Fireman who was protesting with yellow vests shot dead by government

Can we provide humanitarian intervention to the French and enact a no fly zone to prevent further war crimes? This is peak dictatorship of the bourgeois repressing the working class smh

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is Macron rn

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If this isn't the spark the ignites the powder keg nothing will be.


With so much chaos, someone will do something stupid. And when they do, things will turn nasty.

Why doesn't Trump just supply moderate French rebels with arms?

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Excellent idea, what could go wrong by arming moderate rebels fighting an extremist leader such as Macron?

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This is a based timeline

Exactly - the longer the US government refuses to supply moderate rebels against the French government, the more likely that French extremists will hijack the yellow vest movement and turn France into an Islamo-fascist state!


And they'll have the rest of the world's media running cover on this. Watch every other major news network attempt to downplay this as a "whoopsie daisy" moment

I fucking knew it, I called this shit yesterday. I knew they were looking for an excuse to kill people, and lo and fucking behold.

well, he's not 'dead' yet, just brain dead

Damn, we lost another one to the far right

Macron the Mauler must go!

He's not brain dead, he may have a brain injury. He's in an induced coma.


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*accelerationism intensifies*

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Found this pic on an article about the same incident.

Attached: communist yellow vests.jpg (2465x1643, 508.73K)

Is the happening lads?

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Der sozialistische Weltrepublik is incoming, bois.

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It really rustles my jimmies that cops get so much love (and financial support) as "first responders" but people all but ignore fire fighters and EMTs (you know, the people actually doing shit rather than taking notes for a police report).

How do I argue with my friend when he says that the fuel tax by Macron is epic because it saves the environment and that the yellow vests only want French destruction? Like, surely more taxes aren't the solution to a better environment.

martyrs are good for morale

Very true.

Climate change is the fault of the economic system not currently doing enough to combat it. The economic system is controlled by those with economic power. The fuel tax mainly affects lower class people. The lower class people should not shoulder the burden.

Explain to him that it literally won't stop fuel consumption at all as you can't exactly get around or get to work for matter without a car nowadays

That was Obama's job.

Fucking knew it would happen eventually

Shouldn't China get the blame for mass pruducing low quality junk that breaks?

It's largely Japanese and American companies designing their products to break.


Japanese and American companies offshore manufacturing, not designing. This is common knowledge, I don't know why you idiots would ask for a source on this unless you believe the US and Japan can do no wrong and would never design something around planned obsolence.

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depends which first world country you're in.
in muttland Fire are treated like heroes and tend to do very well for themselves, but this can vary depending on location and how much money local gov'ts have
EMTs absolutely get the short end of the "first responder" stick though with shit pay, shit hours, shit recognition, and shit benefits and for the most part is privatized now
t. EMT

Do your EMT's and Fire Department not operate together?
t. Volunteer Firefighter

Funny story, us Zig Forumsacks want Macron gone as well. A lot of us view this news the same way: "we knew this would happen, Macron is fucked now, and good riddance to the kike-sucking faggot."

It only remains to be seen if the French go full nationalist or if they get coopted by some muzzies or commie faggots like you guys here.

Communism is the only way to have Actual Nationalism though. I mean, don't you want French to own the Means of Production?


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"Commies" won't get elected in France
At the most it will be some sort of SocialDemocrat like Melenchon

insisting on the rights of workers not to be shot is crying for bourgeois law, i've just been enlightened by liberals that there's nothing wrong with breaking it though and killing workers
so stop complaining you bourgeois

depends, sometimes yes, sometimes no
really depends on the call, who gets there first, the nature of the call and so on. The service I work for covers such a broad area that it really matters on what county or city you're in at the movement since fire qualifications can vary between those areas


Defeatist, You can't win if you don't think you can. Thinking you will win is what energized the IWW in the 1890's-1925-ish era

Is this the punishment for wanting better living standards?

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