‘Male-free’ music festival ruled discriminatory by Swedish authorities
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Guards! This one got out of the man-pen.
rt on america
rt on Europe
I love it. Fuck the west.
These seem like TERFs or second-wave feminists who get into hot water because they ban trans women from their hen parties. Abloo bloo
Is RT a reliable source?, this one seems real but in my country they brought this story about russian feminists that threw bleach or some shit into men's pants in subways which turned out to be fake.
did you mean to post this on the other Zig Forums?
Leftypol has been opposed to idpol from the very beginning. Did you mean to fuck off to reddit?
It's a source with a pretty heavy agenda (that varies by state), much like any foreign news outlet in a country it is trying to push an agenda favourable to the state that influences it. It can be useful on various issues, but it is owned by Putin-aligned oligarchs. Such is the nature of capitalist media.
Daily reminder inter-sectional feminism doesn't look at class issues at all. They have every single other identity factor in it but class. Go figure.
Well it clearly had to look at it since they segregated the working men from the consuming women.
No, no it is not.
Imagine being this retarded.
yes, yes it is. Any distinction that can be made is part of your identity. lower or middle or upper class is a huge part of your identity and is more important than race.
Those aren't real nor class in the socialist sense.
"Three" is not "Chicago" – I guess this is part of my identity now.
there is literally nothing wrong with segregation of any kind
Distinctions between people. Nice self portrait.
"Ruth" is not "Jake" – I guess this is part of my identity now.
Well yes, you're starting to get the idea. A difference of names is a clear distinction. Does your guardian know you're using the computer?
Definitely a self portrait.
if anybody wants a wild ride
really this sounds like a fucking retarded move.
"Woodhull joined the International Workingmen's Association, also known as the First International. She supported its goals by articles in her newspaper. In the United States, many Yankee radicals, former abolitionists and other progressive activists, became involved in the organization, which had been founded in England. German-American and ethnic Irish nearly lost control of the organization, and feared its goals were going to be lost in the broad-based, democratic egalitarianism promoted by the Americans. In 1871, the Germans expelled most of the English-speaking members of the First International's U.S. sections, leading to the quick decline of the organization, as it failed to attract the ethnic working class in America.[49] Karl Marx commented disparagingly on Woodhull in 1872, and expressed approval of the expulsions."
Where's a link to this? The current page implies it was racism that booted people out.
You sound like a retarded poster who can't identify when something is trying to lead you by your ear to a conclusion.
The state of wage-cucks in 2018:
RT's journalistic tone remains unmatched in the consistent bantz it delivers.
If you imagine RT as well informed concern trolls their coverage becomes far more entertaining.
My boomer folks recently dragged me to a Texas Roadhouse. They didn't dance or anything but the food was pretty shit. I got a burger and they basically just threw the ingredients on a plate. I had to rearrange the tomato and onion slices so they weren't all falling out one side. And they took two microwave bacon strips and put them in an X across the center of the burger like on the confederate flag, most of the bacon extending way off the burger. The free rolls are also disgusting. They're made of shitty bleached flour to begin with but they add loads of sugar on top of that. It's like eating a cupcake. I actually kind of liked having unlimited peanuts but fuck they were messy. Giant middle finger to anyone with an allergy.
And the place was packed too. It was like a Tuesday night at 4pm and there was a 30+ minute wait.
That is literally impossible.
Why would you post this obnoxiously pedantic shit even ironically?
the fact that being part of the proletariat is technically an aspect of your life and so in some sense part of your identity doesn't matter.
Sometimes workerism and caring about that can be used as propoganda, but it doesn't actually matter. It doesn't matter whether or not rich people look down on poors and are less likely to hire them, what matters is the existence of the distinction in material terms, not cultural assumptions or biases involving it.
Intersectionalfucks do consider "class" to be one of their many axis of oppression, but only in the same sense as race and gender. Where what matters is treatment and bias and shit. "Classism", not the actual existence of material class.
If that were the case they wouldn't be getting such blowback. They say they're including class and then never touch it because they're brainlets.
Some of them do sometimes.
It doesn't matter if they don't because when they do their treatment of it is myopic shit anyways. Like I said.
Intersectionfags "don't do class" not in the sense that they never address it, but that they don't understand what it is and therefore aren't addressing the right thing. Class is not how much money you have. It isn't something that breaks down by tax bracket. It's a matter of your relation to the production process - how the parts of the economic system fit together. The intersectional conception of class is idealist rather than material. Where they mention class it's primarily about the differences in expenses based on income and the resulting cultural differences that result from means-based market segmentation. What restaurants you eat at and so on. The use of "oppression" as the bad juju is telling. I have never heard an intersectionalist refer to exploitation in the sense that Marx described.
Thats exactly what i'm trying to say.
Though they also often fail to even address plain income inequality.
this is it, the peak of everything
Holy shit I'm dead
What the actioual fuck, how would the Unions tolerate an enviroment wher workers re so Demonized. (Aren’t unions strong in Sweden?)
Because it's woke as fuck.
why does leftypol hate females?
No dick. Into the trash they go.
Actual misogyny is rare here, and even then those get btfo. This board normally gets mad at either A)capitalism but with feminine traits (just capitalism) B)literally segregation as this thing is.
Idpolers literally can not help themselves. It is like they have an inner need to commit crimes agaimst humanity. I mean they spontaneously created a mock concentration camp for crying out loud. Their own ineptitude led them to this path! Fate!