Slavoj Zizek “attacks” Jordan Peterson and Steven Pinker at Cambridge Union
Slavoj Zizek “attacks” Jordan Peterson and Steven Pinker at Cambridge Union
I wish I could hammer down how much Zizek is just a radlib and how much he is actually an intelligent socialist.
still the motherfucking chad
No one is going to interview him, or even mention him - present company excluded - because he's irrelevant.
he's literally one of the most recommended people on youtube.
Zizek is pretty right-wing in his own right.
None? Ok.
That's what I thought faggot.
I wish. On another note I really hope we can see Richard Wolff debate Peterson one day, especially since he challenged him
most counterproductive idea I've seen all day.
Zizek vs Peterson would be much better. Wolff should be debating neoliberals like Prager.
IDK man have you heard about the the Chaos Dragons? Pretty enlightened stuff.
Normally I’d agree but on the topic of Marxism specifically Peterson and his fanboys need a reality check and Wolff would be the best to do it
but Peterson is highly idealistic and religious. a reality check doesn't work on them because they function by using philosophical abstractions in the form of sophistry.
only someone with a keen understanding of Peterson's influence like Zizek can demolish his worldview.
remember, Peterson is a christian.
fucking based
Watch him try dodging as hard as he can before he admits he doesn't believe in the resurrection.
sounds like christian idealism to me.
Psychology is a pseudoscience and has always been.
hot take
Finally, ive been waiting for this.
peterson knows being religious will lose him a good number of the toads that stuff him with patreonbux, that's why he turns into the riddler when answering simple questions about his faith
He might be a heretic but no less a believer for it.
Fucking lol
One of the most retarded tweets ever twatted
If I know nothing Peterson and want to learn his worldview from the beginning, where should I start? Cos the guy has written like what, 2 books while making like a zillion youtube videos? And of the books is old as shit and the other is a self help book …..
i like how zizek spends so much time describing cultural marxism, obviously amazed at how stupid it is
Its a shame that at his age he's likely never going to be able to immerse himself in the internet and be able to fully grasp such things. It would be amazing to see his reaction to the absurdity of it all.
If you deny the tenets of the nicene creed you are by default not a Christian. Christianity is not just "believe in god lmao".
A man-made creed does not decide what is or what is not Christian
on top of this, Christianity like all religions is a moral philosophy more than anything else.
if you practice likewise, you are for all intents and purposes a Christian.
The only good Christian is an antinomian Christian
Begone heretic.
Even by this arbitrary measure Peterson is not Christian. He doesn't even go to church so how the eff could he "practice" it.
That explains a lot
the nicene council is the betrayal of what christianism was. at that point christianity became just the old religion with a new name on it
He looks way better.
I'm glad to see he's doing better after he had his stroke.
zizek is a baboon who must live in the Ljubljana ape exhibit
fucking how
he says mean stuff
It is if you ask a Protestant lol.
Boi, I like dis
Peterson can't even clean his own room, why should anyone listen to him.
tfw your room is tidier than the one of snake-oil Peterson
I like how Zizek is also not "Solid philosophical competences".
The cha cha man
joseph watson paul:
breathing is capitalist
nigga u b lyin
t. brainlet who failed stat101
but i agree this is funny, memerson is such a boomer-servative snowflake who cannot utter anything but
Muh individualism.
Wow, even Disneyland is only like $250.
He has no systematic thought; he's a conservative culture warrior LARPing as a sage
that image is so fucking good it actually hurts
a fool and his money are soon parted
Peterson willing to debate have a discussion with Zizek:
Zizek's way too "deep" for Sargon or Molyneux to know or care about. They only go for low hanging SJW fruit.
Think of the self help men who say meaningless twattle like "get your life in order" and "don't criticize others until you perfect yourself. You see yourself in others." that is him.
i dont get what the first image is supposed to represent?
I will always love this man
Everyone fucking hates Jordan Peterson. Everyone. The left, the right, neoshitlibs. The only people he has is Sargon's crowd. He's a gatekeeper for neoliberalism tasked wtih making sure no one goes off the reservation, left or right.
burden of proof is on you. can you show me evidence of Wolff being extensively criticized by his colleagues?
most of my redditor friends seem to think he's cool. same with all those YouTube brainlets like Crowder and Shapiro
I bet they also like Elon Musk.
Sadly I too have a few friends that love him, and when I say love, I really mean that they keep saying that he made their lives better.
Tho their views on him differ greatly, how did he reach fucking Serbia
Yeah. Status quo guard dogs, all of them.
Oh yeah, motherfucker? Is that gonna give me reasonable compensation for my fucking labor? I didn't fucking think so.
you see some "libtard OWNED" video in the recommendations on youtube and you're maybe 1 click away from a JP vid
bar je tako i ovdje u hrvatskoj
that should've been implied the moment I said "redditors", but yes
Why is this so funny?
Yeah, it can be real difficult when you only read mindlet misinterpretations of his views.
Introduction to Marine Biology
An important part of his worldview is that there are religious lessons and frames of reference encoded in the collective unconscious that are indispensable to individuals trying to organize their lives. Through the study of myth using a Jungian paradigm we can tease out these elements and learn from them. Trying to overturn them introduces (female) chaos into the world, and we should always balance this chaos out with a great deal of (male) order.
It's like another instance Hayek's "fatal conceit," which criticizes leftist thought for proposing that society can be restructured on the basis of reasoned action, while it is in fact the cumulative experience of many generations that makes society functional. Our present order is the result of an evolutionary process spanning the whole of human history.
That's it in a nutshell. As a leftist you should immediately see the problem with these views. For me they are threefold:
(1.) They ignore the Hegelian moment. Hegel adopts this same evolutionary view of what makes society tick, yet instead of opposing it to reason and deliberative action, he identifies it with it. One cannot put the evolution of reason in contradiction with reason, since it is exactly reason that has to identify this distinction. You cannot escape having to rely on your critical faculties. The only option left is to seek out the reasons behind history, pass through all its moments, and then propose a rational case for upholding or reforming it in argumentative terms. Peterson and Hayek do engage in such argumentation, but it is only to support their case that spontaneous order should not be criticized, not an exercise of critical philosophy.
(2.) In as far as under capitalism "all that is holy is profaned," we cannot rely on traditional wisdom to guide us through the modern world, even if it does contain the experience of former generations. Our present situation is too radically different from that faced by our forefathers. Malthusian population limiting factors have been overturned. Instead of scarcity we are faced with overabundance. Instead of being subjugated by a collective, we are subjugated by people believing to be atomic individuals. The unknown has been thoroughly explored, and instead of fearing entering into it, we should fear our own inability to take responsibility.
(3.) The experience of former generations in known to be based largely on bigotry, superstition and influence by ruling class ideology. We cannot simply ignore the roles these factors played in the formation of our present "wisdom." God isn't this deep philosophical archetype, he is in the first place a bearded man in the sky who made man from a bit of clay. Property isn't a brilliant system of voluntary contract, it is in the first place a construct meant to exclude the many from the wealth of the few. Anyone who studies history will know this to be undeniable fact.
nice effortpost!
literally just read the summary of
petersons entire ideology is Jung projected onto positivist-objectivist-calvinist-protestant-american contemporary culture. he does the typical taking things at their face value without understanding material conditions and assumes the culture he was born in is the number one correct
Lost my shit, based zizek