Can we all take a minute to realize that ☭TANKIE☭ moderation and excessive bans are a GOOD thing? Look at what happened to the butthurt anarchkiddies who moved to Zig Forums – it is a literal fascist, Pol Pot-worshipping Nazbol board now and almost indistinguishable from Zig Forums and /fascist/. The lesson learned is that if you are not harsh in moderation, cancer will take over your board.
Moderation Appreciation Thread
I guess the keyword I forgot was “seemingly” because I’ve heard that criticism before
The reason Zig Forums has virtually no moderating is not because the moderators are lazy or that they are for free speech, it is simply to get more traffic from shitposters
It was a bad thing though. For most of 2018, obvious nazis, tedious incels, idpolers of all stripies and other insufferable badposters were allowed to run riot.
meanwhile brit socdem got perma'd.
there's a reason this board gets slower and slower each passing month and it's not just because 8ch in general is dying.
he does it for free the state
Kinda unrelated, but why is Zig Forums dying? Do anons move to somewhere else?
methinks you are probably exaggerating significantly
Also this board was inarguably better 3 years ago, before the schism. Oldfags will all agree.
This. You can keep Nazis and shitposters at bay without retarded sectarianism and a liberal interpretation of what counts as “support for imperialism”.
This tbh.
False beliefs should be extirpated
imagine letting stupid ass gringo anarkiddies, left liberals, social democrats (aka ChapoTrapHouse aka /r/socialism aka Zig Forums) roam wild in leftypol and make it look like any other english-speaking leftist space in the internet, i.e. full of US state department propaganda, le stalin killed 500 gorillion so we should support anarchism/social democracy BULLSHIT
praise the mods
FUCK left liberals
FUCK social democrats
FUCK democratic socialists
FUCK anarchists
t. marxist
libruls, suckydems and LOLjava-type anarkids, I agree; demsocs and some anarchs are passable.
i dont even mind "rojava enthusiasts" and some favoring of them, it's understandable to some degree
but it all to often goes off the rails with denying dependence on US forces and on the same time pretending that they are in a position to negotiate and fight on their own, these silly forced comparisons with the Soviet Union and eventually it's also just screeching at Assad and gas attacks
somewhere between not wanting the kurds to get gassed by turkish terrorists as revenge for their betrayal and kissing their ass for them doing nothing wrong and being the only bastion of US sponsored socialist revolution should be a reasonable position to be found
so tiresome…
i don't know about moderation outside of that
there's at least one of them who gets butthurt and bans for personal reason having a clique of his own guys he's acting protective over giving unwarranted bans while at the same time lifting bans for his guys, and other questionable shit
but for the most it seems they got things under control, so i guess nice job, it's not as bad as it could be
Imagine being so new that you think that this sub was "like any other english-speaking leftist space in the internet" before the BO had a spastic fit.
lol I've got reddit on the mind
BO did little to nothing wrong
I'd say that moderation took a turn for worse at one point, but right now it's quite close to optimal condition - and these things just happen inevitably.
Spotted a catgirl communist
The mentally ill solidarity foundation has arrived.
It won't recover because all it takes is for BO to come back during one of their psychotic breaks and start banning people for petty shit.
This thread is for appreciation, leave heathen
The split was retarded, and only came out of the rage that anarchists felt, because the idiots felt it resembled a Stalinist purge. Because a lot don't seem to understand that Stalinists seem to deny that history ever happened, (it did but it's been exagerrated a lot) and that all purges were justified (even though high ranking bearucrats were executed for merely disagreeing with Stalin) it created a disconnect with insurrectionary a fags, and ☭TANKIE☭s i still critically support the Stalinist USSR, seeing as im not a mega autist level trotskyist
I want drawfag back tbh. What even happened to her?
She has a twitter account where she posts some good stuff.
She drew some nice young marx fan art, but she some times still retweets bat'ko, so beware of shit attacking the soviet union for aiding afghanistan. back to posting about how the moderation has been pretty good please uwu, and owo to all
That and banning anyone for anything in a week/month long tantrum, like Cav for being in the military a decade or so ago, or people making jokes to the degree people now state they are making jokes to avoid bans. And trying to force people onto Space's shitty site where they would still remain in control, and admitting in modmail they're trying to destroy the board "becuz nazbols :' '(( "
Quit for career reasons.
I like the steps the moderation has taken recently, relaxing it's stance "imperialism" and not anchoring every thread about leSDF. We have a good Syria thread going right now (Though a third of the posts are probably by me) and board quality is generally decent when burgers are asleep.
The board was still way better before the split, though.
I think we need to try to reunite leftpol back into leftypol because:
1) it would probably bump up this board up to around 800-1000 members instead of the average of 500-600.
2) Its better to have unity of diversity then to just become an echo chamber like r/socialism or r/communism.
Also, with more members posting here we can coordinate more theory and actions rather then serving the needs of various micro-sects.
Do some ☭TANKIE☭s just uncritticaly support Assad?
It's a vibe i've been getting from some posrs even though, they, just like Rowjava, depend depend on a lot of forgein aid (islamist reactionaries like hezzbollah they're anti imperialist but in a fashy sort of way. They're also not anti capitalist so if they come out on top in the Iran vs Saudi thing, it just looks like another boot to lick, Russia/some of it's former soviet bloc members)
I think you need to calm down a bit lol. Being an autistic ☭TANKIE☭ helps noone.
t. former autistic ☭TANKIE☭
You underestimate leftpol's autism level comrade.
That being said we could possibly affiliate together and create a new website, just yoink 8 chans formatting, and change thatbar at the top with all the porn reccomendations into a roster, while slowly phasing out the other boards to give time to adjust(idk just fantasizing i guess).
Us, and Marx/Anarcho
Perhaps I do underestimate their autism level, for I have only been on that board a handful of times. It would be a great idea to at least merge Marx / Anarcho with leftypol along with leftpol to form a super-coalition of the all the various tendencies and then maybe one day create our own website.
This idea was shit on constantly before the split as the main attraction to leftypol is that it was on a non-leftist website with no censorship and an absent BO.
can mods ban christ com posters next please
Thisa. Zig Forums is a board for scientific socialism only
Yes the mission creep must continue so that things can flourish even more.
Unrelated, but seriously, what the fuck is up with that guy. I saw him retweeting dozens of pro-Mujahideen stuff in regards to Afghanistan. And this guy claims to be a "non-sectarian anarchist shitposter"?
Clout/money/pussy chasing. He strawmans anti-idpol arguments he knows better about.
Oh well, that's the same road Muke took. Although Muke did it so blatantly open in his appeals to liberals that it makes it almost more honest. Bat'ko claims to be le ebin authentic grassroot guy from Zig Forums, which makes his sell out even worse.
And if you have too much moderation, the board becomes useless, because there is no meaningful debate to be had between people who all agree with each other. Quelling infograph spam and other Zig Forums schizo behavior is one thing, but it is not as if openly banning people for retarded views or anchoring half of the new threads will advance world socialism or damage the neoliberal propaganda mill. All censoring online discussion does is feed into the notion that Marxists are dangerous idiots with power lust; no ideology is above criticism, and silencing critics of Marx gives people the false impression that his ideas cannot be defended rationally.
Not that I expect much. Every leftist communist invariably either becomes flooded with COINTELPRO identity politics or devolves into ☭TANKIE☭ LARPing.
Marxism is truth though, it is science. It is beyond question as much as the fact that the sky is blue or that things on Earth fall when you drop them. You viewing Marxism as just another ideology in the “marketplace of ideas” is a bourgeois worldview that thinks there is no truth. Marxism has proven itself to be beyond criticism
Imagine actually being this retarded
Wew this thread is for appreciation but that rustles me a bit. Marxism is truth, it’s all there for any rational individual to see.
Anchoring this thread for reason of the fact that we don't need a thread for supporting us for doing what we asked to do. It would be far more productive to have a thread discussing long-term moderation policies and means of growth than a thread for kissing ass
Alternative method: 1s bans prefixed with something like "Note:" or when applicable "Warning:"
Sounds pretty COINTELPRO-tier to me. What, do you guys not believe Marxism is true? Why even call yourself a Marxist then? I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t recognize it as true
Alternative suggestion: 100000000000000s ban for this poster
The other user was suggesting a means of placing notes from the moderation without using the php or going through the moderation thread and making superfluous notes. The point about what is being said isn't that Marxism isn't true, it's that Marxism is not a teleology - its not a truth process. You can't just slap a favorable label onto something and claim it exempt from inquiry
OP status: cucked
Marxism is not a fucking religion
i like how anarchists give Stalin shit for being a "homophobic racist" and so on but will support the fucking Mujahideen of all people to own the ☭TANKIE☭s epic style. does Bat'ko realise the Mujahideen were literal right wing religious extremists who wanted to get rid of equal rights and put women back in fucking burqas? not even going to mention how they were supported by the CIA. talk about double standard.