What should we be reading / doing in the current year to achieve our goals?
Going forward
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Support and organise labour action/ anti-austerity action. Building power bases for people to push for demands against either a capitalist enterprise or a neoliberal government is the best means forward for building the basis upon which socialism can be constructed.
watch cockshott videos
My prediction for this thread
Trying to enjoy myself. I’m not wasting the little bit of time we have left before shit hits the fan joining LARP groups or orgs obsessed with idpol.
Unironically try to get left wing social democrats like Corbyn into power. And get active in unions and political parties (not small communist sects btw, actual mass parties).
I should add that im not a socdem.
demand swiss democracy for all nations.
read and learn from the Communist Party of Peru, CPI (Maoist), and the CPP-NPA-NDF, creative application of Protracted People's War will lead the world to communism.
Unions are a meme. I'm in a union and I make minimum wage. I pay dues to an organization of people richer than I am, with more job security, for absolutely nothing in return
There's absolutely nothing wrong with sectarianism.
left unity is undisciplined unity, there can be no compromise between the red and the pink, pink being fundamentally bouj
yeah, fuck sectarianism! popular front strategies will surely work this time! the last time they were an unequivocal failure was just an aberration
Get reading and find a way prepare newcomers for leftist theory. I'm a brainlet so i'm not doing too good on the reading part.
Just because some unions have shitty leadership desn't mean that unionising is a bad thing in itself. Better than not being organized at all, which is at least guaranteed to yield you fuck-all.
Yeah I guess I'll start voting democrat and wearing my pussy hat too. I'm a communist, you LARPing loser. I'm not going to compromise for "better than nothing"
Organize IRL.
Lmao, so this means you opt for staying un-organized until the revolution eventually comes? The only way for workers to consistently wield any kind of power as a class, is through unionizing. It's also a good way to spread class consciousness, get workers experienced in political and organizational work, etc. Giving up on unionizing just because your current union is shit is akin to disregarding the concept of political parties just because some parties are shit.
Also funny that you resort to purity spiraling when faced with this obvious critique
I'm here lol
I think we should be regularly engaging the public with the simple message that communism, not "leftism" not even "socialism" (as it's frequently misunderstood to mean socdem) is the only way that will lead to a better future for all. Denounce idpol, and emphasize and explain the core facets of communism as Marx's conceptions of materialism, class struggle, and the inherent flaws of commodity production.
We must rigidly stand by this and make ourselves seen. So when shit hits the fan and people do move away from popular politics, they'll have reason to come to us. I fail to seen any meaningful far left movements building momentum until first world workers see their livelihoods, no matter how luxurious or modest, threatened by the capitalist class.
Existing. We are still at a stage where any outsider will instantly attack, programmed by decades of red scare.
Take the wisdom of respected leader, this is the current goal i think all socialism should have. People must warm on us, they arent going to be convinced through arguments. But the day that 'next door neighbor bob is a socialist and seems like an alright guy', thats when things can progress.
I agree with this completely, though I'd argue people are less spooked by the term Socialism, so it has its uses. I also think we should be talking about the coming AI revolution, global warming and trans-humanism as serious threats to working people.
Raise hell, raise class conciousness and show up where ever workers are protesting through unions and such.
if you're a burger:
general shit I think every leftist should read but don't:
here's some shit I want to read that's probably worth reading.
Nobody is perfect. I just really like bunkers, i liked bunkers even when i was a small child. I believe hoxha was on to something when he started building them. Perhaps i will incorporate bunkers into songun
Both are trash. Read pdf related instead.
how is that antithetical?
he still provides a better criticism of neoliberalism than any Marxist economist I know of.
I think it has it's uses too, but at the same time, I think the word communism needs to shed the dirt that capitalists have coated it with. Eventually, more likely sooner than later, rightwingers will hysterically say "They don't just want socialism, they want communism! And that's evil!" (lol) so I feel we might as well embrace it before it can be further tarnished without opposition.
Bitcoin shillery is still market shillery, virtual money is still money. Graeber's gift-economy is for children. Read Marxist stuff, for crying out loud.
1) Blockchain =/= Bitcoin, thought Bitcoin invented it I'm pretty sure the book is not mudpie shilling.
Basically the whole idea with blockchain is basically that you no longer need a third party (ie bank) to verify a transaction since it's on a democratic record. That could easily be worked into a socialist system. The first chapter of his book discusses what's wrong with private debt so it seems promising.
2) Graeber still makes a valuable anthropological analysis on the history of the development of capitalism, I didn't even know he was a utopian because I got the book from his lecture videos
Pic related.
same bruh. I'm guessing you're a burger in Teamsters like me?
I recently quit a job that took away my 15min and lunch breaks. Then they stopped allowing my to take a bathroom break. It was a seven hour long work day. And none of my unionized co-workers put up with that nonsense.
build a time machine and rescue 2016 leftypol
It was all just Bookchin posting anyway.