Fresh class solidarity from the great Chinese Characteristics Socialism. Don't blame me, I don't make the rules of Dengism
Fresh class solidarity from the great Chinese Characteristics Socialism. Don't blame me, I don't make the rules of Dengism
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How do you know this is legit?
Everything I don't like is CIA propaganda
Anything China does wrong is CIA propaganda
Xi is a good boy, did nothing wrong
t. Dengoid
Chinese people are racist.
Dengism is still good.
t. Africano
FoxConn is socialist
Suicide nets are socialist
Internment camps are socialist
Tankies will always argue that prisons, police states etc such as USSR or China may be bad, but the US is worse. I'm sure this is true, but why not hold the principled stance that they all should be opposed? I've even seen so called leftists who shill Putin, as if anything and everything that is anti-capitalist is automatically worth supporting
Blah, blah, who cares, SJW. That's probably the silliest reason to hate on China.
Comparing USSR and post-Mao China is absurd and in bad faith and I'm not even a "tankie" and am completely willing to criticize the USSR.
do I even have to say it
So can anyone here explain to me why the chinese are like this?
So much for "proletarian internationalism"
So many ☭TANKIE☭s can't admit failure. The great majority of Chinese people don't give a fuck about leftist ideas.
So many reactionaries here posing as leftists
I was talking Breznevite USSR, after the revisionist period
Some of the comparisons are cool. Lions, panthers and other animals are very cool. Having said that problem is China's every poor origin. It will still take some time until Chinese people will enlighten themselves and stop buying brands and stop being racist.
Having read the article it doesn't sound like the exhibit was intentionally racist. China is racist as fuck though.
Go away Jewish Nigger
Yes, indeed. Marx' prognosis of international solidarity was the only thing he was wrong about.
Maoism had corrected it in a way that takes revolutionary experience into account (and total failure of USSR's foreign policy based upon revolutionary romanticism/infantile disorder of leftism).
The only thing that is needed for the state is to not legally discriminate on the basis of nationality and refrain from imperialism. Keeping other nations' imperialism against 3rd parties in check, and assisting other states is nice but optional.
Comrade Kim please nuke Washington and Beijing.
*Stalin as well, although, he did not develop a comprehensive theory unlike Mao.
Preferring a literal NazBol with racial purity characteristics to ML. An absolute state of Anarckiddies' confused mind.
you white people have gotten what you deserve. sweden is being taken over by my people and im glad. youve raped the minds and souls of my people, and what yore getting is simply karma. next time dont drag a bunch of people from one place to another and force them to work for hours at a time in the blazing sun. regardless if our skin can take it not. also regardless if my people sold us to you. it doesnt matter. YOU BOUGHT US. and that is all that matters. poverty and such is not the worst part of what you have done to us. its the rape to our minds. you have brainwashed my to see you as superior. as much as they proclaim to hate yo, its obvious of you and that is because you taught them to be. youve infiltrated their unconscious minds and implanted false ideas about your superiority. fuck you all and im glad my people are taking over. good riddance millenials.
what even is this?
Hello Zig Forums, you need to go back.
Rather prefer ML under another name than revisionist scum like you.
Tbh it's even funnier when you realize that he probably is just an american mongrel
None of these are inherently socialist or non-socialist
To disassociate this from the Dengism discourse:
Is Venezuela's mode of production socialist? No.
Do pro-NATO capitalists and their accompanied media networks actively lie about Venezuela anyway? Yes.
Same for China. Same for many other nations, some socialist, some not.
The article is pretty fair, so I imagine the title is just to grab people’s attention on the really typical mystification around China. It basically says the photographer didn’t realize it was offensive because the whole theme of the show was animals sharing the expressions of people. When it got criticized there were apologies for offending Africans and the image was removed.
Wew dengism is surely BTFO this time.
None of these are socialist but help to build productive forces for socialism. Only an idiot would call China socialist.
Racism isn't just prejudice.
Reading past the headline, it seems more like a case of cross-cultural misunderstandings than racism.
It's possible they're lying, and it was done wittingly, but it doesn't make much sense, especially after the images have been removed.
And its not even relevant. The only thing that is important is that China becomes the dominant superpower on this planet of ours. Thats real anti-imperialism for you.
This. The only way for imperialism to end is for an empire where the government does stuff to displace every sovereign nation and imprison reactionaries.
Nationalism is reactionary. World communism is the only way.
So what the US is doing?
World communism =/= forcing everyone to be part of the Chinese Empire
iF yUo DOn'T lIeK GlOrIoUs cHInA yOu'rE pRo-aMeRiKkKaN
Tbh a lot of leftists who lean towards the libertarian side of things don’t even realize that their own ideology dictates the guy should be allowed to do this
Did i write that? I wrote that China needs to be the dominant superpower not that it needs to become some kind of colonial empire.
I’m not even a Dengist but how is this a BTFO exactly?
xi man bad
he actually is but for more mundane reasons
How would China become a dominant superpower without imperialism?
How did Soviet Union become dominant superpower without imperialism?
social imperialism
are there any websites where everyone isn't a fucking moron?
At most social-imperialism was just an out-growth of the Soviet Union’s immense power—it wasn’t a cause
State capitalism is reactionnary.
No, the internet was designed to elevate self-important idiots.
Is baboon poster Chinese?
I'm not even a dengoid but come on this is retarded SJW logic.
yeah. pre-2018 Zig Forums
Baboon poster doesn't type like someone familiar with English, and there are many Chinese. So statistically speaking, to guess his nation of origin and accounting only for his stilted sentence structure, there's a good possibility.
Lol u wish
So why the Chinese Gov't banned Fortnite but not a racist "art" exhibition?
Anarkiddies do it all the time. They can't prove The USSR was "state capitalism" so they point to Dengist China and go "S-see! ☭TANKIE☭s support this!" just cuz China calls itself "socialist" these days.
there is nothing wrong with racism, marx (blessed be his name) was racist af
you niggas fricking thin skinned af lmao
Only Democrat Cops of America libsoc caucus level members fren