
What position should socialists, Marxists, anarchists, and general leftists take on ending one's own life?

Should suicide be de-stigmatized under socialism?

Or, should taking one's own life be viewed as selfish, weak, or detrimental to the socialist project?

How should one approach the topic of suicide in a dialectical fashion?

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Why would someone's view on economic policy influence what they think of Suicide?

Marxists are not a cult that are all supposed to behave on way and follow one line, fuck off


lmao tell that to marxists plz

epic attack on le marxists, let's talk about how they buy stuff with money under capitalism next

Base and superstructure. You can't really deny suicide and self-destructive behaviours are deeply rooted in the economic base.

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i would consider myself a marxist fam, what are on you on about, im just saying, marxists pretty famous for strict party line, to deny this is hilarious but plz continue

I'm talking about what happens AFTER the revolution, dummy.

A concept that you don't understand, apparently. There's a material influence in aesthetics as well, doesn't mean we should ask what Marxists should think about a painting or a building's design.

i swear this is like the third fucking time i've seen a "what do marxists think about suicide?" thread.

Every socialist system recognized the importance of changing/influencing the culture in order to reproduce the socialist economic base. With that said, how should suicide be approached by the far-left, in the context of socialist economics?


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Cool, I guess that means we should have an official Marxist take on everything from what marriage arrangement is the ideal to what's the best Beatles album. Go eat a dick, you don't understand Marx and you're asking dumb questions.

I'm not asking for a uniform take. I'm asking how *should* Marxists understand the phenomenon of suicide, and how should this understanding be applied once the revolution has occurred and we are in control.

When people have meme understandings of Marxism and Socialism this is the sort of stupid shit they concern themselves with. Same reason why we would have 10 daily "what will anime and videogame look like in communism? xDD" threads back in the day

How will you punish Suicide unless it is a failed suicide attempt? These people need treatment and even so it is their right to do what they want with their life. Plus Marxists aren't a cult so why would a political and economic position have a specific policy on this apolitical issue?

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You're a dummy and your mom sucks dick

suicide after the revolution? lol nobody will be killing themselves after the revolution

So what about cultural attitudes about it? Should socialists maintain the stigmatization of suicide?

Ilyenkov's story is actually pretty heartbreaking, a brilliant communist whose Hegelianism literally drove him to an hero.

We should. Every person represents a large investment of labour time in childcare and education. Until people have reached non-working age again, suicide is labour desertion.

Like you know what those words mean.

This. Suicide is a literal waste of resources.

But what about psychology? People don't off themselves for no reason.

No shockers there.

Durkheim is probably the fella to look at for a basic understanding of suicide as an epidemic that correlates with many structural aspects of society.

If you are willing to do your own research. Have a look at your country's statistics. See if you can find a pattern. Hint. Its alienation.

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I fully understand this, but again, how should a socialist state or system deal with suicide?

Could you elaborate on
With particular regards to

The drones on this website will never understand suicide, don't even bother.

Should a socialist state make attempts to de-stigmatize suicide in the public mind, or campaign against it?

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What? It's a legitimate issue for discussion.

Do it.


Yes it should remain stigmatized. Why? Because a socialist state needs all the hands it can get. That's why most socialist states were harsh on emigration: they needed to stop brain-drain.

Hypotheticals are bad praxis. Look into the meat of why people commit suicide (theory), and the three veg (historical instances of suicide rate within a particlar time period and/or organisation of society and the societal norms that govern it).

My conclusion of this rephasing of your question is as follows.
Within the hegemonic biopyschosocial understanding of suicide, there is a combination of biological, pyschological, and sociological factors that can all contribute to an individual deciding to end their life. Suicide is generally viewed as an epidemic as there are systematic correlations with sex, socioeconomic factors, ethnicity, and gender. Theory out the way…

Back to my original post about Durkheim, he witnessed increasing rates of suicide in societies that where industrialised. Furthermore, the more industrialised a country was the higher that rate of suicide was. This is can be observed in the present.

Are these not the same thing? I have to ask, at this point.. Do you consider euthanasia as suicide?

Back to examples of reals…
In based DPRK (and many other countries) suicide is illegal. DPRK has a lower rate of suicide than South Korea.

To wrap this up and answer both our questions. Should independent Communist states decide whats best for them through democratic and scientific based methods? Yes.

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In the DPRK they have the juvenile presumption to think they can build paradise on Earth. So suiciding go against it.


The Official Marxist (tm) take on suicide is that OP should do it

So you agree then that suicide should remain stigmatized under socialism?

I thought I already answered that.

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but we have no or little proof
if this is true, and effect is linear, then the antiquities should have a near-zero suicide rate? or what were the rates in say, 500AD or 1000AD?
my point is, there should be a meta-meta-analyisis to give this a TRULY scientific basis instead of speculation
also daily reminder social democracy has no solution for suicide, besides euth clinics which do fuck all