Land of the Free


Proud to be an American. bros. Is refusing to stand for troops and pledge good praxis? Not standing for the pledge would get me yelled at in high-school and sent to the office sometimes depending on the teacher. Back then it was due to atheism rather than understanding America’s crimes

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love it when veterans kill themselves. only thing better than a dead vet is a dead troop.


and redpilled

How do you know he wasn't a WWII vet who helped defeat the Nazis?

Sporting events are one of the main ways fascist propaganda has been spread throughout the US.

The kicker is that this is actually a recent development. We didn't fellate the troops/cops during sporting events in previous generations. America has actually gotten more fascist over the years.

why don't you move to nyc or sf and go die of AIDs if you hate the real America so much you shit stabber

It was some lady who served in the 80s

Ah okay, in that case never mind. All they did in the 80's was crush socialist movements around the world.


Yeah exactly. I have actual respect for people who served in World War 2, but besides that it is just imperialist wars. All my dad did while in the military was hang out in Japanese military bases and guarding some military base in the Phillipines.

American WWII troops saved Nazi Germany and turned it into NATO, they didn't defeat no fucking Nazis.

Desertion in place is praxis. The French are mutinying right now.

I have respect for WWII vets, feel bad for Korea and Vietnam vets and the rest I don't really give a shit about because most of them never see any danger and get to travel the world for free.

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Fascism: Utopian and Scientific

Imagine being one of those people who literally thinks liberalism and fascism are the same.

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I’d rather live under liberal capitalist rule than an insane, genocidal racialist capitalist state tbh

I went to a baseball game and in addition to the pledge of allegiance they asked everyone to stand for the troops.

But I didn't stand lol

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What do you think the vets motivation was? Id guess he wanted to do good for you. How can that be bad?

One thing I love is that our anthem is so shit that people don't really give a fuck about it.

Ohhhh the poor Korea vets, they suffered so much while killing 4 million Koreans!!!

NATO is a continuation of the Third Reich, this is a historical fact.

Liberalism is the left wing of fascism.

Neoliberalism is literally just fascism, look at Pinochet.

"Liberal capitalist rule" IS "an insane, genocidal racialist capitalist state tbh."

There's an insane genocidal racist propaganda campaign against Russia going on right now.

It depends on what war they fought in, but fuck them if they knowingly fight for imperialism and are proud of it.

As the others, if they don't know any better and are brainwashed, I can't blame them. The US indoctrinates people with anti-communist views with such ease that it's not even funny. If anything, I respect them for being survivors of imperialism.

But people who virtue signal and go "RESPECT OUR VETERANS OR YOU'RE A TRAITOR LIBERAL" are the true enemies here.

I had a friend join the Air Force, but he came back within a month due to health problems. I'm glad he wasn't pulled into their system, but he's still a Trumpfag… but he can be redeemed, hopefully.

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No thee isn't. Western imperialist ambitions against Russia are not genocidal, and honestly they don't even seem to be racialized. The west just wants to break Russia as a political rival and steal its resources, not wipe out Russians as an ethnic group.

I almost joined the Air Force but was rejected due to a minor health issue. I’m glad I didn’t get pulled into the imperialist war-machine. Who knows what sort of broken reactionary I would have returned as. They try to lure you in with “free college” and all these benefits, it’s sick

I had two friends join the Air Force. One came out fine because he just worked on fighter jets in a hangar. Mechanic.

The other one went into some shady spy shit, like electronic eavesdropping from jumbo-jet surveillance planes. He studied Chinese. Then was sent to Iraq where he'd help coordinate air strikes on insurgents from the air, so he'd be flying above the battlefield in the back of a big airplane staring at a screen watching people get barbecued.

It fucked him up real bad. He can't even watch violent movies. He came OK in his personal life though, which was good.

Anyways both are really anti-war.

Do you believe everything people tell you? Fascists say they're against the rich, libs say they're for "democracy," and they are both fucking liars.


The NYT regularly publishes Goebbels tier shit about Russians. The goal of things like the Magnitsky Act and the Mueller investigation is to portray Russians as duplicitous gangsters and die hard nationalists incapable of honest dealings. Textbook projection.

Topic-ly reminder of the third verse of the Star Spangled Banner, aka the song burgers sing before literally any event

Fascist state, fascist anthem

4th verse is bad too, but it's less 2x4 to the face obvious about it. Liberals may not get the problem there.

Burger here, I’ve never even heard of that verse before, I had to look up the lyrics. Wew lad, my disgust grows by the day

Yeah that was deliberate.

Except libs are for democracy, just bourgeois democracy rather than genuine (i.e. proletarian) democracy.
t. Lenin
Fascists on the other hand reject even bourgeois democracy, which, while being dominated by the bourgeoisie, offers means by which workers can and do exercise a degree of political power in society. Fascism by contrast completely excludes not only the workers, but even large sections of the bourgeoisie.

Why would the west want nuclear war with Russia? That wouldn't fulfill their imperialist ambitions in the slightest. They likely don't want war of any kind, since even conventional war would be far too destructive. Their main goal is likely regime change and replacement of Putin and his nationalist ilk with a bunch of soft liberals who will bend over backwards for the EU porkies.

Really? Link me to an article where the NYT warns against the onslaught of Christian European civilization by the Asiatic hordes.
Portraying the Russian government as devious and destructive isn't the same thing as portraying Russians as racially inferior or biologically predisposed towards malevolence.

It doesn't matter, in the end, they did objectivly the wrong thing.


That's stupid. So if you save a kitten, get it, but still that kitten then infects your child and the child dies you are wrong for saving a kitten?

Vet it not get it

Fuck nato and fuck eu!!

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Disregard the fact that veterans have been the backbone of every revolution.
French revolution - veterans
October revolution - veterans

Paris commune - veterans

No one is threatening to stab veterans, we just won't stand for them.

None of those are burger land veterans tho

This but unironically. The BRD had no significant denazification like the DDR had, Ordoliberalism was just a continuation of Nazi economic policy and the state apparatus (and yes, the military and secret service too) was crawling with ex-nazis.

Also the German Revolution.

Yes there was. All of the allied powers made efforts at denazification.
The fact that some officers served in political and military roles under both the Third Reich and FRG doesn’t mean shit. That’s like saying the Russian Federation and USSR are the same because Putin was a KGB agent.

This of course isn't to defend NATO or West Germany in any capacity. However there's a difference between saying "NATO is a reactionary, imperialist force that must be destroyed" and saying "NATO is literally a fascist organization of Nazi states." The same goes for the FRG.

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In what way was the FRG a fascist and not a bourgeois liberal state?

Oh look, the resident agent running damage control for fascists again.


But sympathy for NATO.


You are *technically* right, congratulations.

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A state or organization can only be fascist if it looks like it's out of Wolfenstein. Got it? Good.

It makes me cringe thinking about how many times i've seen him treated like a hero by random strangers and how he just laps it up like he deserves it.

Veterans are all ba-

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Why wouldn’t I be opposed to the governments of these countries? They, like the US and it’s allies are imperialist porky states. The proper Leninist position in this situation is revolutionary defeatism, not shilling for the weaker imperialist power.
I’m critical of Stalin but not opposed entirely to him.
Fucking where? I called them reactionary imperialists that need to be destroyed in this very thread. Saying that they aren’t literal Nazis isn’t defending them, it’s pointing out an obvious fact that liberalism and fascism are different.

Technically right? I am right. The FRG was a bourgeois liberal state, not fascist in any real sense. The fact that there was continuity between some of it’s officials and the Third Reich doesn’t change that. There was continuity between the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, Tsarist officers served in the Red Army. The same goes for the Soviet Union and Russian Federation, as well as the other post-Soviet states. That doesn’t mean that modern Russia is communist anymore than the FRG was fascist.

im an arab from florida, i didnt stand sometimes just to fuck with my teenagers and make my friends laugh cause i was a druggy class clown.

not a single teacher ever brought it up to me, no one even tried looking at me when i didnt stand. i think they realized it coulda been a political disaster or someshit to make an arab kid stand, meanwhile my whiteass girlfriend got suspended for not standing when she was young.

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Hmm. You know, we need a 'Nam joke akin to the "fell from the concentration camp watchtower" one.

I fucking loved how nonchalant he was about butchering a reactionary with his bare hands. Like to him it wasn't even wrong nor could it have ever been wrong. Goes to show how badly our own minds have been polluted by bourg ideology.

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Reminds me of those cringe "stolen valor" people along with those who get as equally autistic over obviously mentally ill people larping for respect.

lmao I think that actually is stolen valor

I just went and checked and holy fucking shit the actual state of Americans
Not even deployed to theatre, just cunting around in the US the whole time makes him a veteran.

90% of the “veterans” you meet are this. I had a neighbor who literally would not shut up about having served in the navy, he even put up a post in his front yard with an American flag and American Naval Jack crosssed behind his eagle plaque he had screwed onto it. The fucking thing looked like a war memorial, like a battle took place in this fucking guy’s front yard. He was a fucking navy cook.

It makes sense, they wanted to do something exciting and ended up probably luckily not getting shot at, but now they are old and only have fantasies of what could have been.

I love him, I can't wait to see him for Christmas.

to be called a liberal by your parents because you are not communist enough is my dream

holy fucking based. Basketball is the one sport not cucked by neocon or MTV propaganda.

supporting idiots who would otherwise be Pol Pot supporters is reactionary

This. I will become a father solely because that sounds like a good time.

My goal is to become this sort of father

Not sure what you are trying to say here.

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