Any good movies with some lefty themes or ideas? Key word there being good, I don't feel like watching a documentary or some shit
Captain Fantastic (awful title, wonderful film)
Daisies (Sedmikrásky. 1966)
Che is a fantastic movie, it has two parts which are pretty long but trust me it's worth it.
Battle of Algiers
State of Siege
Harlan County, USA
The Wind that Shakes the Barley
The Network
The Molly Maguires
Death by Hanging
Woman in the Dunes
Eros + Massacre
All Nipponcommiekino
Daisies is cool but does it really have "leftist themes"?
Terry Gilliam's Brazil: basically describes modern China.
i like better its book form, the trial by kafka
Daisies was banned in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic because they play with food in the movie.
It wasn't banned, that's bullshit on English Wiki. It was produced during the Prague spring, someone said to ban it: the reformist government rejected that, although put limits on its distribution.
Original Czech: V květnu 1967 vystoupil v Národním shromáždění ČSSR poslanec Jaroslav Pružinec s interpelací, v níž kritizoval filmy Sedmikrásky a O slavnosti a hostech, prohlásil o nich, že „nemají s naší republikou, socialismem a ideály komunismu nic společného“ a požádal o jejich stažení z kin. Vláda sice jeho výtku odmítla, ale oba filmy postihlo omezení v propagaci a distribuci. Skupina režisérů na to reagovala protestním dopisem, který byl veřejně čten na IV. sjezdu československých spisovatelů a který patřil mezi spouštěče výrazného opozičního hnutí v řadách kulturních pracovníků v době před začátkem pražského jara.[1][2][3]
How is it different of being ban?
The Grapes Of Wrath
Brave New World
Pan's Labyrinth
Planet Of The Apes
Firefly series
Saying only a certain number of cinemas can have it, or it can only be shown after a certain point at night is very different from an outright ban.
Didn't know there was an adaptation, gotta link?
How? I mean Deconstruction Westerns can be pretty anti-cap (like the remake of the Magnificent 7), but Firefly is just strait Western in Space.
The original is an allegory for racism, especially slavery. The apes' ideology about how humans are dumb animals is almist verbatim the logic of slavers in the Atlantic slave trade. The film is meant to make that situation relatable to white people.
seconding this, just saw it yesterday and was pleasantly surprised.
All of Tarkovsky's best work came out of the Soviet union, so that makes it sort of lefty. Check out Stalker and Solaris.
First half of Dark Knight Rises is good.
The whole movie is great if your view of the film is critical.
People meme a lot about "X did nothing wrong", but in hindsight it's amazing how sympathetic Bane actually was.
Sorry to Bother You
The Shape of Water
Battleship Potemkin
I Heart Huckabees
Citizen Kane
There Will Be Blood
They Live
Blue Velvet
Toxic Avenger
12 Years a Slave
Inherent Vice
i googled it and it read more like criticism of leftists
Dude Bane was the typical "populist are evil demagouges that hide something"
Its a little beter than "crazy utopian guy that wants to shorter tall people to make everyone equal"
The tv sucks at criticizing leftist..
Oh and * deshi basara brother*
Bane was a third wordist revolutionary who was fighting against the American Labor Aristocracy.
Exactly. Nolan does such a shit job of making Bane seem like a villain that you have to wonder if his intentions are necessarily bad.
While the "take your city" theme was intersting
The whole pit/ras al gul thing in the second part was retarded
True, they should have gone with Anarchy as a villain , a clean revolutionary
how? while I agree with the central ideas there's nothing inherently left wing about saying "you are not immune to propaganda".
They Live is explicitly class analysis.
Citizen Kane isn't just about propaganda. It's about monopoly capital. Like There Will Be Blood, demonstrates that telling people what they want to hear in blind pursuit of profit, even if it is outright lies, makes money, poisons politics, and so on. It is at least as much an economic analysis as one of media or of Hearst himself.
It's kind of weird that you don't the very overt leftist themes in either of these movies t b h
Vera's message is complex but it goes to the heart of it all. The govt.'s involvement in Vietnam, bourgeois socialists, over consumption and general irresponsibility, let alone the existentialist themes and the Eden/eve allegory. It's a weighty film for being so seemingly lighthearted and such fun to watch. A dada-ist cartoon
The director was censured for bullshit reasons. ☭TANKIE☭s have zero sense of art and are over-sensitive to artistic critiques.
Depends on who you read that from I guess. The most fault you could find with it is that it is vague enough, but quite obvious they are socialists. The sing a song for "Noam Chomsky Day" an idea of their mother's for a holiday. Bo declares that he isn't a Trot at one point, but he's young and they're all probably allowed to come to their own conclusions. They're a super cool family. Not a criticism of the left at all. Unless you're a left-liberal or an orthodox ☭TANKIE☭.
I love them. I wish this was my upbringing.
Starship Troopers is the best, though.
People generally brush this movie off for being so absurd with its politics, but…
The Federation grants ALL people equal rights and protections, but you must do federal service before you're able to vote.
Most people think that they're fascists, but if anything, they're just a nice and sexy mix of statocracy and whatever the fuck this board is anymore, but I can tell that most of you would fucking nut if you read up on the specifics. We should be talking about it more, in all honesty.
It's literally a satire of the book - which was right wing as fuck. How'd you miss the point so badly?
Not that guy, but the point in the book about civil service and paying back your dues to society isn't so bad if taken from a leftist perspective. Yes, Heinlein was an Eisenhower worshiping, interventionist supporting, fully-devoted neoconservative who supported the idea of a large military based government intervening in other countries to stop the "ruskies", but I think the idea of engaging in some sort of service to "give back" society is an important one that can be broken off and removed, if only to be repurposed for leftism. Sort of like how the idea of strict self-discipline is seen sometimes as fascist given it is repeated constantly in fascist rhetoric and propaganda, and its important for us to separate it from that and show that self-discipline is very much in line with leftism and how leftists should act
They Live was pretty obviously a Marxist film. It’s about a group of rich exploiters who parasitize humanity and enforce their position through force and brainwashing.
Look farther into it, you'll see what I mean
This explains it pretty well
There's a difference between requiring everyone to participate in militia service in some fashion, and restricting the franchise to professional soldiers and veterans. The former is fundamentally leftist, the latter fascist as hell.
I believe it was later long after the book was written that Heinlein clarified that 95% of the "veterans" were part of the civil service. This was kind of after the fact though and the book never really implies it as such.
meant for
You dum bitch
Grapes of Wrath movie isn't left wing at all, they replaced the ending with "man suffers on and takes care of his family"
Actually the book says if you spend a year doing "hard labour" you get citizenship as-well. But yeah, Heinlein's book is pretty Utopian: which is why the film is actually about a quasi-fascistic state rather than his glorious stratocratic republic.
No one mentioned Snowpiercer?
"Revolutions are the locomotives of history." The uprising of the back cars results in their social order being completely destroyed. Clear distinction between a leisure class and the working class.
starship troopers is based and redpilled
The ending of that movie confirmed it was reactionary as shit
I'm just posting the usual charts. Feel free to "update" them.
Tie Xi Qu seems really interesting, thanks for posting. I was looking for this a week ago and couldn't find it.
Yeah I've watched both, I can confirm.
How so? I thought the train crashing in its entirety, rather than a simple leadership change happening on board, was a pretty clear anti-capitalist message.
absolutely true.
snowpiercer is probably the only post apocalyptic movie that works in a political way and stages our deadlock without resorting to easy answers nor total catastrophe
The Act of Killing
Every time I see this I think Fahrenheit 9/11 should be there over Bowling For Columbine even though both are good.
Cloud Atlas has a depiction of late stage capitalist exploitation as a side plot.
La Chinoise
Satirical movie about a French Maoist cadre cell in 1967, filmed by Jean-Luc Godard. The next year Godard formed a Marxist filmmaking cell called the Dziga Vertov Group.
I can see that. Fun thing: watching DPRK propaganda is like straight out of Starship Troopers. Check this out:
Iron Sky is a Zizek-tier analysis of Fascism. it's a shame the acting sucks.
I'll bite, how is pulp fiction even vaguely anti-capitalist?
Heinlein's fictional society is a subtle positive spin on Social Darwinism. It does not put the viewer off by overtly repressing people, but being unfit for military service strips you of your right to participate in government. The underlying implication is that a person's societal worth is fundamentally a matter of their fitness to fight in wars.
If anything the film is like a parody of liberal capitalism: it is okay to treat people unfairly as long as you aren't doing so on a basis of identity. All people are equal, but some are more equal than others.
There's a lot of details that it combs over, but even the main theme is about the fact that the way American politicians talk about Love is inherently Fascistic, which Slavoj Zizek did a seminar on
Is Trainspotting a lefty movie? The whole "choose life" thing is a clear criticism of Thatcherite Britain, and if I recall in the book Renton talks about being an anarchist (in a non edgy way I think), but I don't know if it would be considered an outright lefty movie.
Children of Men
Not how I see it
I saw a great post here one time about snowpiercer's message. The derailing/escaping from the train was supposed to the anarkiddie approach as opposed to the ML approach of simply revolting and taking control of the locomotive.
the user phrased it as thinking orthogonally, instead of being bound to the logic of the train.
Watch the fucking movie
they rarely ever are. we a oppose a system of doing things. all right wingers want to do is kill people to solve problems.
Opposing the idea of killing people to solve things is far from a lefty-exclusive point of view
name one other ideological group that has this position
Centrists, indeed
as you well know, they're so numb they can't help but oppose something as extreme as killing people
You can also search outside of the left–right paradigm
Because i like it
That is just outright wrong.
Not only is military service only one of several ways to gain citizenship.
But, the book explicitly states that every civilian, regardless of physical ability has the constitutional right to attempt national service and likewise the government has the constitutional commitment to find/create positions appropriate for a given applicants abilities.
Here are some direct quotes from the book:
"But if you want to serve and I can't talk you out of it, then we have to take you, because that's your constitutional right. It says that everybody, male or female, shall have his born right to pay his service and assume full citizenship - but the facts are that we are getting hard pushed to find things for all the volunteers to do that aren't just glorified K.P. You can't all be real military men; we don't need that many and most of the volunteers aren't number-one soldier material anyhow."
"But if you came in here in a wheelchair and blind in both eyes and were silly enough to insist on enrolling, they would find something silly enough to match. Counting the fuzz on a caterpillar by touch, maybe. The only way you can fail is by having the psychiatrists decide that you are not able to understand the oath."
It is just sad how people such as yourself are so desperate to paint the government depicted in the book as fascist, despite clearly not ever actually taking the time to read the book.
speaking of which, saw this the other day and maed meh tink
The Federation was built on this weird neoconservative burger meme that all our problems are due to the fact that the military or veterans aren’t the only ones allowed to run anything. Heinlein was one of those neocons who practically worshipped Einsenhower due in no small part to the fact that he was a former general. Yes, Heinlein makes room for the possibility of doing non-military “service” to become a citizen, but that doesn’t take away the fact that the federation is by and at large a fucking garrison state and was a way of portraying a military junta as the ideal form of society. The accusation of them being fascists ultimately comes from this fetishization of the military around which their society revolves.
AnPrims and NazBols want to kill niggers and non-luddites respectively
And who gets to determine what constitutes "appropriate"?
The movie, you idiot, not the book. Heinlein was was just a neocon from a time full of disillusioned ex-leftists.
Sargon of Akkad as an authority on fascism. Kill me now, good lord
What did you guys think of Sorry To Bother You?
I thought its underlying message is good and I haven't seen class consciousness explored like that in a mainstream film before, but man was it annoying as fuck after like 20 minutes.
Name 15 other ideological groups
Transhumanist primitivism
Materialist Islamism
Social Democracy With Azerbaijani Characteristics
Liberal Stalinism
Decolonialist internationalism
Centrist Utopianism
Green Juche
National Situationism
Neoliberal Collectivism
State Insurrectionism
Dialectical Lifestylism
It was awesome and funny, sorry that you have bad taste.
this is the perfect fucking blend of ignorance of self-importance that just generates an incredibly amount of rage within me
Not as gay as Christmas or Easter or some shit.
That almost happened, till the Red imperialist army invaded.
Ideological groups aren't necessarily political, to be fair
Religious communities for example, unless you consider it politics too
Then again, it would prove how the notion of "not killing people" as default solution for problems isn't lefty-exclusive
So it's anti-capitalism.
Hood Life Volume 3, starring your Neo-Kolkhoz Comrades Commissar Jamal and "Young Prole"
it's about two leftists.
you can easily be anti-capitalism without being on the left
Are you for fucking real
unless you reject nature itself. no, it's not possible.
literally everyone but neocons, boomers and alt right shitters is "against capitalism"
Or at least, that's what they believe
Being anti-capitalism is the new normie norm, just like being anti-communism was the norm two generations ago
Think about all the university students that can't shut up about the evil of capitalism while they tweet from their iphones from the nearest starbucks, think about the hypocrite rhetoric celebrities are constantly shitting out while exploiting everything and everyone, think about all the lies the bourgeois tell themselves to feel better about their lifestyle, think about the cognitive dissonance porky is spreading around to avoid the guillotine
Ask a random guy on the street, he'll admit (at least) the wrongdoings of capitalism while doing absolute jackshit about it
Of course it's all narrative, but a huge chunk of the youth actually believes they're against capitalism, and some of them even delude themselves into thinking they're fighting it
Fuck if they're real leftists, let alone communists
any sane person is against the negative symptoms of capitalism, but to be against capitalism means to be against commodity production itself, and only hegelian leftists know this.
Hot Fuzz is low-key leftist
I would recommend checking out Duck You Sucker, It's a lesser known movie by Sergio Leone (who was a communist).Its about a Mexican bandit and an Irish republican that get caught up in the Mexican revolution. I've also heard good things about Reds but I haven't it yet.
Perfect Blue is a pretty good criticism of the same.
Princess Mononoko for AnPrim feels.
I felt The Shining has subtle critiques of the nuclear family.
Criticism of the Spectacle, fuck.