No, you have not discovered a grand truth hidden by the elites. You are just shouting at each other in this echo chamber that the whole world is about to end every five years and that the current system that everyone except a few entitled lazy teenagers oppose. Sure, the horribly unchecked capitalism in the US is horrible, but with countries where they have figured out how to have a fair system (Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Japan) you shout "HURR CAPITALISM WITH SMILEY FACE" without acknowledging how they are the best countries in the world and everyone gets a fair chance at a good life if they work hard enough (getting a job here is ridicilously easy as long as you have decent grades). You talk like everything is going to collapse as if the economists wouldn't have predicted it by now, but guess what, we have practically reached the end of history. A few dictators in the third world are couped and you conspiracy theorists genuinely believe that the CIA is building a world hegemony. Your cognitive dissonance is just astounding. The riots in France could have just been prevented with a Swiss semi-democracy.
No, you have not discovered a grand truth hidden by the elites...
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Very interesting thread.
You sound mad.
Japan and Singapore are fucking fascist countries, the left is just mad that fascism is actually successful.
No, they are not. Stop fear-mongering.
Any more insightful statements you feel like sharing OP? I could make a dozen like that before having breakfast.
Yes, they fucking are.
Merging between corporations and government.
Strong racial nationalistic spirit.
Strong domestic industry and culture.
Anti-foreigner and xenophobia.
Leftists are trying to work around that shit.
Sure there are leftist jerking themselves off in echo chambers on the internet, but that's true for any ideology, it doesn't prove anything. What is true for Marxism that isn't for other ideologies is that there are Marxists organizing and fighting actual wars at this very moment.
Please read Capital.. If you don't understand the Marxist critique of capitalism there's no point in arguing against it.
The fact that CIA has played a major role on international affairs and regime change and is arguably the cause of radical Islam and terrorism is not contestable.
Also I would recommend you watch some of Michael Parenti's speeches on youtube, they are accessible and enlightening on the basic stuff.
Such as?
Yes it is, Islam has always existed and radical, the fact they got funding from the CIA AND the KGB does not mean they are innocent.
From the top of my head: Syria, Philippines and India.
Funny how you mentioned the KGB, because the anti-soviet CIA campaign is exactly what radicalized the secular muslims under Soviet influence. The CIA funded Al-Qaeda and Saddam. The US sells weapons to ISIS, (I'll have to look up the source for that) and is directly funding Saudi Arabia's genocide in Yemen.
Where's the marxist troops fighting in Syria? There's not even war in Pinoy and India.
Yeah and the sky is red.
They are also using Soviet equipment so I guess communists are funding them?
"Until the conflict of the 1970s, the 20th Century had seen relatively steady progression for women's rights in the country. Afghan women were first eligible to vote in 1919 - only a year after women in the UK were given voting rights, and a year before the women in the United States were allowed to vote. In the 1950s purdah (gendered separation) was abolished; in the 1960s a new constitution brought equality to many areas of life, including political participation."
"But during coups and Soviet occupation in the 1970s, through civil conflict between Mujahideen groups and government forces in the '80s and '90s, and then under Taliban rule, women in Afghanistan had their rights increasingly rolled back."
Mujahideen were armed by the CIA btw.
I don't see any war there, are these bandits?
And what about the year before that, champ?
Well OK.
Soviet equipment is made by communist for communist, correct?
What about it? In the US christians were openly treating black people like subhumans untill the '60s. The only reason Islam today is more radical than christianity is because their countries are poor and exploited by imperialists.
Most of us don't agree with the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan as the USSR was revisionist at that time. Ignoring that, the US was funding small radical Islamists to take over the country because they would oppose the Soviet influence. Guess what? Al-Qaeda and Osama came out of this.
Where exactly is soviet equipment being used and at what period?
My point is that if the entire world had social democracy we would prosper and be stable forever. There is no collapse.
I said what about the years before that, champ.
Answer it.
Who cares? What makes me care is that the Soviet roled back these changes.
The entire 70s to now, muslim are still using Soviet equipment.
Read Marx.
The years before that the christians in Europe were slaughtering each other in WW1. Also the years before that the USSR didn't exist. What is your point exactly?
Yeah I'm sure that the CIA funding extremist far right fundamentalists had nothing to do with it.
1) Even social democracy is falling to neoliberalism across the world now that there are no longer any spooky scary Bolsheviks scaring the bourgeoisie straight
Your tendency of profit to fall is completely wrong though? Things have been getting progressively better here in Norway ever since the end of ww2 and there is no end to our society lurking in the shadows. the 2008 crisis caused by the mutts barely scratched our rock solid safety shell.
What do you mean we are failing? Even if unpopular reforms take place I think the people should be able to vote against them, like in Switzerland.
Capitalism is a global system. Globalization didn't happen just because of some evil "globalist" conspiracy, it was a requirement for global capitalism to maintain its dominance.
Examining conditions in single counties without understanding the global network of resource production and exploitation is like a global warming denier noticing a single country get colder.
Norway has had a degree of prosperity because of oil and being a beneficiary of imperialism. As such, not every country could adopt the ebin Nordic model libs like to gush about. You are rich partially from the oil, but mostly because other countries are poor. Venezuela is actually a good example of when an oil-rich nation that is a traditional victim of imperialism tries to take on a similar model to that of Norway.
Which says what about secular muslim before the 20s? Hmm? That is my point, where are they?
Yeah, the CIA funds "extremist" while the Soviet rolls back laws so that they can be "extremist" too.
It's not just AK-47.
Christians weren't secular back then and you expect me to show you secular muslims?
It wasn't the Soviets that rolled back the laws, it was the Taliban who got into power.
Then give me sources.
The fact? Christians were secular back then, christians have been secular since the goddamn Englintenement.
Yes? Why not? You muslims can be secular right?
Nope, both the Soviet and the Tablin rolled back laws.
You know that we were to Sweden/Denmark what Korea was to Japan, right? We were also victims of imperialism but now we have come to good terms with each other.
What are you talking about, slavery was a thing and you tell me they were secular? Most of the people were xenophobes. Sure secular ideas were born in the enlightenment but that doesn't magically make everyone secular.
Yes, on the condition that they are not poor and uneducated like they are now in the third world.
Also that weapon you linked isn't shown to be used by terrorists during the Soviet period.
Slavery was outlawed since the 20th century, it's only kept in the muslim countries. In fact, slavery was secularity too, since Christianity forbid slavery.
So I guess saudi arabians are secular? How about the ones in Qtar? Or the ones in Iran? Hmm?
It's used by the muslim states.
Yes, but European countries colonized the whole world and even today they exploit many third world countries, leading them to extremism.
Those places are Monarchies and Theocracies were the religious dogma is law. What exactly are you implying? That Christianity is somehow better? Because it was the exact same before changes were made against its religious dominance.
The text doesn't specify who rolled back the women's rights, only that it happened during that period.
Colonialism was done by every major countries in the world, muslim countries included. Look at the Ottoman.
They all have decent to high living standard, surely, poverty and education do not make one secular.
Considering the Soviet occupied the territory at that time, the responsibility of laws fall upon them.
Social democracy is a nice dream but it's a failed project that can only be sustained by marxist revolutions happening in other countries.
Elaborate on this. As in, Nordic countries are successful because the Soviets came to power?
If there were no revolutions in the 20th century I don't think social democracy would even be a thing.
The Ottomans didn't colonize, they expanded and they were forced to abandon their territories by the major powers of Europe. Also, muslims in Turkey today are much more moderate.
When compared to muslims in the USSR, or muslims that have migrated to European nations you can tell how the political system in these Monarchies reinforces religious fundamentalism. Also, the only way such countries exist the way they do is because it is in the direct interest of Imperialism.
That is a non sequitur. Just because they occupied the territory doesn't mean they controlled it absolutely. If fundamentalists held over parts of Afghanistan they could impose their own laws.
please fill this out before posting again
shame I forgot my bаboon kibble…
Why do you think social democracies are falling to right wingers OP ?