pee pee poo poo
4chan Zig Forumsack here lets talk
Did you forget to take that flag off?
Nah I just chose it… so far nothing from /lerftypol/ except for muh flag…
Ask on /marx/
That was really bad….. not even one want answer, you may as well tell your comrades to fuck off from our boards. I post at leftypol and instead on guy links /x/ and other sages… Zig Forums would have posted 20 replies of you posted your pro-leftypol stuff…
Shut the fuck up Batko, you're the worst of the lot
Ok, what you should probably know is that the vast majority of leftypol don't use the retarded "not real socialism" argument, so that one's gone. For muh holodomor, famines had existed in during the entire history of the Russian Empire, so it would make sense that some more famines would occur as the soviets are rebuilding their country from backwards feudalism to advanced, proper socialism. But ofc, since one famine that occurs in the USSR in 1932 is why socialism doesn't work.
People from ex eastern bloc countries prefer socialism over capitalism, literally just google that
And those two countries were completely in ruins as a consequence of returning to capitalism
No one here likes and/or is an sjw. Capitalist liberal feminism is retarded, socialist feminism is proper feminism
I personally don't support it, nigger.
Who is "letting" anyone do anything here, you stupid fuck? I'm personally against the perverse sexualization of kids by some SJWs, stop assuming shit you dumb fuck.
Imperialism, revisionism, and material conditions are the reason communism hasn't been achieved
I support true democracy, as in direct democracy, not phony liberal bourgeois representative democracy, and many other socialists support direct democracy too.
It's amazing, the stupidity of Zig Forums never ceases to baffle me no matter how many instances of it I've seen
Well I was going to write out a reply but then the mods edited your post so I don't know half of what you said.
Some points I was going to bring up:
- Marx mentioned the Rothschilds in several of his writings. Why would a secret agent working for the Rothschilds even mention them if you know he wanted to divert attention away from them?
- Adding to that, what is the motivation of the Rothschilds to uproot the very system that has made them fabulously wealthy?
- Trump is part of the neoliberal establishment and many of you Zig Forumstards do not understand what neoliberalism is and think it's what you call Democrats even though wikipedia is just 1 click away
- Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory that doesn't make any sense considering that, for instance, homosexuality existed and was popularized in ancient societies such as Rome before Marx even lived
- I personally support direct democracy although there are many authoritarians on this board who love """"democratic""" centralism
Mods I don't care if you ban retards, but don't edit their posts. Come on.
alright, I'm going to try
His parents were petit bourgeois but for the most part Marx was a struggling journalist who was constantly in debt, if scientifically analyzing "family, tradition, and values" is subversive then perhaps they should be reconsidered
The Germans allowing him on the train is hardly "helping" besides, Russia had basically been destroyed and the Tsar was already overthrown in February, if there's anyone to blame for the shitshow Russia was in it was the Tsar and Kerensky
see pic
Was not a genocide, bad year and kulaks hoarding grain and slaying animals because they were acting in their class interests
This happened to fascist countries too, how is this relevant?
Look at the sheer amount of coups and other fuckery in the third world courtesy of the US, Chile, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Honduras, Haiti the list goes on
No one cares and neither should you, if little kids want to kiss in public instead of just in private and feeling ashamed about it
a combination of communist leaders capitulating to revisionist lines and slowly reverting back to capitalism, British, American, and French fuckery, and the limits of technology in the 20th century when communism was at its strongest as a world movement, read Paul Cockshott's "Toward a New Socialism" in the pdf attached for more
>Democracy is not viewed as favourable
that's bourgeois democracy, aka the rule of big business owners over the workers
Whoops I'm a retard
Poo poo pee pee you filthy cuckchanner
Literally nothing you've learned from Zig Forums about communism is true. You are like a little boomer.
Assuming quoted the gist of it:
And yet, it remains a popular opinion that people were better off financially under communism:
Rejection of the communist bloc was because of the social repression that came with it, not the planned economies.
See, your fallacy here is the assumption that "The Left" is a monolithic block–we are not liberals. Identity politics are not up our alley, as they are by and large a distraction from class issues. If you want to know what liberals think, try Reddit.
Mass immigration is a direct result of capitalism. Imperialism blows up their homes, and the desire for cheap, socially alienated labor brings them to the West. If you condone capitalism, you condone mass immigration!
Also, Cultural Marxism is a literal conspiracy theory that has nothing to do with what the Frankfurt School actually said. It does not even take things out of context, it's outright fabricated nonsense made up by American paleoconservatives that think the entire world cares as much about their country as they do (spoiler: they don't). No one calls them out on it because most people don't know enough about the subject to understand why it is bullshit.
Complicated and full of Western misconceptions; the 20th century communist movement was very much a mixed bag, aside from obvious shitshows like the Khmer Rouge (which Vietnam rightfully put an end to). Some M-Ls are too defensive about it, but the idea that the far left does not recognize its failures is asinine; for that matter, its successes are often outright ignored or misrepresented in favor of screeching about HUNDRED BAZILLION DEAD BABBIES.
Burger propaganda. Our ultimate goal could be described as the democratization of society. We reject liberal democracy because it is a bourgeois lie that ignores the realities of class struggle, not because democracy is in itself a bad thing.
There's not actually a question here…
So any I would like pose to lefty pol and answer as best as you can on the following points (Rated PG Parental Guidance)
Not our comr8s, they're stupid idpoler liberals
You forgot his beginning:
A couple of your comrades that came on the boards didnt not have some good points about the general ideology with repeated statements like
Others were just shilling as you guys on the boards with their sickle and hammer as well as the black and red flags (not saying jidf and shareblue, but jidf and shareblue even glow in the dark niggers aka alphabet cubicle monkeys)
Also, mods, why did you have to ban the dude so quick? Let us have some fun at least.
That's what I'm talking about! It's their body, their rules! Nobody has a right to tell others what to do!
Feminism bad!
Yes, idpol indeed bad! Egalitarianism in the context of socialism good, special privileges bad!
Absolute nonsense made up by schizos with no evidence.
Overthrowing the monarchy strengthened Russia in the long term. Even Russian nationalists are often left wing because the Soviet Union made their nation a superpower.
The Tsar had it coming, to be frank. Revolution happened for a reason.
Jews were disproportionately represented in Soviet politics, but only barely; other minority groups also were. This is because they were frequently used as scapegoats by the Russian aristocracy, and thus had a strong motivation to join the revolution. The majority of the Bolsheviks were, of course, ethnic Russians.
Living their lives is one thing, going around and having Gay parades and forcing it into the education system is retarded. We never had classes about being straight, right? We don't cut of their heads or den them rights. The fact that some people will dislike them is inevitable because there will always be people with hatred. The difference here is that when you start making a parade out of it, and in essence forcing down everyone's throats something that should be private regardless of sexuality, you only provoke a reaction, and in the USA's case, MAGA-tards. There are many reasons for Trump's rise, but among them is the reaction to the ever-increasing identity politics of anfem-LGBTQRTYUIOLKJHGFGHJK faggots who can't stop themselves from being complete and utter assholes.
Sounds like regular conservative rhetoric from my angle.
They're not wrong about everything though. Granted their methodology and way of reasoning is rather faulty but naturally there will be some correspondence between conservative and socialist views, although, once more, the way they are arrived at may be different. Take this post for a different perspective:
1) conservatism does not equal right-wing or anti-socialist
2) the NPC meme is Zig Forums stuff, stop.
3) But it's right. Civil liberties matter, but centralizing your identity on your sexuality is identity politics, and shoving it down everyone's throats will only get people to hate the identity you built.
Your sexuality is like a Penis, there is no problem with it, but don't preach about it or wave it around in public. Pic related is the best subtle inclusion of homosexuality in culture I have seen. It is casual and subtle so that only the most pretentious people will get riled up over it.
What is sex ed?
They literally couldn't marry until like 5 years ago.
"things will never get better so we should give up" wew lad
Just don't go the parade if you don't give a shit. Does a weekly parade go by your window or what?
That education in high school where you learn about condoms, pap smear, the general notion of "safe sex", and abstinence.
In the US Vermont legalized it in 2000 and many states followed suit. Even homos living in areas where it was not legalized many times just went to get married where it was. Even then, marriage is you + partner + the government, it's a near-worthless institution save for tax purposes and muh tradishin.
Thing is, that might be a reasonable idea if we lived in a bubble. However, this sort of reasoning quickly falls apart when you apply it to other things: "Don't want slaves? Don't have any!", "Don't like Porky exploiting workers? Not your business/Get a different job!". As individual human beings, we care what other people do because it many times affects the rest of the world in some way, of which individuals are a part of. The sort of lifestyles frequently promoted by queers are ones that affect the world in several ways: you pay more for insurance, since they cost more due to the treatment of their diseases; you have more dysfunctional homes and simply more mentally ill people being enabled since queerdom comes with higher rates of associated mental illnesses than the average, and with this you have a breakdown of dignity that goes beyond merely societal spooks – the result will be a society that will degrade like that of present-day China, whose people, when observed as tourists, are frequently deemed among the most uncultured, rude, and arrogant people who ever do travel. A breakdown of society and individual ethos to this point invariably yields similar results; it matters what kind of values you have. The solution, then, is not to accept these sort of behaviors, but rather to treat them. Provide counseling and therapy to eradicate these fixations, and develop treatment if necessary.
Your limited conclusions lead you to reactionary temptations. Sex itself must eventually be abolished through transhumanism and replaced with things which do better jobs at experimenting with meaning (the whole point of the act of sex, now that it's increasingly decoupled from reproduction). So many avenues of sexual experimentation and performance - let alone homosexuality - have long been pursued, and sex with robots isn't going to change any of that. We don't need mindless and limited experimentation, which is only reinforced by private property (you know about this - you remind of the 'not your business' bullshit that liberals throw our way); we need ruthless and uncompromising exploration so that we are not standing still and rotting in our own piss. Knowing your sort, though, you will dismiss this as 'fantastical science-fiction' and stand in the way of implementing the very research programmes which will allow us to overcome the limitations which you screech about so much. You are simply not a Communist.
Doesn't even know the proper capitalization for communist
Because being human beings is wrong… wow.
That's not what sex is for. There are many reasons for it, among which is a basic natural need.
Yes and they're minorities and not seen as healthy. Not to mention that if you actually paid attention many things such as scat fetish is also linked, in part, with homosexuality.
Yeah this is why you're retarded. Morality may or may not be a spook, but ethics are not.
You can make progress and not be cunts. Your logic is the same logic used by Dr.Mengele in the Death Camps, where he performed many experiments. Some brought us new knowledge but the cost was unethical and could have been achieved in other ways.
No it's not science fiction. Science requires a purpose or otherwise it leads to the same destructive end. This is why people are wary of AI, CRISPR genetic engineering and of anti-matter experiments and other such stuff, the potential backfire could extinguish humanity.
Lastly, how the fuck is being a literal faggot and parading around with that fact strapped to your identity like a medal have anything to do with human progress?
Just my own 2 cents:
The label LGBTQ etc. is retarded, Lesbians is just a woman specific term for Gay. Also doesn't Bisexual imply that there is only 2 sexes? Queer is another word for weirdo, that has been turned into a term for homosexuals. Basically the Acronym says Gay Gay Bisexual Trans Gay. Simple format, GBT: Gay, Bisexual, Trans, no need for frivolous bullshit. You want to be gay? fine but don't make that your personality, don't shove it down everyone's throat and demand to be accepted and don't touch kids.