Does Zig Forums know that Conservatives and NutSacs actually don't like each other. They may tolerate each other to a certain degree but they really hate each other. They can barely even team up against Liberals,Socialists,Communists, etc.
Conservatives Vs Nazis
UK gave paychecks to Mussolini and MI5 airshipped Franco into Spain. The USA invaded Europe to save the assets of Nazi Germany and declared war on Japan to save their assets when they were gonna be invaded by USSR.
Capitalism is Fascism with a smiley face.
I mean all the Fash/NS/Etc don't really like the conservatives because they think they cuck out to everything and support Israel. I mean it would make sense Nazis don't like someone who support Israel.
Not Socialists are just the puppets of conservatives. The only purpose of right-wing ideology is to increase the profits of the bourgeoisie.
Lol no they aren't. The two groups hate each other vehemently. The right tried to say NS were communists in disguise and again, the conservatives support Israel which any kind of NS/WN/Fash would never do
Sure when things are going okay but when the inevitable contradictions of a Capitalistic mode of production fuck up society literally every time conservatives and by extension liberals since their basically the same shit they always run to fascists. Look at the big backers of Hitler and Mussolini. Big industrialists every-time and Hitler was even allowed to enter into power because of Conservatives literally letting him in and Hindenburg autism and while left wing rebels typically got long sentences or the death penalty Hitler got like 3 years in a minimum security prison because although the German Empire had collapsed many of it's bureaucratic and armed elements elements remained quite conservative wing.
That's pretty obvious, but a conservative would probably prefer some form of Neo-fascism or fascistic a society like Spain or something as opposed to some Bernie Social democracy liberal shit which isn't even anti-capitalist
Not so much, the fascists have always had the backing of conservatives when Socialists and Communists have grown in power and the US has had no problem propping off fascist regimes as long as they served US interests. Fascism is capitalism in decay, when it's contradictions appear and shit hits the fan fascists are the guys the conservatives and the bourgeoisie
Conservatives are just slyer Nazis
Even some non-Nazi-orthodox white nationalists like Richard Spencer support Israel.
I assumed they stopped doing this after Unite the Right. I mean, they might do it again, but for now it seems like "Nazis = socialists" is pretty dead as a meme.
Spencer is just honest about the fact that Israel is what they want, a Nazi state that has been carrying out 70 years of genocide.
Yeah but in the modern days running to the Fascists doesn't seem like something they would do, especially liberals. Conservatives are to scared of criticizing Israel to run to people who want to nuke it.
Well yeah they were involved in the uprising and it went on longer than the Beer Hall Putsch
Well generally because the liberals act retarded. I mean I think we can at least agree a lot of liberals are a few french fries short of a happy meal
That's actually still kinda contested on the right. Some say he did some say he did, either way Spencer got cast out a long time ago
Nah we're talking neocons and conservatives not Nazis. Dsouza really continued the "Nazis r socialist!" meme with his new movie
Lmao yeah, that guy. I forgot. Public library here had a copy of his book about President Hillary in the clearance section last time I looked.
Just wait till you have Communist militias running around the place and work places becoming increasingly unionized by Socialist unions and street brawls between differing political parties happening while unemployment and poverty skyrocket. I guarantee you the vast majority of every Hillery supporter will side with Capitalists over Socialists. Maybe not a literal outspoken Hitler but someone like Franco, anyway they side with the fascist side either until the Bourgeoisie put fascists into power in which case all the liberals die or they go pillage another country and their economy recovers or Socialists win power probably after a brutal civil war where the Fascists get free American arms and air support in in. Even if that was the case and Democrat sort of people wouldn't side with fascists Republicans and their more extreme elements I am certain would support someone like Hitler and all he would have to do is play down the incoming death camps until he's in power which is basically what he did historically.
Conservatives are okay with Israel because Israel serves American (capitalistic) goals in the middle-east. If Israel sided with the Soviets or Russia instead of America I bet they would be receiving some freedom packages like Syria and Libya,Iraq.
This was literally all left wing revolts though, painting a hammer and sickle onto something got you a long fucking sentence while painting bring back the Kaiser onto a wall and arming men and declaring a right wing Bavarian republic gets you 3 years in a minimum security prison. The Kaiser and his advisors may of fallen out of power and democracy put into Germany but the inner workings of the German empire it's bureaucrats,judges,layers,officers,police etc all remained fairly unchanged and they let the Right wing off a lot easier.
Well that says a lot doesn't it that potentially a lot of American republicans would literally prefer to live under some Neo-Fascism and all the stuff that comes with that then some Social democracy like Norway or Finland. Imagine if all the Trump is Hitler autism was real i bet a whole bunch of people in the US really wouldn't mind that much.
Some would join the NS others would form their own section, especially the ones who bootlick Israel the most. You would probably get more to your side if tried to talk to them instead of attacking or being rude. Everyone in antifa I try to talk to won't talk but I've met people from centrist to hardline NS and they mostly talk to me. But most likely they would create their own side since being with the NS would mean denouncing Israel, individualism, etc.
I mean probably but Israel was mostly made up by England and the US so them turning over to the reds wouldn't really make sense unless there was some sort of revolution within.
Well yeah you're saying you want to topple the current government. Back then if you went into most countries would throw you away for a long time or just shoot you if you revolted against the state.
Well Fascism for them would just give them a massive larp boner because now they can do their 3% "Muh fightin da commies and nazis" like they've been planning for awhile. Most conservatives would be doing that.
I know why people would be somewhat okay with it. Some would
Fuck I messed up, sorry I'm really high
My point was that left wing rebels would get death sentences and right wing rebels got 3 years in a minimum security prison. The inner working of the Weinmar especially it's upper echelons of power were still very much conservative and did side with far right elements over even basic bitch left wing stuff.
>Well Fascism for them would just give them a massive larp boner because now they can do their 3% "Muh fightin da commies and nazis" like they've been planning for awhile. Most conservatives would be doing that.
They'll be fine doing whatever their masters tell them, just don't let them damm lgbt fuckers out in public and put God in school and a Conservative would shoot anyone if the state told them.
Yeah I'm agreeing with you they were more centrist right. But looking at it from an outside view it's understandable why. The left wingers wanted an overthrow because among other reasons they had, Weimar was very ineffective.
Yes, I am very much aware of that, especially given that I used to browse Zig Forums. Half-chan's Zig Forums barely has actual NutSac's on it anymore though, and most of the ones that are still there have morphed into some warped amalgamation of American-based ideas (For example, now you have NutSac posters who are openly Anti-Russia and Anti-China, when before NutSac anons would praise Russia for being a "white country fighting off invaders" and because of "based Putin", and China for "removing Uighurs" and being "homogeneous"). I've even seen anons praise Israel as an example of an ethnostate protecting itself from foreign Islamic invaders. Half-pol's ground zero at this point is some kind of Trump centered Neoconservative ideology which is then injected with various separate reactionary ideologies that you would assume wouldn't mesh at all with it, but through a series on contortions somehow make it work. 8/pol/, despite being fucking autistic and having 80% of their threads relating to Jews with the other 20% related to degenerates, immigrants, e-drama, and whatever right-wing e-celeb roasty they hate this month and maybe a single thread at a time relating to any form of what could be called "literature", is surprisingly more consistent in their position then 4/pol/.
There are a lot more than you think, some have taken up the works of Rockwell and Pierce in promoting American NS rather than Deutsche NS.
I don't know when you left but all that's out the window they are very both. Not as much as before due to Putin rubbing shoulders a bit too much with Muslim leaders and with China they mainly praise them for being very hive mind and precise on things and not much else.
Those are just asswipes from RtD, nobody on pol likes them and want them gone. It's why for example you won't really see awooposting or kekistan shit outside of /ptg/ threads. As for literature there are have been a lot and still are lots of literature threads.
These are basically how Zig Forums sees /ptg/
In fact, the only thing they can agree on is that the system needs to die.
Only Zig Forums would think that having balls was an insult.
I'm a former conservative and associated with NutSacs for a while; AMA you'd like about the "movements" and ideological trends within them. My answers might take a while but it'll be to the best of my ability.
I left around the end of 2106, so when the cancer was greatest
Honestly, surprised it even exists given what happened to 8/pol/'s brit/pol/
Same shit different clothes
Republicans= fascist. Period.
Republicans are too cucked to be fascist.
Mostly online, see the thing about people who might adopt the Alt-Right label or associate themselves with it, is that a portion of us existed that at least reeled our autism in enough to not be "honest" about our beliefs in public, and definitely not to the point of acting like the fucking skinheads.
Most of us adopted labels like libertarian or something like that and had some edgy humor, that was the extent of it.
In the online sphere though, I was pretty reactionary; though I differed from Zig Forums in that I advocated more romanticist, conservative ideologies rather than modernist ones like Fascism.
I think that there's a divide between orthodox Fascists, Nazis, and Conservatives however. Generally I like(d) the Orthodox fascists for at least having a body of literature and philosophical bent to them that the Not Socialists on Zig Forums ignored in favor of raw emotion. Conservatives similarly, for all their romanticist views–and I'm taking even reactionary ideas like Monarchy under the conservative umbrella–could be versatile: intellectual enough to argue against liberalism, low enough to explain their ideas to the average person, and high enough to give them a kind of dignity.
What happened to brit/pol/?
from what ive heard brit posters went full anglo and started blaming the continetal europeans for everything while justifying firebombing cities in WW2.
they tried to be smug but got shitted on by everyone and banned
Fellow southerner here. Explain to me why swastika tattoos can't get enough of blacked porn