Insect Socialism

Hive Insects have very advanced societies, inventing agriculture millions of years before humans, and they are also extremely Communistic, due to their co-operative nature. All hive insects work give according to their ability, and take according to their need. While some may argue that hive insects are not socialist due to the inherent difference between individuals in their society, it is important to remember that no ant, bee or termite has ever taken more than their labor output has deserved them. The queens in these societies do not rule or take more than they deserve, but instead receive compensation for their ability, which is the ability to give birth to other ants.

If you have a nest of ants or termites in your garden, care for it, and help them by feeding them scraps of food that you do not want to eat. Do not exterminate your arthropod comrades, and do not purposely crush them. Although they may be small and alien in their appearance, they are still intelligent and sentient creatures.

Attached: Termites.jpg (2700x1800 65.24 KB, 2.86M)

any ideology which advocates a strong growing political economy is intrinsically humanist. blindly protecting insects plays no role in the proliferation of man.
key word: blindly

Marx would commit suicide if he saw stuff like this

Comparing society to the behavior of non-human animals is retarded. Humans are not eusocial.

Humans shall perish. GLORY TO THE INSECTS.

Ants and bees do so much good for the ecosystem which directly benefits humans so not protecting them is a terrible idea. Even saving individual ants could help, as that ant could expand their colony, and ant colonies are the most important things in the ecosystem besides some plants

No ant ever called me a nigger

Homogeneous group of lifeforms working together and repelling all outsiders. Sounds like nationalism to me.

I wonder who's behind this post.

Attached: antposter.png (937x429, 20.33K)

As an invasive species, feral honey bees have become a significant environmental problem in non-native areas. Imported bees may displace native bees and birds, and may also promote the reproduction of invasive plants ignored by native pollinators. Unlike native bees, they do not properly extract or transfer pollen from plants with pore anthers (anthers which only release pollen through tiny apical pores); this requires buzz pollination, a behavior rarely exhibited by honey bees. Honey bees reduce fruiting in Melastoma affine, a plant with pore anthers, by robbing its stigmas of previously deposited pollen.

Also, ants are some of the only species to interact with other species without killing them.

Attached: aphidswithants.jpg (1024x683, 252.54K)

Ants are based and redpilled and objectively cute.


Aphids are around as intelligent to ants as cows are to us, and they serve a similar purpose, although ants are less exploitative as they allow the aphids free roam and do not kill them for meat.

Meanwhile humans steal from every species they can, kill them and rape them too.

I want an ant gf

they eat that sweet shit made of sugar directly from their assholes who the FUCk wouldn't steal that

also i agree, you shouldn't use animals as examples of why your ideology mighty work, evolution is wild, you could have an animal society that basically evolved to be commumist and then another that really likes to do holocausts all the time

OK Porky

I did not say defending stuff is nationalism and if I did then please explain how and where. My point is that insects work together in homogeneous groups of their own kind, much like humans did before they were forced to do otherwise. People like to be around others that look like they could be there own family members, it's just nature.

How is it even exploiting their labour in the first place? The ants literally eat their shit, which the aphids do not need nor want in any regard. The ants are taking something useless to the aphids and using it for themselves.

Humans integrated through various processes, and people tend to not care about how many white people are in their neighborhood. Saying that the evil jews/cultural Marxists (Assuming that you are a fascist) forced them to is bullshit.

Therefore everyone and everything (excluding potential aliens that live with other species) is nationalist

That thread was dead

Shit wrong thread, meant to post in another thread

How does that equate to me saying that defending stuff is nationalism?

Have you ever heard of affirmative action, forced (at gunpoint) desegregation, section 8 zoning, white flight?

yes we've heard all your buzzwords since you constantly try to flood this shithole every day

Go back to your hole Zig Forumsyp

We can do this one step at a time then. Now that you acknowledge you have heard of those "buzzwords", do you refute the fact that they force people of different races to live and work together when they wouldn't otherwise? If you don't then it isn't bullshit, right?

And they've prevented most of their colony from doing anything fun and fulfilling with their lives, all so they can grow the colony for no aparant reward or pleasure in life whatsoever. They are just machines wasting time doing nothing but existing, going literally nowhere with anything because they don't know any better. Very smart. What a waste.

Join the fun user, we are having a discussion here. I'm not being too rude. Your ideology is strong enough for some debating, no?

So life for you is about pleasure and rewards, but for many people it's about survival, family and carrying forward the respected values and ways of our ancestors into the future through our customs and traditions.

Ants probably get fulfillment from growing their colony, rather than wasting their time like humans do.

You literally came into a thread about ants and tried to derail it with your gay ideology. I'm not going to waste time debating you.

It didn't read that way to me. It looks like ants, bees and termites are being held up as an example of how communism is being executed perfectly by insects. I thought it was interesting and pointed out that it could also show other things, like how in-group preference, not to the exclusion of interaction with all other life, seems to be working well for all of nature.

Yeah like a machine it keeps running until it runs out of juice or somebody turns it off. It's doesn't really know what's going on that kind of living is just a condition of it's existence.

Insects have a null quality of life. Cannot be valued even if the quality was available.