I want to make marxists analysis of chinese cartoons as a didactic exercise for me and maybe post it on /a/ to troll...

I want to make marxists analysis of chinese cartoons as a didactic exercise for me and maybe post it on /a/ to troll retards.

What books are enough for such noble goal?
I'm not a marxist or leftist guy BTW.

Not sure if the books at the begginer sticky are enough to make basic analysis of chinese cartoons.

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Watch Zizek movies/clips and use them as inspiration.

Then don't, you'll fuck it up

how can I be a marxist if I haven't read anything about marxism?

Do you want a basic reading list? How in-depth are you thinking here?

I want the basics, dunno if the sticky reading list is enough to make some analisis of the chinese cartoons the /a/ faggots enjoy, maybe also analyze the games /v/ play.

It could be fun exercise.

These are mostly dry economical stuff about how capitalism and wage labour function. I think what you're looking for is more something along the lines of critical theory and ideology critique such as Adorno, Benjamin or Guy Debord. Zizek is the most infamous when it comes to this kind of "hot takes" on popular culture though. (mind yourself that none of these except maybe Debord are very "orthodox" marxists, but i don't think that matters for what you are envisaging; how seriously are you taking this?)

By all means also read the texts in the beginner sticky, might just turn you into a marxist before you know it.

Read Althusser.

I've watched the introduction to socialism and lectures of Dr. Wolf.

The same way people on this board can be Marxist after skimming 200 pages of Marx then never opening a book again: very easily. If you read Wage Labor and Capital, Value Price and Profit, and Critique of the Gotha Program, you'll have read at least as much Marx as the average poster.

I wish I could give you less but here you go


Come to think of it, you should definitely get some inspiration from PDF related. Baudrillard is not a marxist at all but he's very fun to read because he is batshit insane. Full of hot takes on pop culture.

These might come in handy too


I just want to make something like the lit meme about socrates and aristoteles debating if fucking a trap make you gay.

Like some kind of humour blog where people take too seriously just some basic analysis of the cartoons and anime they watch.

A lot of this shit is really dry and will take a good deal of reading to get your head around. That wall of links I posted is less reading than you'd think. Only two of them are actually book length.

As said, classical marxist theory won't help you a lot with this. You'd be better off watching Zizek's two movies (Pervert's Guide to Cinema + Pervert's Guide to Ideology).


I was planing on making some chinese cartoons where a commie girl and a libertarian guy argue their ideologies like a debate, and they make love in the end.

Just read about the ideas about the culture industry from 20th century Marxists maybe?

make sure the girl is underage

It's really fucking simple mate:
animu girl that gets bullied: prole
bully anime girls: bourg
Anime girls bully another girl:thesis
Bullied anime girl gets sad:antithesis
Bullied anime girl kills bullies:synthesis
There u go my nig

if you just want a brief understanding of the marxist method of analysis, to shitpost then read the book called the german ideology by marx, there is an abriged version of it that's the first pdf that it comes up when you google the name, in it marx just briefly outlines his method, and some economic aspects, it's great if you want like a 9th grade understanding of what marxism is.
there is also the communist manifesto, that is supposed to serve the same purpose, but in practice all the normies that end up reading it just missinterpret all the parts, so i belive the german ideology should be better at this

Löwy and Lukacs both have a bunch of books on literary analysis that should help you in your quest. Zizek uses does a lot of film analysis but usually for more philosophical ends, although Lacrimae Rerum is a book specifically on media analysis and it could help you.
If you can read portuguese Leandro Konder has a book giving a nice broad overview on marxists takes on art, although he stops at the 60's and his reading on Benjamin was awful.

Oh, and if you want to read Marx on literature and such, read the Holy Family. The entire book is takes on novels to attack the Bauer brothers.

good leftist anime:

Shine Seika Yori
Kaze Tachinu

anime is fascist, that's all you need to know

less fascist than capeshit or family guy


this is true for a lot of anime, though most of it is just spectacle/escapism that indirectly serves fascism and imperialism rather than openly promoting it.


see pics, basically German K-On

Attached: 6-Every-Girl-Belongs-to-Us.jpg (500x717 314.88 KB, 279.01K)

making marxist analysis of fiction works is amaterialist, less you understand what role that very that it plays within bourgeois society

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This american "X/Y/Zist analysis" meme is retarded because it's explicitely based on solely focusing on what can be twisted and turned into a specific direction in a work of art and ignoring the rest. That's not analysis. X/Y/Z "studies" are garbage.
There is no marxist content in anime in any case.

The Capital and The Communist Manifesto of course.


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That's cute girls doing cool things, big difference.

The point of Marxist analysis isn't to frame every work of art as an allegory for class struggle, but to analyse how material conditions determine the limits and possibilities of art. Cultural studies and gender studies are often the last bastion for materialist analysis, or in the case of philosophy, anything that isn't Analytic garbage. If it wasn't for the German studies department at my university I would never have gotten to study Heidegger and Hegel.

Start with the early parts of German Ideology to figure out historical materialism.
