempt to describe the form of social processes to get at their essential/qualitative character beyond the merely phenomenal etc. Most direct is Marx's concept of a "species being", but even in his later, supposedly "anti-humanist" work I believe his rejection of utilitarianism and deontology leads him to a position quite similar to some contemporary virtue ethics. I believe there could definitely be a useful synthesis of the two traditions, taking MacIntyre and current communitarianism as a starting point.
This comrade
Well, in the Republic there is no slavery (or at least Plato doesn't talk about it) and women and men are treated more or less equally since Plato doesn't distingiush between male or female essence.
Plato was a giant shitposter.
The two never existed btw, they are a middle age invention.
Fedoras aside he was really the most materialist of them all.
Do you have a single source to back that up?
Plato was an idealist.
Plato = cringe and bluepilled
Aristotle = based and redpilled
That better be a fucking joke I swear on my mum.
Heraclitus was the greatest Greek philosopher of all. The logos, not matter in its specific manifestations, and not categories, is what remains as the only absolute. In this sense, Schelling and Nietzsche probably represented the variability of facts in their applicability to temporal states of reality more accurately than Hegel did.
Plato if you're Augustinian, Aristotle if you're Aquinian. If neither, try Eckhart or Boehme.
My problem with Epicurus is essentially the same as my problem with John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism. By foregoing any kind of attempt at discovering an a priori principle of good or universally right actions, they are left hanging with pleasure as something which they both believe to lead to happiness for all people, as if somehow all human beings' respective sources of pleasure were mutually compatible, not self-destructive or conducing over to unhealthy habits, and by themselves somehow cumulatively being the proper way to the greatest possible happiness, if there could be such thing as a fulfilling life where the only purpose is to seek pleasure so as to maintain a steady level of happiness.
Epicurus isn't a hedonist.
Yes he was.
inb4 "It's not REAL hedonism"
No he wasn't.
Epicurean to refer to sensual delights is a misnomer.
Is the Hegel-Marx debate at its core the fundamentally same debate as Plato-Aristotle? Idealism vs materialism?
He didn't regard sex, drugs, and rock and roll with hedonistic pleasure seeking like we do now.
While this is true in some sense, he was chiefly concerned with eudaimonia much the same as other Greek ethicists. His oughts are primarily of the negative form, and are almost exclusively about reducing pain and suffering.
By your expansive conception of hedonism, most types of utilitarianism are also hedonism.
Tbh both of them had retarded ideas about politics.
Not really, since Hegel-Marx is a debate about the ontology of social processes, not objects.
only correct answer
Ultimate pleb answer tbh
"plato was a totalitarian nobody should read him reeee"
Fuck off, Marx would despair at this anti-intellectual contempt for the western tradition
for someone who claims to be an intellectual you sure lack reading comprehension.
Béla Kun
Autistic: Plato
Liberal: Aristotle
Ascendant: Parmenides
TFW Plato wrote Parmenides
what? he's preSocratic
Hobbes effectively rebukes nearly every anarchist in history and their theory, should be required reading material
Parmenides had a single surviving fragment. Most of our conception of him comes from Plato and Aristotle.