Why does economic centralization always seem to fail...

Why does economic centralization always seem to fail? Are this reasons inherently located in the fundamentals of human behavior?

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no demand feedback mechanisms. Shitty gotcha, /liberty/

Lurk more OP or fuck off

You're sensitive.

Read Cockshott while lurking and NOT posting, newfag

shut up nigger cocksucker

You can't beat the market, fags. Never will.

Cunts. Suicide already, jeez

no, thanks im not a FAG

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suck dick

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Learn to sage, faggot


Seems someone escaped his wrangler

hows the tranny activism going for ya

If you want to have serious discussion, post normal question you jewish nigger. In which areas economic planning is failing, where markets are better and so on and on. Then return and make OP so you won't look like 15 y/o kid which just found some edgy youtube channel

Having to wait in line for a loaf of bread.

I do same every day in privately own store. Try again, you are on good path

Keep telling yourself that is the same thing, fag, you wouldnt last back on soviet union

Don't make us post the pictures of American breadlines or modern soup kitchens and food stamp recipients you literal acne ridden autistic virgin faggot

oh no, my worst nightmare

Do you have brain damage?

You're most likely eating off of NEET bux yourself you fag

Post your bank account then if you are so rich you bootlicking prole faggot

Economic centralization has failed economically because of the difficulty of transmitting, processing, and making transparent large amounts of data.

It's a shame that no technology has been developed to overcome these obstacles. Some kind of advanced system of wires connecting people around the world, enabling people to send information to each other. And advanced calculating machines available to all citizens in our economy, maybe even the size that they could fit in their pocket, so that they always have access to the wealth of economic information and can add new facts into it.
Oh well, it's better not to dream too much about science fiction utopias. Neither of us will ever use such advanced technologies.

Economic centralization fails because central planners cannot parse through all the complexities of a modern economy in a manner that is both timely and efficient.

This is why Market Socialism is the only answer. Praise Tito.

can't understand a single sentence? woah, i think this is the requirement for communism

not my fault you family is poor

I thought your ass was ran off to leftpol. We missed you market socialist Titoposter. Now go back to leftpol lol




well, if everything is ready, just do it, lol

oh, i like you

hey there buddy

ha, as funny as it gets

Also, not fascist


get a job you lazy cunt ur an embarassment to your mommy

communists are BRAINLETS

you're the lazy one, you're communist

also, i will only work when i finish my master's degree. my moms idea, actually, lol

lack of cybernetics

The point of communism is to get useless pieces of shit like yourself doing productive work for the rest of us. You are a parasite that has to be removed.

We'd very much like to, yes. That's the point of this board.

Do you know what words even mean? It's no wonder people can't understand you.

grow up

yeah, but it's funny to hear you guys cry

also, i feel greatly grateful to my parents, since i will work directly with i like, earning a good salary

imagine if was wageslive like cuckmunists

communism is gay

check em

anything centralization cant do should be left to workers to solve independently, even encouraged
hey worked in early ussr


It's really more
The workers of the world have no reason to labor for smallbrained sloths like yourself.

You talk like a fucking caveman.