A claim that often comes up in discussions of extreme poverty is that the share of people in extreme poverty is declining only because international institutions deliberately choose a poverty line that is much too low. It is suggested then that "true poverty" in the world is actually increasing.
This allegation is unfounded. If you think the poverty line should be higher than the International Poverty Line, and it should instead be 1,000 int.-$ per year, you can see that in 2003, 48% of the world population was below this poverty line; and ten years later, in 2013, 29% was below this line. A decline of 20 percentage points in one decade relative to this higher poverty line!
If you think the international poverty line should be much higher and should indeed be 4,000 int.-$, then you see that in 2003, 80% of the world population was below that poverty line. 10 years later: 67%. A decline of 13 percentage points!
I thought the controversy was that the poverty line was changed at some point, and that if the poverty line was consistent for the last 100 years it’d show more people falling below it, not more people rising above it. Defining poverty by money is poisoning the well anyway, many of these third world people were better off being sustenance farmers then being stupid precarious in ghettos in the city.
the first is misrepresenting because the price of products like TVs, cars and video games has decreased vastly and worker's benefits have also increased a whole lot and the third is not sourced and is made up bullshit
Benjamin Morales
so what? the cost of production doesn't have anything to do with how poor someone is it's the cost of infrastructure plus the cost of wages divided, all divided by the value of surplus goods.
Daniel Perry
Are you from that shithole that is r/badeconomics?
Camden Reed
The top 1% are not the bourgeoisie. The top one percent of income earners is like 250 - 300 k. A good lawyer, surgeon or someone with a few “Subway” sandwich franchises can make that. At best the top 1% is the petite bourgeois. It should be more like the top .01% which you have earn more like 10 million per year. And the share of wealth for the top .01% has definitely climbed.
Michael Murphy
This is a false success that is pretty much an artificial creation of capitalist institutions. Absolute poverty is a meaningless parameter, relative poverty is much more important and that did not change at all in the last decades, if anything it got much worse.
1)While poverty in developing countries has been falling somewhat, poverty in richer countries has risen during the same time period. 2)It is not taken into account that someone who moves off the land and into the city, now technically has a higher wage but also needs to pay rent, live in a smaller space and work under much harder conditions cant be really considered to be 'lifted out of poverty'. What the global poverty reduction especially in places like China primarily indicates is just a sharp decrease of the number of people working in agriculture, and more and more people working in cities.
Dominic Jenkins
It’s basically stagnated or increased slightly since the 80s in Europe. Though I’m not sure the point of illustrating this over the long term with social democratic states if your overall goal here is to say capitalism is doing great. Sure, they reduced inequality, through redistributive states and curbing property rights with regulation on business activity. And as that is being attacked with austerity in the EU they’re having debt crises, conflict among member states over who is benefitting most in some mercantilist feud, and inequality is rising. Overall inequality is rising because the other largest world economies, America and China, are seeing the proceeds of production split by leaps and bounds, while the aforementioned states are mostly either stable in their shares or slightly rising.
Dylan Lopez
Marxists will ensure that only 0.01% of the world will control 99.5% of the currency, means of production, property, media, industry, military complexes, etc. The Hyper Elite are Laughing Out Loud at you silly young goyim. Thank you for your service and remember that your souls belong to Moloch in life and death. You are our best golems and most useful of idiots…such good goys indeed.(GOY WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
how many times do you fascists have to bring another neoliberal to power with "privatization" programs in the name of "saving the west"? your whole movement is a joke and farce designed by the upper class. the second you get your way the west becomes even more of a shithole than it was before. every. single. time.
People can't eat TVsz cars, and videogames. The amount of disposable income left after paying for food, healthcare, and other necessities has gone down.
Julian Powell
you are the ultimate degenerates. you whore our children out to Coca-Cola and McDonalds, slashing away their education programs so they can walk around as "adults" in their retardation and obesity. you increasingly create more dregs, more worthless subhumans who go jobless because they can barely function.
Angel Collins
on top of that. you do all of this, in the name of "saving the white race". but the people who've lied to you never gave a shit about that, or jews. they just want to peddle more McDonalds-like institutions for you whore "people" to whore your children to, because you hate yourselves and want everyone to be as worthless and pathetic as you.
You are simply vessels that are bound to The Elites, much like any shabbos goy or lapdoggieboi. 600 million, 60 million, 6 million. Just based numbers my goy. Advanced AI and Robotics will eliminate the need for so many slaves no matter what contrived political compass they have chosen. You are food for the rich, not the other way around.
Ethan Scott
we're not seeing any of that for 1000 years, you would know that if you weren't raised on subhuman Reaganist education programs.
Luke Bell
The leftist subservients are completely stupefied and loyal to their NWO, Zionist, Illuminati, and Free-Mason masters…not to mention the Elites that control even those groups. You believe somehow that I am a Neocon or a Fascist simply because you tilt at windmills and consider any threat to be "a nazi." Mission Accomplished. I can't wait until you lot begin biting your own tails! Hahahahaha. Oh…and you think that this technology isn't already being rolled out for the late 21st century? You even believe that you'll be allowed to live and breed for the next 1000 years? You really love the beautiful lie that we gave you and cherish it like it was your own. Such innocence.
Except I'm not. my one and only goal is a state controlled by the working class, instead of McDonalds owners like you. that's what liars and self-loathing obese mcdonalds-eating dumb people have told you because they don't want you to think for yourself. if you are opposed to the bourgeoisie, you are opposed to the bourgeoisie. period. It has nothing to do with Zionism, or Satanism, or any of your godless Occult mysticism. there is no functioning human-replicating AI. there isn't even one that can replicate anything smarter than a cockroach properly. you know nothing. while you read magical fantasy books about Tolkienist fantasies I've actually been observing the research done on AI. you live in a fantasy and have no idea what the state of the academic world is, because you were never trained to by your Reaganist leaders.
Daniel Howard
You really are the perfect slaves.
Is this some kind of insult? I tell you that the 0.01% are going to get rid of their slaves and reduce the population down to >600 million select few and even further and your response is to insinuate that my Happy Meals have been improperly arranged? Hahahahaha, oh my goodest of goys. You have no idea what kind of technology was taken from Tesla and many others of his caliber; worked upon all these years not for you, but for a future in which slaves have no part. Your illusion and the information that we allow you to see is the beautiful lie. You seem content…even righteous in your fantasies. Why do you think that a "state controlled by plebeian underclass scum" would ever work? Take a look at The UK right now if you want a glimpse of your future. None of you can even touch people who are well connected and wealthy. You are so scared that you will lay down and die as we have Europe and The USA Khalergified. Accept your fate and realize that this plan has been in action for more than 1200 years.
Joshua Wright
nothing you tell me is worth anything because you are an uneducated indvidual. you literally believe we are headed towards some kind of Warhammer 40k mystic reality where AI is a real thing, when it definitely won't be for a large large amount of time. Go back to reading your scienceless occultist books about magical jewish wizards, it's all your dumb low Autism Level uneducated mcdonald-hoarding brain is good for.
Sebastian Murphy
Jesus Christ, fascism really is the idiot's class consciousness. It's actually kind of depressing seeing class rage channeled into such impotent, reactionary politics where any revolutionary potential becomes defense of the bourgeoisie and their institutions.
Easton Nelson
Such a lack of reading comprehension combined with snide unwillingness to give a decent response. The middle class, upper class, millionares, and those who aren't well connected are expendable like the proles. We are headed for a bunch of stupid goyim like yourselves dead and buried, while the elite who control the entire banking structure of the world continue to laugh and play as they always have. You certainly like macdonalds though…I'll give you that much. Any revolution you can come up with will be spun out and turned against actual fascists "your enemy" as it were. World overpopulation will be solved by starving out idiot proles, bourgeoisie, upper class types, and even those with millions in the bank. Hahaha…good lord I have never seen such dense fools in my life.
Jason Harris
you know nothing about AI, noeliberal bootlicker
Jordan Sanchez
Why do Zig Forumsyps always type as if they were roleplaying or something?
Jeremiah Rogers
Why the assumptions? If I assume you are the same tedious Cultural Marxist fallen under our Frankfurt school to lay out the groundwork that led to COINTELPRO, CIA, and MKULTRA; can we then assume that you and I are brothers? After all, assuming that I am Neoliberal would put me in a slightly newer branch of subversives than dear daddy Marx, correct? The fundamental truth is as it has been since the beginning of Human Civilization; The Poor exist to serve The Rich.
Evan Lewis
everything you claim has been disproven by logic and science, otherwise your ilk would have no problem dominating academia as marxism did
Evan Walker
I don’t know why you’re even bothering with the “elites” dogwhistle when you don’t even hide the fact that you’re talking about da joos.
Also, there is no overpopulation, cut it out with this stupid myth. Starvation, poverty and environmental exploitation are all the natural results of capitalism, of the process of capital accumulation and reproduction.
Also, I have no clue why you think socialists like financial institutions.
P.S. Don't forget that inflation is rising faster than the wages.
Alexander Lopez
There is overpopulation according to my outlook and terms. A bunch of proles and idiots who are useless at anything other than dancing to the games of the tune laid forth by The Elite. Unless you collapse the entire financial system and electrical grid everywhere on earth, then there is no hope. You people are weaker than I expected. Ta-ta, my fiat dogs.
Jason Taylor
that's pretty much what every Marxist wants to do.
To prevent "The Soul Reap" and mass slaughter of more than 9 billion people. I unlike yourselves don't find people stricken with mass starvation and genocide simply because they are unfortunate foolish middleclass slugs or fallow slave races to be anything noble or just. We are all going to feel the burning heat of neutron bombs anyway, right?
The gains that would be had for eliminating poverty by Communist revolution would be much greater and immediate than decades of Capitalist improvement. Not to mention how much faster improvement that would come from a planned economy versus a random one.