If this picks up realistically, what are the odds of actual damage being inflicted?
If this picks up realistically, what are the odds of actual damage being inflicted?
Other urls found in this thread:
mad lads
It put the nail in the coffin of some banks during the recession iirc
Someone run this through google translate
Basically a french football player called for something similar a few years ago but it didn't pick up back then because there wasn't nearly as much social tension as of today & probably less widepsread use of social media.
TL;DR : it might actually just happen because of the self-fulfilling nature of the prophecy
If people think it has credibility, they'll fear for their own savings, france has an history of people freaking out and filling their car with gas just in case of a shortage, but ending up actually causing the shortage.
So basically, we have this kind of situation when we're already on the brink of a financial krach.
Like, i think someone can make a facebook account, pay for 5000 usd of fake social media likes/clicks/shares and make mainstream media freak the fuck out over 1 million views then let it snowball
I am making a VK account right now somebody tell me how to message Putin.
Great Depression 2 when?
This year, German industrial output is in full recession mode and Chinese debt bubble is gonna pop
Deutsche Bank is about to collapse, the absolute mad lads might do it.
Deutsche Bank is one of France's main banks, I made a map/little infographic of their international branches.
Please eurocomrades, it's your time to action.
m8 Deutsche Bank is on its last legs anyway and when it goes everything else will go with it, if we can start a panic in these countries about the French crashing the bank we can flop the whole economy.
this is your brain on socialism, yikes.
Zig Forums here, I really hope we can work together to get rid of these bankers. We may have different "why"s but we have a very similar idea of what needs to be done, and then different end goals. I acknowledge we will probably not agree when this is over, but for the time being can we please work together against the globalist oligarchs killing this world? You may view Lenin the way I view Hitler, you may think private property is bad while I believe it is good, you may believe in equality while I believe in the harshness of evolution, but none of that really matters. We can academically debate these ideals and what it means to be human ad nauseam, or we can work together against the forces who may be radicalizing and promoting hatred among us in the first place. Right now, we have a chance to say fuck you to the global financial system plaguing the world with subjugating debt. To me that is a far greater threat to humanity than my local baker having communist sympathies or my mechanic being a nazi. I would stand with both of them against this existential threat to the human spirit, though we may disagree as to what that means.
Why the fuck does Zig Forums think we're somehow gonna meme a financial crash into existence?
Glad to see you support the global financial system. Nothing says economic subjugation like compounding interest and financial markets, am I right?
When did you first hear of the yellow vest protests? Why are you pleading on a Mongolian throat singing forum? When did you decide that we weren't Soros agents?
top kek, I can't imagine so suicidal banker he'd be sympathetic to dying violent death.
You idiots really are delusional. But I guess that comes with the territory.
Zig Forums and banker bros are best frens
nice try, COINTELPRO
I'm all for it, how do you think we can reach the French better? I doubt a lot of French posters here aren't already aware of it
He said baker, banker is pretty funny though.
Pic related, it's the banker.
when the threads started 8 weeks ago
because fuck the people destroying this world
if you are on here and you aren't paid to be here you aren't a sorosbot. I feel like all radicals, right and left, hate what has become of this world. I hope we can unite and forge a new way of life for all of us. I understand we may disagree, but the conflict resulting from overthrowing the globalist elite (our common enemy) may destroy both of our ideologies and create something better than both Not Socialism and Communism, a Fourth Way, if you will.
Zig Forums here, you have shills too, eh? Sorry to here that. I know we may have different philosophies, but I really wish we could start fighting the original D&C of right vs. left wing. We just need to stop arguing long enough to take care of what both sides recognize as the problem, globalist oligarchs. I may be a nazi, but I will stand by a communist gladly while combating the people who are subjugating this world to slavery.
I feel like fundamentally, right wing has a focus on evolution and eugenics whereas leftwing focuses on class. It is nature vs. nurture. One of the oldest arguments since the advent of Darwin, perhaps even before. I don't know if either side is right. Perhaps the truth lies in the middle. However, for now, I truly believe we should put this debate to the side and attempt to work against this global "ruling class" that has arisen from the broken system of democracy and capitalism we presently exist within. As long as we are sabotaging other revolutionaries, we will be sabotaging the revolution as a whole.
I hope this makes sense. I know many of you will view me as worthy of execution for my views. I understand your fervor and, honestly, I applaud your zealousness. One thing this world lacks now is passion. I only hope that this passion may be directed against those who would have us all equally treated as slaves to these capitalist giants. Thank you for reading.
t. Zig Forums
because they think they meme magicked trump into office
2016 Zig Forums is literally a cult built around memetics + idealism
The other day I was talking with some friends about the whole nazbol meme and its unironic ideological followers.
Basically, fascists have some understanding of the capitalist system and its causes, but they fuck it up with the literally medieval-tier "teh juice control the world XDXD", eugenics and a grossly oversimplified concept of evolution.
same poster as you quoted
I was always a math/science kid, but I can understand how the oversimplified eugenics (especially in America where nobody is pure anything) can be a very accurate description. Depending on where you look, you can even accuse the Amish of "jewish tactics" they have taken over areas in Ohio because they all look out for each other and that is basically the best argument for "jewish conspiracy" (should be nepotism but w/e). I just want a country that looks out for itself and says "I don't care what you idiots are doing" like Switzerland. But American thought is just so global domination oriented (in both economic and military thought) that I feel like it is killing both my country and the world around me. Iran, Afghanistan, many countries in central America and the former Yugoslavia have all been fucked by our military industrial complex/CIA taking corporate interests back.
I really hope we can get over our own ideological "spooks" as Stirner would put it, and actually start focusing on the real problem rather than other disenfranchised people who disagree with us. Also, thank you for reading and being civil.
Hardly. Your concept of left wing politics is shaped by straw man propaganda. That there are left wing nationalist ideologies like National Bolshevism should make this obvious.
In fact, tabula rasa is mostly a center-right idea: it is fundamental to the moral basis of laissez-faire capitalism.
You should read Lenin
Bank runs are impossible with central banking. This is probably a psyop to get yellow jackets to waste their time and look bad when this protest fails.
Holy fuck please read some theory before spewing out this bullshit
Lenin's a fine place to start. First thing I read was S&R, now I'm nearly done with Capital Vol 2 and have read many other works by Marx and Marxists.
That's better than falling the Communist Manifesto meme, for sure
It is simply an observation based upon contemporary trends. I know I need to read more but I work so much it makes reading time quite difficult to allocate.
Also, Engels never understood dialectic materialism.
idk but can we post on the yellow vest thread instead?
damn user i appreciate this
reminder the communist party of china started with some guys in a club house trying to stop police harassment
Well whoever was behind this brilliant idea is trolling everyone, it's picked up quite a bit and the mainstream media talks about it :
meant to post this link too instead of twice the same one
Thank you, I know I don't have as nuanced of an understanding of communism as many here do, and I may have put my foot in my mouth to an extent, but I really feel like ideological disagreement is the number one hurdle to people who know "shit ain't right" in the world today. I have heard it quoted before that only 15% of the population needs to be involved for a revolution to be successful. If the far left and far right are able to coordinate and work together just long enough to get the ball rolling, I feel like victory would be guaranteed. I will also admit that some segregation between the two will be necessary, as both sides have their share of autistic screeching about stupid points. I think it would be best to not focus on any ideology at all, as a "constitutional convention" of sorts will be necessary after reorganization is complete. I will acknowledge that the US constitution may have succeeded at limiting government power (look at the constant deadlock for the past 10 or so years) but it utterly failed at preventing economic power from being rapaciously wielded against the people. Fascism and Communism, in my opinion, both sought to curb this massive economic power from being wielded against the people and the state, their methods somewhat similar and their ideologies totally different (the NSDAP did nationalize corporations which had become "too big to fail" or monopolies, but left small business in private hands). I think a fourth way will have to arise, but that will arise from the will of the people rather than some user's argument on the internet.
For now, we need to focus on the oligarchs as the enemy. The state, both left and right wing, are their puppets.
Nah, this is just horseshit. The far-right has no theory, no structural understanding of history, it's stuck into all sorts of spooky ideological delusions, have no methodology, etc. As much as I hate leftist posteuring, I'll still reject such blatant opportunism.
Why is this a separate thread from the main GJs thread? Is this where the LARPers come thinking they have political power from their keyboard as “le Zig Forums Communist Party”?
I have no idea why this is cyclical but I made the thread because I think it could deserve discussion on its own as I've thought of it myself a while ago and thought it would inevitably turn this way for any meaningful results to be achieved. It might actually be a kind of hobbesian-type dilemma like "we take the banking system as a hostage" to drive a political force to organize to make sure the ensuing chaos allows for socialism to be built and make sure we don't fall into fascism/porky friendly interests that will doom us to extinction. tldr : capitalism is about to collapse, buckle the fuck up
Given the market fragility, this couldn't happen at a better timing. But imo it needs to be globally coordinated (due to the self propagating effect of such self-fulfilling prophecies, only a certain critical mass of belief needs to be achieved before the process of panic spreading takes over, it's not that hard to manipulate attention by buying fake views online, they're dirt cheap)
I'm nit even a nazbol but you are completely right in one point at least: this divide & conquer tactics has to stop. Stopping with strawmans would help, but I guess pol isn't a hivemind too, eh?
Every political ideology dies with its founder. Marxism is different from Leninism is different from Stalinism is different from Maoism, correct? Mussolini's Fascism was different than German Nazism was different than the Spanish Fascists were different than GLR's American Nazi Party was different than the NWF and different from Pierce's ideas. The leader and the people around that leader dictate the positions and implementations of each individual government. Lenin created a great government, Stalin ruined it and sent it into decline with his murderous ways.
There is more philosophic backing to communism, however, in my opinion, communism is an ideal or utopian world which fundamentally relies upon the assumption that people are good and want to work for the collective benefit. It requires a worldwide community of selfless actors. I think that sounds beautiful. Just like how an anarchy-syndicalist form of government sounds great if it were to be made up of only Noam Chomskys. The practical implementation of any government is the will of the people at the time in history of the government's founding. Over time, the government is subverted by bad actors (such as Stalin) and thus the revolution must continue.
Read a book you megatard
I feel like a lot of this is due to shills. I know there has always been animosity between the left and right, but now it is stopping both of us from confronting the real problems we face. It is like that old picture of the man in a top hat controlling both puppets and making them fight. On Zig Forums (which I can barely read anymore) it is all just ad-hominems and accusations with no arguments behind them. I agree straw men are one of the most infuriating, but the whole board only seems to have a handful of people capable of refutation, counterarguments or other valid means of discussion. I think it is a psyop to stop us from being able to articulate points in a coherent, level headed manner. They are conditioning us to only be able to communicate through a conversational style reminiscent of a flame war "NO U" bullshit.
Because banks are a great/easy target to kickoff the downfall of the oligarchy we live under. They are an institution which can be non-violently targeted by people in such a way that economic turmoil is guaranteed. You can't be arrested for withdrawing your money, can you? But, a bank run will cause immense strain on our financial system (look up fractional reserve banking and how banks have maybe 5% of their deposits on hand).
Nah, building a vanguard and helping working people where they live is more important than plotting a bank-run on Zig Forums. Fucking with banks will not dethrone the bourgeoisie. Read Mao
Friendly reminder that if the situation escalates to a bank run while there is also a financial crash, we might actually end up seeing food riots (in high density zones) and even full-scale global civil war. Leftists should organize to secure storage of food/basic life supplies that will be rationed democratically (with priority for children/pregnant women etc) when food panic purchases start.
All banks collapsing at once means :
The risk of panic movements spreading through boomer social media is very high and shouldn't be disregarded.
Didn't the last bank run cause the great depression? With modern communication, could you imaging great depression+OWS+internet+pissed off right wingers= final revolution, worldwide? All it takes is DeutsheBank folding and we're there. They already have so many toxic derivatives it isn't even funny. What, do you want to defend the bankers? Are they the people's ally?
If you don’t have an organized vanguard you’re doing it wrong
Came here to fucking say this.
is peak liberal humanism. By prioritizing those that actually fight for the future can the future of all be secured.
How the fuck does bank run crash the banks other than let them know who is part of the GJ? So fucking dumb
Another LARP thread?
Observe the brocialist.
This is actual larping. Can you see yourself telling starving pregnant women they just need to miscarry because "we need to secure food for soldiers"? You don't even know if there will be that much fighting.
Government shills make these threads to keep people online and never doing anything IRL. Think if the Internet had existed in the 60s or 70s, the state would be able to neutralize the entire movement without even firing a bullet. The Internet is the single greatest destroyer of revolutionary potential when it permits you to act revolutionary from your keyboard. Zig Forums is one such neutralization zone
We are talking about revolutionary policy, not "goin there and telling someone face to face the bad news."
Rationing under a civil war is a hella difficult situation.
If it's set in the gunpower storage, it does.
We are at a very high level of systemic bank/financial risk and because of mechanisms such as quantitative easing, fractional reserve banking, leverage trading, high frequency & algorithmic trading etc etc, shit is overvalued as fuck and we're about to see an absolute financial apocalypse like 2008 but on steroids. The catch is this time the states may not be able to bail out the ruined banks and we might even see defaults on national debts from many countries. History is about to resume, fukuyama btfo.
Pretty sure he's suggesting rationing them and keeping people who will fight strong, rather than taking them out to the killing fields.
apologies for engrish many drugs yes
This. Bank run 2019 #cashOut. Burn the debt, free the debtors, bring out the guillotines.
This is being slid so hard it isn't even funny.
Yes, and that's why most banks are insured by the government, which can issue unlimited money whenever it needs to in order to keep the banks afloat. You literally can't cause a bank run.
Banks need a certain amount of cash on hand to perform basic operations. They don't actually hold everyone's deposits in the bank since they use it to do business and if too many people withdraw at once they are forced to sell financial assets to continue operations which can cause them to go bankrupt.
I legit don't think you know how 2008 imploded
I know how a bank rush works, I just don't see how it will crash the entire systems. Maybe some small banks will fall.
last post here, hope this lets you all know who is in control>>2783702
forgot image
nevermind, low Autism Level niggers abound.
also: ban me faggot for not being part of your hivemind you mod soros fuck here I am
fuck you are stupid for banning me, all I want is revolution against the globalist oligarchs! Ban me again you fool!
tbh Macron will probably declare a state of emergency and halt withdrawals and call it financial terrorism
Theory is nothing but text. It doesn't hold any objective truths. Facts on other side are undeniable.
What a compelling and brilliant argument! My mind has positively been shattered.
Now that's what I call accelerationism!
It never ceases to amaze me just how retarded Zig Forumsyps are.
neck yourself
I doubt they are going to get enough people to withdraw money for this to be actually noticeable let alone have any significant effect.
So when will we know if this failed or succeeded?
We won't, the economy will crash anyway,
No, I mean, by what date can we confirm that a bank run didn't happen?
They didn't pick a realistic date and only gave a few days of notice. They should have organized a more massive operation on the first of february or something
holy shit your stupidity hurt literally everything you said show your ignorance of communism, and we dont need the retarded fascist, they fundamentally misunderstand the core problem of capitalism, and always end up as a tool for capital to become even more all powerful while commiting atrocity and repressing tons of innocent because of their retarded beliefs