How do Christcoms want relations between different religions to work? Do you support other religious socialist movements?
How do Christcoms want relations between different religions to work...
It will either be Christian in name only, or they will eventually revert to capitalism (or possibly even feudalism) after realizing that private property is vital to forcing religious idealism onto others.
Interfaith dialogue buddy.
I am so fucking grateful you asked him if he could explain. Sometimes you are just phoneposting after the worst night of your life and you have no energy left to type down what the poster above said and then "explain". I love you
Opiate of the masses. Religion gradually loses its cultural influence as societal conditions improve.
but his post implied that religiosity leads to private property, not necessarily the same as religion declining as conditions improve.
using an outdated rule book as your ideological guide is the most undialectical thing one could possibly imagine. there should be no tolerance for christcucks on this board.
christ coms are the worst posters on this board
This. I’d sooner hang out with a Nazi than a christcom.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Not that user but
Religion will seize to exist in Communism so either Religious people will be forced to support reactionary policies to keep their faith surviving (therefore becoming class enemies and deserve to be shot into a trench) or be forced to drop religion altogether or slowly watch it die out and that's not gonna happen when Faith>Reason.
Ask any religious Communist if they'll prefer a Communist utopia where no one is religious and the religion has died out or some form of Socialist maybe even socdem utopia or near utopia but their religion still exists and does it's stuff. If they don't answer the 1st one their traitors and if they do their not very faithful to their religion and religious beliefs.
I think that's a little bit too far considering Nazi's are Christians but degernated ones and Right wing.
I'm not as anti-Christian as some here but Christcoms are always Christians first and communists second which should be recognized. It is also totally beyond question that Christcom flags are among the absolute most vile, reactionary douchebags who post on this board.
But there are some sane ones and communists in the West will go NOWHERE if we don't win over the religious population. (The CCCP was largely Orthodox even after decades of state atheism)
Tell that to Vrill
It literally is though. Logicians call this equivalence a contrapositive.
"not having property => not having religion"
is logically equivalent to
"having religion => having property"
The only thing that complicates this is the element of time. Not having property doesn't immediately get rid of religion. But in the long term the relation does hold.
I'm an atheist, but there's nevertheless one thing I struggle with in this viewpoint. If communism is the final materialist revolution, where the people materially sustaining humanity finally take implement a system where they're perpetually in charge, what struggle comes afterwards? It can't be materialist struggle. Doesn't this imply that the stuff people will be occupied with vaguely belong to what we now call 'idealist' or even 'spiritual'. It will be a thoroughly uncucked spiritualism, not the life denying shit Nietzsche got pissed at, but "spiritualism" nonetheless (for lack of a better word), and it would possibly continue the Christian tradition in some way or another.
Further I'd posit that such elements were always present in Christianity. Not as much in the vulgar stuff common people convinced themselves of, or the official theologies stipulated by the church, but at least in the rare moments of genuine creativity it brought forth. Even though labor is systematically alienated under class society, there have always been rare moments at the margins where this alienation is overcome. Christianity has been a huge cultural institution for our society, and it involves lots of personally inspiring texts and ideas. It only makes sense that it has been an object of authentic creative spirit.
Maybe I'm not cynical enough here, and there is no creative spirit independent of material struggle. But what then is communism even supposed to be? That's what confuses me.
Who knows? That there even is an "end of history" of any kind is debatable. One day communism could be seen as being as flawed as capitalism currently is.
This. There isn't much else to say.
i think theyre very confusing but this is fucking stupid and reflects poorly on you
Theocracy now.
This is honestly one of the biggest bullshit positions Marxists have.
The only thing that would probably disappear is naive folk religion, educated people still convert to Christianity on the basis of philosophy/theology.
Their corrupted Christians with some race and state worship thrown in.
Literal radlib tier thing to believe. Hitler openly said he was a deist, Himmler was Himmler, etc. What about racial supremacism is even remotely Christian?
Imho nazis were nietzschean; they considered christianity as having failed the mission of creating a consistent bourgeoise ideology and so they thought a fundamental rethinking of it was necessary. Basically the creation of "myth"
When it's not just red liberalism mixed with 'ancient oriental wisdom' and 'universal love' bullshit, socialist ideology incorporating Buddhist insights can be very useful. I think Christian commies could get along with Buddhist commies pretty well. They have much to learn from each other.
Buddhists can provide an outlook into the different ways in which human desire for enjoyment and security is harnessed for profit and exploited. They are experts at explaining the mental mechanisms behind addiction and subjugation to peer pressure, what causes one to fall into the capitalist abyss of manufactured desires in the first place, and how to get out. It can offer means of rejecting the relentless superego compulsion to enjoy.
Fully compatible with historical materialism, Buddhists see that "all conditioned things are impermanent", including social structures and relationships of power. The transformation of social life is just as unavoidable as the transformation of personal life, like how the child matures into an adult. Communism, primitive or modern, is the complete unity of the human species-being with this fundamental instability and malleability of the Real. In that unity, the human species-being can navigate the Real and shape it to its will without limit.
So Christian socialism, greatly influenced by liberation theology, can find a lot of common ground with other commie-fied religious or spiritual traditions. Maybe very different, but working toward the same end regardless. I have no doubt islamig gommunism has some good ideas as well. I'm all for interfaith dialogue.
It may happen, but the trend is obviously the opposite, the more educated you are, the less likely you are to be religious.
Not really at a macro level: in states with irreligious pluralirites and majorities the uneducated tend to be irreligious. It is all about cultural norms and institutional influence.
Do you think Hinduism can be salvaged, seeing as the caste system is obviously anti-Marxist? Is Hindu Marxism possible?
In states with irreligious pluralirites and majorities people tend to be more educated in general.
Nazism was ideally anti-bourgeois, they aimed to create a new aristocracy where the more sick and depraved you were, the higher you would stand.
So I'm a Communist and a Christian. Never seen a Christian Communist party so I'm unfamiliar with it if it were to be a separate ideology.
However I would see it something like the DPRK mixed with different religious orders throughout history. Largely authoritarian as a guard against those who call evil good and good evil
No way, it's totally the opposite. People will abandon organized religion that does nothing but support capital. People had "naive folk religions" in primitive communism, there's no reason they won't in future communism